Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 24 The origin of the Mong Plains Alliance and the Knights

The Ferland continent is vast and has a vast territory.

From the coast of the East China Sea to the central Monen Plain, it took more than a month for the Winged People to fly at a high speed every day, and they barely arrived at the Monen Plain with other allied races.

There was no way. In terms of the distance, only the mermaids on the west coast could be compared with the Winged People.

Along the way, they did not encounter any obstructions from monsters and other races.

Just kidding, the sky army composed of 10,000 Winged People, flying in the air, is boundless, like an extremely huge dark cloud advancing forward, extremely terrifying!

Not to mention, this Winged People Corps holds bows, and at a command, thousands of arrows are fired at the same time. Who can stop that terrifying scene?

On the way, Jiang You also led the Winged People Corps to wipe out a lot of blind monsters.

This also made him see the combat effectiveness of his own Winged People Corps, and he was more confident in the next war!

Arriving above the Monen Plain, there are already nearly a million troops of various tribes on this vast plain.

They camped on the plain in groups.

Jiang You saw.

There are tall tauren wielding heavy stone axes, venting their seemingly endless brute force in the camp.

There are short but strong dwarf strongmen, who are holding bronze weapons, and some are even forging in the camp.

There are centaurs who come and go like the wind. They are naked at this moment, with braided hair, but they are excellent in archery and are one of the most powerful cavalry in the current Ferland continent.

There are also some troll clans who also betrayed the Titans, and their numbers are also large. In today's Ferland, except for the goblins, the troll population is the largest.

There are mermaids who are born with water spells. There are not many of them. They came all the way from the west coast to help in the battle. It is said that it is because of the great love between a goblin prince and a mermaid princess!

However, Jiang You didn't think that the mermaid princess would fall in love with a goblin prince.

There are the goblins' good brothers, the dwarfs. This race is purely here to cheer, but the dwarfs are not weak, and they also have a large number of inherited magic professions!

There are ignorant fairies who come to join in the fun. The fairies are divided into several categories according to the elements. The ones who come here are wind fairies, light fairies, and their guardians, a forest fairy.

Fairies have a long life span, live in the forest, and have extremely strong magic power.

In ancient times, before many power systems rose, the fairies were very powerful. Even the goblins didn't want to offend.

For their actions to join in the fun, the goblin king Amigel directly acquiesced. With a big fairy watching, these little guys should not do anything outrageous.

Moreover, this forest fairy is a legendary strongman.

There are also the tree people, known as the ancient tanks, with a number of about hundreds, but where they take root, it is like an indestructible wall. In addition, they have been friendly with some trolls for generations.

In addition, there are the Warcraft dwarf wolf tribe tamed by the goblins, as well as the dog-headed people and wild boars under the command of the ancient dragons, etc.!

There are also a large number of intelligent races that Jiang You cannot name, and these intelligent races may not be able to pass on their blood to the future.

But more of them are the goblin army with endless tents!

The goblin army of this era is an absolute elite division.

They are armed with sharp weapons. In just over a decade, one-tenth of these goblins have worn iron weapons and armor. I think this is the contribution of the pre-era human race who walked out of the shelter.

Some steam technology steel weapons are also placed outside their tents, with a great momentum to swallow up the mountains and rivers.

But these weapons are indeed not weak. Jiang You can feel a lot of places that pose a fatal threat to him after just a few glances.

This made him both envious and jealous, and he could only silently think in his heart.

"The second chapter is coming soon. This is the era of goblins. My winged people are not strong enough yet, so we have to wait for the future!"

As far as Jiang You could see, the entire Monen Plains accommodated hundreds of intelligent races.

Their forces ranged from tens of thousands, such as the trolls. They were also a large tribe of Ferland, but some of their camps chose the Titans.

There were hundreds of fewer, such as the fairies. They sang light songs in the camp, without any tension about the coming war. They seemed to be joining in the fun.

Carts of food and supplies were sent from all over by the goblins.

When the winged army led by Jiang You came to the sky above the Monen Plains, it was like a vast sea of ​​clouds moving to the sky, blocking the long day!

Very conspicuous.

On the Monen Plains, almost all races saw this huge sky force holding longbows and bronze swords hanging from their waists.

The Winged People have only been on the continent for a dozen years, and many of the continent's races don't know them.

At this moment, seeing a huge sky army flying in the sky from afar, they were all a little confused.

"Didn't they say that the Eagle King Court disdains to unite with us to resist their great master, the Thunder Titan Giant?"

"Why does this sky army look so much like the Eagle Clan? Could it be that their Eagle King is the kind of person who says one thing and does another?"

At this time, "knowledgeable brothers" of different races laughed.

"Your information is too backward. The people flying in the sky now are our allies, the Winged People. Although they look very similar to the Eagle Clan, they are completely different!"

"My clan leader said that the Eagle Clan is nothing compared to the Winged Clan. I remember he said something before, one wing equals five Eagles!"

"One Winged Clan equals five Eagles? Wow, it looks like the Winged Clan can compete with Eagles, Griffins, Two-Headed Dragons, Horned Eagles and other sky races for sky supremacy!"

"Anyway, with them, we don't have to worry about enemies from the sky!"

At this time.

In the Goblin camp, a team of Goblin professionals flew up and came to Jiang You.

They were wearing armor, carrying swords or chain hammers, and the power of wind was surging on their bodies, dragging them to fly in the sky.

Jiang You sensed that this team of Goblin professionals had not reached the legendary realm, so they should be a kind of flying superhuman profession.

And according to what Jiang You knew, including the Goblin King, most of the Goblin Superhumans were Knights.

This team of Goblin warriors might be the advanced "Sky Knights" of the Wind Knights among the Goblins!

It may sound a bit ridiculous.

In ancient times, the various knight professions developed by the goblins were indeed one of the sources of the "knight" profession in the future!

The four types of knights popular in the world, wind knight, earth knight, water knight, and fire knight, were created by the goblins!

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