The second meeting of the gods of the world of Flanders ended, and the new rules for ascending to the gods were clarified.

The whole world.

The demigods rejoiced and began to prepare.

Second year.

Year 657 of the Elven Dynasty.

On the continent of Balod, in the northern land of ice and snow, Laangchi City, the ice and snow demigod Eves transformed the 30,000 miles around the land of ice and snow, Laangchi City, into an area suitable for intelligent races to live.

A large number of humans and a small number of dwarves, trolls and elves have settled in this northern cold land.

The human magician a hundred years ago established the Kingdom of Laangchi on this land.

The Ice and Snow Goddess improved the harsh environment of the bitter cold land and was verified by the Judgment Angel Sophia to have made great contributions to the world. She held high the Kingdom of God and ascended to the God of Ice and Snow!


Year 659 of the Elven Dynasty.

The Earth Goddess quietly gave birth to a daughter, who was quietly brought back to the Kingdom of Dawn by the Lord of Dawn.


The elven dynasty is 660 years old.

Momed region.

More than a dozen gods simultaneously lifted up the Kingdom of God and ascended to the throne of God.

Their contributions were all tested and qualified by Sophia.


Elf Dynasty Calendar Year 661

The troll Oden Bloodaxe, the dwarf Mit Evart, the mermaid Millis, and the human king of the morning, Jobri Alona, ​​hold high the Kingdom of God and achieve the gods of throwing, exercise, water flow, and nobility.

Their contribution to the world is paid for by the Lord of the Morning.


662 years of the Elven Dynasty.

Altais, the High King of the Elves, ascended to the throne as the God of Kingship with the support of the Silver Moon Goddess.

Its world contribution is provided by Ekaria. The contribution of this verification is the twin goddesses of destiny, and the detection is correct.

The father and daughter of the Elf King, Altais and Monelil, are two gods of one sect, making them the envy of many races.

The third elf king was Altais's disciple Avemander, who was titled the Eternal King.


Year 665 of the Elven Dynasty.

Andaras, the god of the underworld, invited the ice and snow goddess Eves to join the underworld pantheon.

Eves agreed and began to serve as the goddess of the underworld.

The Gatekeeper of the Dark Moon appears.

Year 666 of the Elven Dynasty.

Nini Anne, the lake fairy demigod of Proadas, successfully ascended to the throne of the lake goddess with the support of the Silver Moon Goddess.

This time the world contribution was also provided by Ekaria, and it was the twin goddesses of fate who verified the contribution.

Year 667 of the Elf Dynasty.

Anton, the god of food, Verga, the god of art, Tiput, the god of warmth, Liuman, the god of houses, Doyas, the goddess of clothing, Mias, the god of travel, Ammet, the god of bridges, and Fu, the god of clouds. Gods such as Persia, the rain goddess Peril, the tide goddess Miyoya, and the sports god Lebert made contributions to the world in the same year, and after Sophia's verification, they became gods one after another.

This year.

All living beings in the world can see that every ten days, a true god exalts the Kingdom of God in the sky and becomes one of the stars in the sky.


670 years of the Elven Dynasty.

Brantes, the God of Mountains and Forests, and Daraska, God of Grasslands, held high the Kingdom of God, ascended to the throne of God, and joined the Earth God System.

Starvell, the God of Starlight, held high the Kingdom of God, ascended to the Kingdom of God, and joined the Dawn God System.

Ammentor, the god of volcanoes, held high the Kingdom of God, ascended to the throne of God, and joined the Vulcan pantheon.


From 671 to 689 in the Elven Dynasty.

At least a few gods ascend to the gods every year, and the Judgment Angel Sophia is about to receive the Busy Priesthood.


690 years of the Elven Dynasty.

This year.

Ogxi, the god of knowledge that Jiang You and Anatania have longed for, will finally become a god.

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