"And my second gift to you is right there."

Jiang You smiled and pointed to the center of the continent.

At this time.

The long night of the Nolan world is long, and only the King City of Camelot is bright and shining.

The rest of the continent is filled with thick and dense darkness, and you can't see your fingers.

This is the middle of the night.

In the center of the continent, the tall wizard tower that originally belonged to the truth wizard Alande collapsed with a loud bang. Under the collapsed tower, endless flames suddenly lit up. The sun between heaven and earth seemed to be stimulated and suddenly lit up with intense light.

Immediately afterwards.

A golden figure flew out from under the tall wizard tower and jumped into the world.

Endless energy was immediately absorbed by him, and in the eyes of all beings in the world, a small sun appeared in front of everyone.

The Sun God, who had been in a state of confusion and chaos, slowly woke up, and at the same time a majestic announcement resounded through the world.

"I, the sun god Palupos, return to the embrace of heaven and earth today. My believers, welcome the return of your Lord God!"

On the earth, the believers of the sun god hidden in the dark burst into tears, and walked out of the darkness to pay homage to the Lord God.

But soon.

Between heaven and earth, the sun god, who finally woke up completely, found something strange.

Where is his sun?

How come this world is pitch black, with only a small place in the west, where the sun shines.

At this time, he looked up again and saw a faint platinum moon hanging high in the sky.

And higher up, a magnificent kingdom of God (Heaven Mountain) and a tall and sacred mountain covered the edge of the world.

"What is that? New gods have appeared?"

He wondered, but soon came to his senses.

"There is something wrong with this world, how can gods appear, and where are those damn wizards who took advantage of others' misfortune?"

An inexplicable panic rose in his heart, and he didn't even dare to restore the kingdom of God, so he had to restrain his momentum and hide.

But the next second.

A magnificent and brilliant pure white sword light fell from the sky, from the heavenly mountain, and accurately chopped on the body of the god he had just condensed.

Like a huge and gorgeous firework blooming in the sky, in the sight of countless creatures in the Nolan world.

The gorgeous golden fireworks covered the entire sky, accompanied by an extremely painful wail!


In a moment.

A hand made of light stretched out from the sky, came to the sun god, held him tightly, and then exerted a little force!


A generation of sun gods fell completely, and the sun between heaven and earth returned to peace.

There were only some divine positions with shining divine light left in the sky, which were left by Jiang You using the power of judgment.

These divine positions rose to the sky with his bright hand, came to the heavenly palace of Tiantang Mountain, and came to everyone.

Among these divine positions with shining divine light, he took out one of the divine positions with golden flames like the sun and gave it to Arthur Reinhardt.

"Arthur, I will also give you Nolan's solar priesthood. This is my second gift to you."

"And I have reserved a place for your kingdom of God on the fourth level of the Heaven Mountain."

Then, Jiang You looked at Archangel Raphael, extracted the sky authority that had just returned to the world's will, and gave it to him.

"Raphael, Arthur, from today, until the Nolan world moves to Ferland and is completely integrated under the Heaven Mountain, one of you will be responsible for protecting the world, and the other will be responsible for ruling the world."

"Take good care of this world for me."

"Yes, my Lord!"

Arthur Reinhardt and Raphael knelt on the ground at the same time and bowed devoutly.

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