On the Nolan continent.

Since Jiang You entered the Nolan world with the angel army from the gate of time and space, the wizards, knights and mortals were a little shocked, but they didn't feel anything.

The idea of ​​wizards ruling the world has been deeply rooted.

Even if someone came from the world, they were full of confidence in the wizard civilization that could raise the sky and defeat the gods.

Until the three truth wizards appeared at the same time and fought against the powerful enemies who broke through the world, the wizards felt that things were not simple.

These three wizards are the strongest in the wizard civilization, equivalent to the existence of the wizard king.

In the late period of the Age of Gods, the hands of these three truth wizards were all stained with divine blood and had defeated the kingdom of gods.

It can be said that it was the blood of the gods of Nolan that forged the throne of wizard civilization.

The angel king who came from the world was actually worthy of the three truth wizards to fight together, which was more powerful than the gods.

When Jiang You drained the light of the whole world with one sword and gathered it on one sword, turning the day into night, such a dramatic change in the sky made all the creatures in the world unbelievable.

This was something that the goddess of the dark night, the sun god, and the wizard of truth had never done.


Jiang You suppressed the three wizards of truth with one sword, and the magnificent sky throne appeared in the sky. It was even more amazing to suppress the three wizards of truth with the might of the Lord of Ten Thousand Armies.

In the end, Alande turned into a time and space monster and devoured the other two wizards of truth. His strength increased greatly, but he was still beheaded by Jiang You with one sword, and his blood fell to the ground.

This made the wizards of the whole world panic.

It was terrible!

This was an unimaginable strong enemy!

All the wizard kings were dead, how could they dare to look again?

Some people escaped from the wizard tower, some tried to escape into the deep space star realm, some fled underground, and some were determined to mix among mortals and decided to hide their identities in the future.

Only the people in the court of the Kingdom of Camelot Knights cheered loudly!

Their god, the great Lord of Judgment, finally came to this big world and killed all the powerful enemies.

And in the sky.

The Angel King who had just killed their strongest man spoke out.

"In the Nolan world, wizards are rampant. From today on, no wizards are allowed to walk on the earth in the whole world!"

"Violators will be burned to death in the flames!"

As soon as these words came out, wizards in the whole world, including the extraordinary beings including wizard apprentices, were terrified.

This is to eliminate the profession, inheritance, and even the concept of wizards.

Wizards either transfer to other extraordinary systems or die.

The gods and kings in the sky are still judging.

"The angels came and brought light to the world, but they were invaded by wizards. Although you are not related to this matter, you are also part of civilization. From today, within a thousand years, the sun will no longer rise, and the Norlan world will be a land of eternal night."

After Jiang You finished his sentence while sitting on the throne of the sky, he looked at the sun, stretched out his hand and pressed it in place, and the light released flowed into an unknown place.

All living beings were in an uproar, and all of them looked desolate.

Without the sun, how can we grow plants, graze livestock, and survive and reproduce?

But after a while, he looked at the dark earth and sighed.

"I know that the people are innocent, so I will reduce the punishment slightly."

"The land of eternal night is also divided into light night and dark night. Light night has moon and light, and dark night has stars and rays. This is determined, and it cannot be changed within a thousand years!"

Then, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, and the shadow of a platinum moon stood on the sky, emitting a faint light.

At the same time, he introduced the light of the sun, and then used the power of judgment to make the energy that flowed out of the sun and flowed to unknown places flow into the world, which was enough to nourish all living beings.

As for the sun, Jiang You pressed it in place, pulled out a small sun from it, dragged it out, and hung it above the royal city of Camelot.

"The world cannot be without light all day long. Within a thousand years, I promise a place where the sun and the moon can rotate!"

He pointed to the land of Camelot and chuckled.

"The land of Camelot is the land of light in the Nolan world, and is not affected by the punishment of eternal night."

After doing this, Jiang You no longer cared about the creatures on the earth, but took a step out and came to the edge of the broken world.

This was the land of the original hanging kingdom of gods. The kingdom of gods was originally one of the barriers of the world.

But the kingdom of gods in the Nolan world has all fallen, and the will of the world is no longer complete under such a blow.

Otherwise, the barrier at the edge of this world can be automatically repaired.

Jiang You stood there, stretched out his hand, and a sky-blue scepter flew into his hand.

This is Alande's Sky Scepter.

Then, Jiang You closed his purple eyes slightly, his will sank, and at the same time crushed the scepter with his supreme will. Through the return of the power of the sky, he touched the deep layers of those worlds, those broken world wills, and in this process, the Nolan world was defenseless.

1,300 years ago, after the fall of the gods, it was like this.

Behind him.

The phantom of the platinum throne appeared, gathering these world wills, and the phantom of the throne gradually solidified.

After that.

A glorious projection walked out of his body and walked into the platinum throne.

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