Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 248 The Beacon in the Round Table

Accepting Gawain as a knight squire, he established a connection with the village, allowing Arthur Reinhardt to integrate into this world.

After that, Arthur Reinhardt lived in this small village.

He did not reveal his identity as a supernatural being, fearing that he would be found by wizards.

To the outside world, he claimed to be a hunter rescued by Gawain in the mountains.

During the day, he taught Gawain to practice the profession of knight.

Gawain was not actually very talented, but Arthur Reinhardt, as a demigod, naturally had the ability to awaken his supernatural powers.

At night, he would go outside the village and bury time and space beacons in small hills, rivers, valleys, and deep in the earth.

In addition, he also built a huge round table in Gawain's yard and hid a time and space beacon inside the round table.

After the time and space beacon was ready, it took several months like this. He wanted to wait for reinforcements from the main world.

But soon, something broke his plan to hide and wait for the Lord God to find him.

One day.

He came to the tavern in Camelot in the guise of a traveling merchant and heard the news brought by a merchant from the capital.

A month ago, the royal patron saint of the Kingdom of Besit, the Sky Knight who was equivalent to the Morning Star Wizard (Legend), captured a strange-looking, human-like alien with pointed ears.

The kingdom directly sentenced her to sin, saying that it was a wanted order issued by the Wizard Council.

In the end, the alien with pointed ears was burned to death in public.

This news shocked Arthur Reinhardt.

After returning to the village, he meditated in the room for a night and decided not to wait for reinforcements from the main world, but to take the initiative instead of being passive.

During these months of lurking, he knew the general situation of the wizard world.

The wizard world is actually separated from the mortal world to a large extent, and even the environment they are in is basically two different worlds.

Because the wizard civilization has just emerged, there are not many wizards.

Nolan's wizards are actually basically located in the extreme east, extreme west, extreme south, extreme north, and central parts of the continent.

The rest of the world is actually the sphere of influence of mortals, which is composed of the subordinate forces of the Wizard Council and various secular kingdoms.

There are very few formal wizards in these kingdoms.

But they are not without extraordinary power. The knight system born from the early blood experiments of those wizards is the strongest force in the secular world.

The top of this knight system, the strongest knight, the sky knight, has the power to compete with the Morning Star Wizard (Legend).

And each kingdom basically has one or two sky knights.

Aristocratic families are basically families that have produced knights and wizards.

Of course, in the secular kingdoms, there will also be some wizard apprentices who have poor talents and leave the wizard academy. Most of these people are not strong, but they can be offered by the great nobles.

These noble children can determine in advance the children with wizard talents in the family and train them in advance.

The Wizard Council will not care about the attacks and battles of the secular kingdoms.

In fact, wizards have long divided the entire continent into several regions. The secular kingdoms affiliated to each region must provide the five major wizard forces with the necessary resources and supplement a large number of wizard apprentices on time every year.

As long as you hand these things in on time, they don't care about the birth and death of the kingdom, who overthrows who and who becomes the ruler.

Just like an observer from above, watching the ants fighting in the mortal world.

For example, two hundred years ago, the royal family of the Kingdom of Besit seized the royal power of the former royal family from the former Duke family through a coup and became the new ruler of the kingdom.

It is precisely because of this situation.

Arthur Reinhard decided to take some risks and conquer a kingdom first to find his fellow expeditionaries and give them shelter.

He didn't want the main gods of Ferland to come here in the future and find that he was the only one left alive.

And this matter can only be done by him and another southern human demigod.

But now, Arthur Reinhard can't contact anyone, so he can only do it himself.


A few months after coming to the Nolan world, Arthur Reinhard established the Knights of the Round Table. The first members were only Arthur Reinhard and his knight squire Gawain.


Decades later.

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