After the wizard apprentice successfully exits the wizard academy and leaves, he will return to the secular kingdom and generally seek a position in the great nobles and the royal court.

Of course, there are also wizard apprentices who are the children of nobles and return to continue to be nobles.

Although their strength is not as good as that of the great knights, their identity as wizards and the knowledge in their heads still make them very popular.

And the wizard apprentices who can successfully leave the wizard academy are all very capable.

Merlin came to the Camelot court as a wizard apprentice to seek an official position, not only because he is meticulous, but also because he pays attention to the lives of the lower classes.

That day.

Arthur Reinhardt saw that there were wizard apprentices seeking official positions, so he gave Merlin a career as a court mage in accordance with the management of the Nolan Continent.

He absolutely could not imagine that this guy who was a wizard apprentice was actually a rule wizard.

After Merlin joined the Camelot court, he found that there was a round table that looked very huge in Arthur Reinhardt's court.

Arthur and his court nobles and the Knights of the Round Table often held meetings at this round table.

But Merlin saw at a glance that these court nobles were basically the elves of the expeditionary army, and their discussion was about how to take the initiative to contact Ferland's hometown.

And the huge round table was actually a hidden space-time beacon.

In order to follow the teacher's requirements, Merlin began to deliberately contact Arthur and gain his trust.

In fact, at this time he also knew that they had left space-time beacons in many places in the Nolan world.

But it would take many years to wait for the other party to come.

So sometimes, they would secretly study their space-time beacons and quietly give some hints.

After all, he was a rule wizard and had some research on the rules of space and time.

Gradually, Merlin gained the trust of Arthur Reinhardt and began to appoint him to more important positions.

And on the issue of treating people and developing civilization, the two were quite consistent.

They both believed that even the most ordinary mortals had a huge role and should not be easily given up.

Under the governance of the two, the Kingdom of Camelot Knights became increasingly powerful, and the people lived a happy and healthy life.

Thirty-ninth year after the establishment of the Kingdom of Camelot.

On this day.

Suddenly, an angel escaped from the Eastern Wizard Force and happened to flee to the capital of the Kingdom of Camelot.

At this time, King Arthur was sitting at a round table with his compatriots.

They looked up at the sky and saw the legendary angel whose body was broken, flesh and blood half disappeared, bones were exposed on the surface, and he could no longer look like an angel. They all showed indignation.

That was their comrade-in-arms.

Just when they wanted to take action.

Under the sky, a huge hand appeared from the clouds and held the fleeing angel. A cold and ruthless voice seemed to come from the sky.

"Escape from the experimental table without permission, death penalty!"

Then, the giant hand slowly clenched.

The wailing that everyone thought of did not appear, only a sad but strong female voice resounded in the sky.

"My Lord is majestic and glorious. You sinners will eventually perish. Wait for His judgment."

Her voice had just fallen and reached the earth when it was crushed by the giant hand in the sky that was made of witchcraft aura!


Flesh and blood flew all over the sky, and a little aura flew out of the flesh and blood, turning into a confused soul, floating between heaven and earth.

Above the sky, another giant hand stretched out and picked up the soul.


All living beings seemed to see a great figure filled with vast aura standing between the ten thousand directions of time and space, layer upon layer, bizarre and colorful.


In the royal court on the earth.

The expeditionary army watched the angel fall, stopped, and burst into tears.

Arthur Reinhardt clenched his fists, his eyes wide open, staring at the giant hands in the sky.

Merlin stood in front of the woods outside the palace, looking at the sky silently.

He knew at this moment that his teacher Alande was already a little impatient. He deliberately released an angel and then crushed it easily to warn and remind Arthur Reinhardt and others, and also to tell Merlin.

He had to speed up.

Otherwise, when his patience ran out, it would be the time for Arthur and others to die.

After years of getting along, he also had a friendship with Arthur Reinhardt and didn't want him to die easily.

Anyway, they were all human, and they could be more integrated. Even after the wizard defeated his world, he could help Merlin's teacher gather the human race in Ferland's world.

But Arthur ignored his hint and was loyal to his master.

Just when Merlin was thinking.

Just when the blood rain of the angel in the sky was sprinkled on the earth, like a desperate and heroic song of sorrow.


In the Camelot court, on the huge round table, an extremely vast blue light suddenly lit up.

Then, it turned into a blue beam of light and soared into the sky!

A mysterious and profound door of time and space suddenly opened in the sky!

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