Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 211: Vivian's Ascension to God

502nd year of the Elf Dynasty.

Jiang You engraved the angel rules drawn up by the Goddess of Wealth into the rules of Mount Heaven.

From then on, the angels were divided into different levels.

Not only did Lucifer, Sophia, and Arita become four-winged angels, but even the Father of Oak and the Platinum Dragon God also had two pairs of wings.

The gods in the outside world did not care much about the changes in the forms of several gods in Mount Heaven.

They still believed that several gods in Mount Heaven belonged to Jiang You's judgment system.

It was normal for the main god to have wings and his subordinates to imitate him.

521st year of the Elf Dynasty.

After the legendary magician Amidia of the Southern Human Kingdom of Dawn advanced to the legendary level, he began to study the power of blood.


523rd year of the Elf Dynasty.

The northern part of the Balod Continent.

A human magician named Madis and his fellow adventurers built a city in the ice and snow land of Laonchi.

They annihilated the dangerous monsters in the Laonchi area and signed a covenant with the ice and snow fairy tribe here.

After that.

They moved in their own families and erected the statue of the goddess of ice and snow in the center of the city.

Decades later, Laonchi City became the northernmost city of ice and snow on the Balod continent. It was also a city of mixed races and the first choice for adventurers heading north.

Year 543 of the Elf Dynasty.

The legendary magician Amidia of the Dawn Kingdom of the southern human race discovered through research.

The fighting spirit system of the declining orcs is also applicable to the human race, and those human races whose ancestors have extraordinary people or have strong bloodlines can practice specific fighting spirit very quickly!


Year 561 of the Elf Dynasty.

The true ancestor of the blood race, Vivian, established the blood race city, Brand City, in the north of the Momed human city-state area, with the blood race castle as the center.

And a year later, with Brand City as the royal city, the blood race kingdom was established. She led the blood race queen herself and began her own journey to godhood.


Year 576 of the Elf Dynasty.

Proadas Lake area.

The Eastern Capital of the Elf, the Royal City of Proshil.

The magicians of the Silver Moon Elf Clan cultivated a flying magical beast, called the Silver Moon Giant Eagle.

This giant eagle can carry two elves at the same time, and it has magical abilities and extraordinary power of wind.

The Silver Moon Giant Eagle Knights of the Elf Clan were born.

The 578th year of the Elf Dynasty.

The forest elves living in the Great Forest of Edith were inspired by the Father of Oak.

A forest elf genius named Michel opened up a new career path—Druid, and advanced to Legend.

The Druid profession is very suitable for the forest elves. They use it to transform into various large magical beasts, and their strength is greatly increased.

However, the Druid profession was not kept by the forest elves. Because of its extremely high universality, it was stolen by other races.

Many years later, a large number of Druids appeared in the Ferland world.

The 589th year of the Elf Dynasty.

Amidia, the legendary magician of the Southern Human Kingdom of Dawn, began to study how to integrate the blood of some magic beasts into the blood of the human race.

He and his disciples traveled across four continents, collected more than three thousand kinds of magic beast blood, and implanted them into the blood of some human races.

Wind wolf, earth bear, moonlight wolf, flame tiger, golden lion, light tiger, snow cat, hard-skinned pig, cold shark, giant whale, thunder eagle, etc., and even the blood of dragons were implanted into the blood of three thousand human races.

In the end, hundreds of these bloods survived and became the ancestors of the blood knights of later generations.

As long as they awaken their blood, they will awaken extraordinary power.

And some of the high-level magic beast bloods, those with extremely strong extraordinary abilities, will become one of the sources of warlocks in the future.

Year 599 of the Elf Dynasty.

The human adventurers of the Southern Kingdom of Dawn brought news of a new continent in the south of the Ferland continent.

However, there are a large number of monsters living on this continent called Opler.

Most of these monsters live in groups and are quite exclusive.

Many years ago, the goblins and trolls who came here to take refuge had already been reduced to cave monsters under the attack of these monsters.

After the new continent was discovered.

All races on the continent of Ferland, including elves, humans, dwarves, lizardmen, trolls, centaurs, orcs, behemoths, bearmen, snakemen, etc., have sent forces to develop the continent of Opler.

Under the threat of the abyss demons, all races are eager to have more overseas territories.


The Elf Dynasty calendar is 623 years old.

The true ancestor of the blood race, Vivian, held high the blood kingdom and became a god with weak divine power.

This time, no god stopped Vivian from ascending to the godhood.

The gods thought that Jiang You would appear to stop him, but they didn't expect that he would let Vivian ascend to the godhood.

After Vivian ascended to the godhood, she did not join the Judgment God System of Mount Heaven, but quietly became a nobody in the neutral camp.

This gave an exciting signal to many demigods in the world who were preparing to ascend to the godhood. As long as their strength was low enough, no gods would stop them.

They all began to prepare for the ascension to the godhood.

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