High in the sky.

In front of the platinum throne.

Jiang You and Anatanya stood side by side at the highest point, feeling the gentle breeze on the top of Mount Heaven.

For Anatanya's suggestion, Jiang You immediately thought of the Internet in his previous life.

He could first build a main server on Mount Heaven.

Then give each believer a client to connect to the server.

Then, use some of the bank's management methods to manage the power of faith.

The power of faith is stored in a server like a bank.

The cashback of the power of faith is managed by Anna and the archangels.

Those priests are employees with internal authority and can use the magic converted from these powers of faith, which is equivalent to paying wages.

The more devout their faith and the greater their contribution, the more salary they will receive.

After Jiang You finished speaking, Anatanya was amazed.

"However, this does require your divine power to complete. Anna, if you build this faith power conversion station, you will be bound to me forever."

"Of course."

"However, what will you use as the faith power server?"

Anatanya asked.

"The server is not simple. It is the key to the whole plan. It not only needs to be the destination of faith power, but also has the function of storing faith power."

She was really confused.

There is no such divine object in the entire Heaven Mountain. The only new god with the storage priesthood can only store it. It is impossible to refine it into a divine weapon.

That would be too chilling for the gods of Heaven Mountain.

Jiang You smiled at her after hearing this.

"Anna, just watch me do it."

As he said this, a brilliant figure walked out of Jiang You's body.

In the eyes of the goddess of wealth.

The brilliance dissipated, revealing a figure exactly like Jiang You.

Jiang You walked in front of this brilliant shadow, raised his head and lightly touched "his" brow, and said majestically.

"You should be my "divinity" and do things of faith for me!"

Suddenly, a pure white light poured into the body of the shining shadow.

Jiang You used the "god" part as a beacon of faith, and transformed a part of his soul into a "heart" and transferred it into the body of this figure.

Each projection of the light is controlled by his own consciousness.

After today.

The separation of this projection of light is equivalent to that he will need to do two things at the same time in the future.

However, in Anna's eyes, she saw that the projection of light that came out of Jiang You's body nodded to them, stepped onto the sky of Heaven Mountain, and walked to the edge of the barrier of Heaven Mountain.

"The Holy Throne is me!"

The characteristics of the Holy Throne realm are activated.

The projection of the light suddenly turned into an illusory Holy Throne, hanging high above it.


Jiang You picked up the halo above his head, and the originally pure white and shining halo suddenly split into two, and he threw one of them into the sky.

The aperture immediately merged into the virtual throne, and the pure white light shone brightly. The original shadow of the throne disappeared, and a pure white sun appeared above the Heaven Mountain, emitting dazzling pure white light.

At this time.

Jiang You pointed at Anna and several archangels again, and in an instant, they all mastered part of the power of the pure white sun at the same time.

After all this was over.

Jiang You smiled and said to Ana Tanya.

"Look, the server is ready."

Ana Tanya felt the pure white sun in the sky through control.

From the moment it took shape, she could clearly know that this pure white sun met all the conditions to become a converter of faith power, and could even do more in the future.

"Too great, Uriel! I have to say, your path to God is really amazing."

Anna's little face was full of admiration, and the emotional value was full.

Then she asked again.

"So, Uriel. How to solve the client you mentioned?"

"For the client, I have prepared two solutions, which are guaranteed to cover all believers."

"Which two?"

"The first one is to use my statue in each temple as a large beacon point, which will cover believers in a large area."

"The collection of faith power and the distribution of divine arts in this area are all extended from it. At the same time, it is also the basis of the second set of solutions."

"Under the statue, I will let the priests put a pool, and holy water will be produced every day. This is the beginning of the second set of solutions."

"I will use a method called baptism to cast small personal beacons."

"Everyone who is baptized by holy water will have this beacon."

"And, under my will, as long as the strength does not reach the level of gods, they will not be discovered."

And when they reach the level of gods, they have already entered the Heaven Mountain.

"This beacon also has the function of collecting the power of faith and issuing divine arts."

"Pure White Sun, Holy Water Baptism! Yes, the Internet you mentioned was formed in this way!"

Anna praised.

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