Ten years later.

The ancient dragons seemed to know some secrets, and they all hid themselves and disappeared.

The remaining Titans and Goblins were about to see each other's faces.

The strongest Titan today, Thunder Titan, once wanted to punish the rebellious Goblins personally, but felt a fatal threat thousands of miles away from the Goblin King's Court.

Then he gave up!

He returned to the Titan ancestral land to help his tribe recover from injuries.

Now nearly 10 million Goblins on the continent have all gathered around the Goblin King's Court and pledged allegiance to the Goblin King Amigel!

The Goblin King's Court treats the scattered tribesmen differently from the original Eagle King's Court.

They provide food for the tribesmen, help them choose where to live, and cultivate their extraordinary professionals.

As a result, the Goblin tribes that were originally scattered on the continent and belonged to different Titans returned to their hearts and worshipped Amigel as their king!

The Eagle Man Court, the Snake Man Court, the Mixed-Blood Giants, the Centaur Court and other races that are still loyal to the Titan Giants have stood up and denounced the goblins' disloyalty, but they can't change the fact that the goblins have become stronger!

The mysterious human race that appeared in the Goblin Court is even more curious.

Smart people have guessed that the rapid growth of the goblins is closely related to these human races.

At the same time.

The reputation of the Winged People on the continent has gradually spread.

Intelligent races that can fly in the sky are actually quite rare.

In particular, the Winged People almost all have the ability of the light system, and they also have the power of healing in their professional system, which is more popular among all races on the continent.

Moreover, when they meet in the sky, the Winged People are more powerful than the Eagle People.

Because their hands are like those of the human race, they can use bows and arrows to hit the Eagle People remotely.

And this feature also makes the Winged Archers one of the most powerful arms in Ferland!

Even extraordinary professionals will have a headache when facing the organized Winged Legion.

This also made the Goblin King's Court notice the importance of the Winged Man!

When the first snowflakes of winter fell on Mount Heaven, the Goblin's messenger arrived as expected!

Mount Heaven.

A team dressed very "fashionably" compared to the Ferland Continent climbed to the top of the mountain.

In this team, in addition to the short, slender, green-skinned Goblins, there is also a human who looks like a winged man without wings!

When the winged soldiers led the Goblin's envoys to Jiang You's tent.

The Goblin messengers fully demonstrated their qualities as messengers and the Ferland clan.

Only the human woman showed enough curiosity about the Winged Man clan, which was very similar to herself.

Looking around along the way, her expression was very rich.

Arrived at the White Stone Castle where Jiang You lived.

The Goblin messengers first showed the etiquette of treating the king of a foreign race, and had already touched their chests.

"Respected King of Winged People, we are the messengers sent by our king Amigel, and we pay our sincerest respects to you!"

Jiang You also stood up, with his white wings folded behind him. His purple eyes first scanned the goblins, and then looked at the human girl standing out among the goblins like a crane among chickens, and said with a smile.

"Welcome, messengers from the Goblin King's Court!"

He did welcome them, and at the same time he had some strange feelings.

The goblins in front of him were neatly dressed and clean, which was fundamentally different from the goblins that were often seen in the fifth chapter, who could only survive in the wilderness!

Seeing Jiang You's kind attitude, the goblin messengers felt relieved, and the leading goblin messenger went straight to the point.

"The Titans and the Ancient Dragons have ruled Ferland for thousands of years, enslaving all races and only knowing how to use their powerful military force. They are arrogant and conceited, and have started wars that can destroy the continent, killing countless people of Ferland and turning the sky and the earth into a sea of ​​fire!"

"To this day, all races on the continent are complaining, and their resentment and anger towards the Titans and Dragons have reached their peak!"

"And my goblin race, under the leadership of the Great Sage, the High Priest, and the Goblin King, has united all races on the continent and is ready to start an uprising to overthrow the rule of the Titans!"

"According to the wishes of all races, we envoys are willing to represent the goblins and all races of Ferland and form an alliance with the Winged People to join us in this great cause!"

"I wonder what the Winged People King thinks?"

After the envoy finished speaking in one breath, he raised his head and looked at Jiang You, expecting his answer.

Seeing that the goblin envoy was so direct, Jiang You also spoke directly.

"The Winged People are willing to form an alliance with the Goblin tribes to overthrow the rule of the Titans and dragons!"

"But, I don't know what benefits the Goblin King Court has promised our Winged People!"

"Isn't it the greatest benefit to overthrow the Titans and be the master of our own destiny?"

The Goblin Envoy smiled.

Jiang You shook his head and said seriously.

"The Winged People have lived on the coast in the past and have never surrendered to the Titans. Now that we have your conditions, what difference does it make whether we join or not?"


The Goblin Envoy was a little depressed, but from his intelligence, the Winged People did appear in Ferland in the past hundred years and did not surrender to the Titans or dragons.

The Goblin Envoy remembered the Great Sage's instructions.

"The Winged People have the best air force in the Ferland continent! We must fight for it!"

He sighed and said.

"Dear Winged King, the Great Sage and the Goblin King did promise!"

"If the Winged People join the Anti-Titan Alliance, they can choose any place as their territory after the war!"

"In addition, we are willing to share some magical goblin technology products with the Winged People!"

"In addition, there is..."

The goblin envoy said a lot.

Jiang You finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Good, please hand over the covenant, our tribe is willing to sign a covenant with the goblin tribe and fight against the unjust Titans together!"

After the negotiation.

Both sides were very satisfied, and Jiang You ordered the tribesmen to prepare a night banquet to entertain the goblin delegation!

At night.

The Winged People and the Goblins ate meat, drank wine, celebrated and danced in front of the grand bonfire.

The fiery red flames reflected on the faces of every creature present, and the girls of the Winged People stood in front of the huge bonfire singing and dancing!

Just when everyone was drunk.

The human girl who followed the goblin delegation to Heaven Mountain quietly walked to Jiang You and spoke softly.

"Respected King of the Winged People, I have a question for you!"

"Please ask, envoy!"

"May I ask King of the Winged People, did the ancestors of the Winged People also come from the Refuge?"

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