West Coast of Flanders.

Holy city.

Within the Holy See.

Parliament Hall.

Standing on the seat, Archpriest Arent spoke loudly.

"The combination of the knight's strong defensive ability and strong combat ability with the priest's powerful healing ability will surely become an unfailing monument and a torrent of steel on the battlefield!"

At this time, the bishop of the Holy City Holy See was Amit, a disciple of Ponte Reinhardt. He had always adhered to Ponte's policy and encouraged these novel ideas of the congregation.

"Good idea, Arent. I will tell the Patriarch your idea and ask him to use the great prophecy to point out the way forward for this professional system."

"However, the transformation and research of this kind of profession will take time. I wonder if you have any other ways to drive away these legendary evil dragons."

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

All their ideas take time.

At this moment, outside the door, a blond man and a silver-haired girl suddenly walked in.

The blond man spoke first.

"Praise the platinum moon, praise the platinum dragon god!"

"Who are you?"

Amit, who was sitting in the main seat, frowned and asked.

The blond man was very polite.

"Please forgive us for coming uninvited."

"Dear Bishop, have you ever heard of the legendary golden dragon and silver dragon living on Siler Island in the West Sea? Why don't you ask them to take action to drive away these evil dragons?"

Amit wondered.

"Your Excellency?"

"Hahahaha, to be honest, we are the owners of Siler Island."

The blond man laughed.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! Followers of the Platinum Dragon God never lie!"

A few days later.

The legendary golden dragon and the legendary silver dragon and the priests of the Holy City once again went to battle in the mountains and forests in the northern part of the Holy City, and finally drove away the three legendary evil dragons.

The army of monsters under his command were also dispersed.

A priest stood on the ruins of the battlefield, looking at the goblin corpses holding stones and wooden spears as weapons, and sighed sincerely.

"Unexpectedly, the goblins who dominated Ferland in ancient times also fell into a monster-like situation."

Azeba's fall and the enemies he made during the goblin era were indeed the main reasons for the goblin's downfall.


A few months later.

Ponte Reinhardt, the great prophet of New Polek King City, predicted that the new career advice reported by the bishop of the holy city would definitely shine on the demonic battlefield in the future.

Therefore, he arranged for many priests who were also changing knight professions to go to the Holy City to study new professions.

That is, a profession that combines the advantages of priests and knights.

He named this upcoming profession, priesthood.

Year 824 of the Elven Dynasty.

West Coast Holy City.

After years of research and experimentation.

On the eastern outskirts of the Holy City, the first Paladin was born!

This is a hero-level light knight named Chris Wayne. He was originally a noble of the kingdom, but later voluntarily gave up his territorial inheritance rights, joined the Holy See, and became a high priest.

Later, he was sent to the holy city on the west coast by Ponte Reinhardt to study the holy profession. In the end, he lived up to his expectations and became the first to advance into the clergy predicted by Ponte, a paladin!

Moreover, he discovered that there were two ways to change his profession to a Paladin.

One is the priest profession, and the other is the light knight profession.

In this regard, a large number of Paladins who changed their profession appeared in the Holy City.

Year 830 of the Elven Dynasty.

Chris Wayne advanced to become a legendary paladin and was ordered to form a knightly order armed by the Holy See.


Year 832 of the Elven Dynasty.

The first Holy Knights of the Holy See were established in the Holy City and were named the Knights of the Holy City.

This order of knights is also the predecessor of all future orders of holy knights.


Year 859 of the Elven Dynasty.

The continent of Opler in the south of Ferland.

After more than two hundred years of development and development.

The Warcraft population of Opule continent was driven to the south, where elves, humans, dwarves, lizardmen, trolls, centaurs, half-orcs, Behemoths, bearmen, snakemen, etc. all occupied a territory.

Among them, the southern humans and Silver Moon elves occupy the largest territory.

Because of management difficulties in overseas territories.

The king of the Kingdom of Dawn in the South sent his eldest son Seote Arona to the continent of Opule to establish a new human kingdom, the Seote Kingdom.

The Elven Dynasty lasted for 900 years.

The Silver Moon Elves also followed the example of the southern humans and established a Silver Moon Elf Territory in the Munn Forest north of Opule.

Take the legendary elf Kaliana as the lord of Munn and rule the vast area in and around the Munn Forest.

The Elven Dynasty is in the calendar year 926.

The current deputy king of the kingdom of the winged people, Michael Limir, relies on his own strength to advance to the level of demigod angel.


Elf Dynasty 956.

The earth goddess Garea controls life and the environment. She expands the underground world of Flanders into a world where living creatures can survive, achieving powerful divine power.

A large number of ants began to enter the underground world to survive.

The Rat People and Spider People who originally lived in the underground world began to believe in the Earth Goddess because of her great achievements in opening up livable places in the underground world.

Some dark elves and some dwarves began to move into the underground world to thrive.


Year 967 of the Elf Dynasty.

The fire god Felhamus mastered the priesthood of warmth and brought countless volcanoes and magma to the underground world, completely illuminating and warming this dark world, and also achieving powerful divine power.


The 988th year of the Elf Dynasty.

The fire god Felhamus took a baby girl from the Earth Kingdom and brought her back to the Kingdom to raise her.


The 999th year of the Elf Dynasty.

In the Dawn Kingdom, a goddess whose priesthood was harvest successfully ascended to the gods and entered the Dawn God System.

She claimed that her mother was the Earth Goddess, but was denied by Garia.


The 1000th year of the Elf Dynasty.

The gods sitting in the sky all felt an evil breath coming from the unknown void time and space.

The next second.

A breath of fallen evil suddenly erupted in the center of the Felander continent!

Immediately afterwards.

An extremely powerful and terrifying will tore open the barrier of the Felander world and broke this time and space.


As the space was torn apart.

A bloody red moon suddenly appeared in the sky.

The bloody moon was in the sky, and something ominous was revealed.

The abyss demon had descended!

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