Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 229 One of the nine sequence 0s, the Lord of Shadows.

1109th year of the Elven Dynasty.

Balod Continent.

The god of wine Oxera ascended to the throne of wine and pleasure.

Oxera's followers also come from many races. On several continents, there are numerous taverns that are his places of faith.


In the hot land west of Balod, adjacent to the Kingdom of Flame Giants.

A group of pioneers composed of humans and dwarves established a wine-making city here, also called Oxer City.

This city consists of a large number of wineries. It is more of a wine production base than a city.

All the major intelligent races living around welcome this group of believers of the god of wine.

After all, no one doesn't like to drink.

Especially the Flame Giants, who love fine wine very much.

And in fact.

The god of wine Oxera has a good relationship with many gods.


Elven Dynasty Calendar 1156th year.

This year.

In the vast areas in the north of Ferland, the northwest of Finod Continent, the south of Balod Continent, the west of Opler Continent and other areas, there are powerful people from the previous era who have settled for many years.

One of the nine sequence 0 Lords of Shadow, Sisados, ascended Mount Heaven and met in front of Jiang You's throne.

"Great and honorable Lord of Judgment, King of Gods. I am Sisados ​​of Shadow. This time I came to your Mount Heaven, hoping to get your protection when I ascend to God!"

On the platinum throne shining with a faint glow.

Jiang You sat on it.

Beside him, Anatanya stood on his right.

Under the steps.

Two archangels stood on both sides, and more than a dozen demigod angels stood around the open-air hall, standing in front of the void, guarding the sacred peak of Mount Heaven.

Inside and outside the hall, you can see the void star realm above, and the deep space on the left and right.

In the middle, Sisados ​​finished speaking, then lowered his head and waited for Jiang You's reply.

At this time, the goddess of wealth Anastasia leaned close to Jiang You's ear and whispered.

"Uriel, this is the Lord of Shadows, Sisados, one of the Sequence 0s of the last era, and one of the nine Sequence 0s like us."

Jiang You was a little confused after hearing Anastasia's explanation.

He had never heard of a main god like the Lord of Shadows in his previous life.

So he asked.

"Since he is a Sequence 0, why did he ascend to God only now?"

Anastasia thought for a while and said.

"I guess it's because Sisados ​​was not only the mortal enemy of the Lord of Dawn Arodas in the last era, but also opposed the Silver Moon Goddess Ikalia. I even heard rumors that he was once a brother of life and death with the God of Fire Felems, but they eventually turned against each other!"

"E~~, anyway, he is not a serious person."

"Good guy, you are the enemy of the whole world!"

Jiang You looked at him with admiration. He understood why he had never heard of the God of Shadows in the game expansion pack of his previous life.

How could he become a god after offending so many people?

Thinking of this, he suddenly smiled at Anatanya.

"By the way, does he owe you money?"

Anatanya rolled her eyes at him and said.

"That's not the case, but a lot of his money comes from unknown sources, and he always wants to deposit it in my bank."

"Well, since he is a "lonely man", I will help him."

So Jiang You lowered his sacred eyes, looked at Xisados, and smiled.

"Xisados, the master of shadows. I can help you become a god, so what can you give me?"

"Great Lord of Judgment, I am willing to give you the "illusion" priesthood!"

"Illusion, okay. Go back and prepare to become a god. With me here, no one can stop you."

"Thank you for your kindness!"

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