Then, the silver full moon seemed to fold in half, turning into a silver scimitar and attacking Arland.

"Sun God? It's interesting."

Alan smiled slightly when he saw this.

"Truth Witchcraft: Reversing Time and Space!"

In an instant, the entire space and time in the sky shattered and reunited like glass, and then everything turned upside down.

The huge silver-moon scimitar suddenly turned around and slashed at everyone on the Sky City.

"Damn it, Carl Rose, your trump card is back."

A human demigod from the Dawn Kingdom roared speechlessly, and had no choice but to take out a golden spear and throw it into the sky.

A bright golden sun appeared in the sky, and wisps of gorgeous morning light suddenly formed, stretching like silk threads into a huge net of sunlight, protecting the entire sky city.

The attack of the Silver Moon Scimitar hit the sun net, splashing golden light rhyme, swaying up and down, and then the golden sun spear emerged one by one, heading towards Arland.

The distant sky.

The wizard of truth, Alande, stood in the sky like a green pine, with a few doubts in his eyes.

"Another sun god?"

But then he laughed to himself.

"So what about the Sun God? I am most familiar with the Sun God."

The sun god of the Nolan world is still suppressed under the Tower of Truth, serving as the energy source and research object of the entire Tower of Truth.

He stretched out the sky scepter, used the original authority of the sky god, and pointed a little at the net of the morning sun on the sky city.

Just for a moment.

The sky where the entire Sky City is located seems to be expanding, expanding countless times.

The sun's net was suddenly burst by the endless sky, and those golden sun guns were immediately pulled into the vast sky that suddenly expanded, turning into little bits of sunlight scattered cleanly.

At this moment, the faces of everyone in the expeditionary force turned completely green.

The two main artifacts were scrapped, leaving the opponent unscathed.

At this time, a dark elf stood up, took out a ball as black as ink, and sighed.

"Everyone, that powerful being in the sky must be the main god with powerful divine power. This is a treasure given to me by Hades. The magic inside can temporarily help us cover everything up."

"But it's impossible to escape from this world. The deep sky is endless and empty. Even if you escape, you will definitely be caught up."

"So, I suggest that we escape to the land of this world and hide between the heaven and the earth."

"Okay, but we still need someone to cover us."

"Furthermore, the space around Sky City is blocked, so we may not be able to escape."

Said a dwarven legend.

Ever since he saw the two powerful main artifacts returning without success, he was a little worried that Hades' main artifact was unreliable.

At this time.

Raphael took the initiative to stand up and said.

"I'll do it! My Lord gave me the Purple Gold Divine Sword before he left. I guess he expected this day to come."

"The mighty power of our Lord's judgment will surely be able to break through the surrounding time and space blockade and block the one in the sky for a while."

"After I draw my sword to the being in the sky later, Monikon, you will use Hades' artifact, then blow up the core of Sky City, activate the teleportation array, and escape!"

Having said this, Raphael turned to look at Arthur Reinhardt.

"Arthur, among us, you have the best chance of escaping. I see that the two beings in the sky both look like humans. If you escape to the mainland, you can hide in the sea of ​​people."

"If we find an opportunity, we must contact our Lord. Only He can take us home."

"Okay, Raphael!"

Arthur Reinhardt's eyes flashed with determination.

"Then let's get started!"


Raphael took a step forward, held down the sword at his waist, came to the edge of Sky City, faced the Wizard of Truth in the sky, and suddenly drew his sword!

on the sky.

The wizard of truth, Alande, stood in the void at leisure. After receiving the attack skills left in the artifact by the Silver Moon Goddess and the Lord of the Dawn, he stood quietly in the sky and waited.

He had determined that the other party came from a world of gods, which was too much for him.

He was fighting the gods!

At the end of the thousand-year war between gods, he led the wizards and broke into the kingdom of gods.

He hoped that these outsiders in front of him could bring him surprises.

As for the discussions of everyone in Sky City, he didn't care.

It's nothing more than how to escape.

Outside the boundary is the endless deep space, and within the world is his territory. It is impossible for those outside the boundary to escape.

At this time, he was already guessing that there were several powerful powers in the other party's world.

"Let's see what other tricks they have. If they are all at the same level as before, there will be two regular wizards in the Wizards' Council who have broken through, and they can be the first target of the expedition."

Just when he had some free time, he saw on the white jade floor of the Sky City below, the angel with white wings suddenly stepped forward, faced him, and drew his sword brazenly!

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