The sun is about to set.

The entire Men'en Plain is ablaze with golden glory!

Jiang You abided by the agreement and rushed to the camp of Goblin King Amiguel with a group of personal guards.

Along the way, we passed neat and solemn goblin army camps, all in good order!

In his eyes, every goblin sergeant holds his head high and is an elite!

At the beginning of the founding of the country, the goblins were so elite that they could only dominate the mainland for an era.

Going deeper and deeper, passing through various goblin levels, we finally came to a huge tent.

It was a huge circular tent standing in the center of the goblin camp!

Its pure white color looks like a white cloud floating in the green sky.

Outside, two rows of goblin soldiers stood quietly, wearing feathered helmets and yellow cloaks, holding spears, spears and swords. They were taller than ordinary goblins.

They are the most elite bodyguards under Goblin King Amiguel, the Yellow Robed Guards!

Every one of them is an extraordinary professional!

Every race that walks through them is like walking through a steel jungle, so terrifying!

When Jiang You walked into the big tent, leaders of many races had already arrived.

Goblin King Amiguel attaches great importance to the strength of the Winged Man Legion and gives Jiang You great respect.

He arranged for Jiang You to be seated third at the bottom, second only to the trolls and dwarves, and above the centaur chief!

Even the ancient kings knew that the air force was greater than the cavalry!

Amiguel personally welcomed Jiang You to his seat, which finally allowed Jiang You to get in touch with this legendary emperor of the goblin clan.

In Jiang You's impression, and in Chapter 5, from the vague historical records of the elves.

This great legendary leader of the goblin clan was born into the largest goblin tribe in Flanders at the tail end of the age of titans and dragons.

He is extremely talented. In this era where the extraordinary system is backward, it only took him more than a hundred years to become a legend. He led the goblin clan from the slaves of the Titans to the throne of world hegemon step by step. He was the leader of the continent of Flanders in the era of time. The Supreme King of Chapter Two!

Legend has it that this legendary emperor was extremely powerful. The other two legends of the goblins at that time were both strong men. They were able to subdue the goblin great sage and the high priest, and unite the goblin clan on the entire continent. It can be seen that the strength and means are extraordinary, and it is by no means easy. generation!

However, what impressed Jiang You the most was the flawless white spear that Amigore held in his hand, like a shining spear.

This is an artifact created by Armiger in search of rare materials from the mainland, using an unknown mysterious forging method, and with the efforts of the entire clan - Armiger's Gun!

This is a god-killing spear. Armiger used it to kill a Titan with his own hands!

This is also an unknown gun.

In the future of the goblin empire.

Several goblin emperors, including Armiguer, were killed by this Armiguer's gun!

But this is all something that could happen in the future.


Jiang You looked at the goblin king sitting high in front of him, like sitting on a throne.

According to the legend of ordinary intelligent races, the lifespan is about more than a thousand years. Amiguel is estimated to be about 500 years old now, in his prime!

Therefore, his stature looks smaller than that of the races present, but his aura is extremely amazing.

Even though Jiang You was afraid that he would become a legend in the future, he still felt admiration for this middle-aged goblin in his heart.

The Titans and the Ancient Dragons had ruled Ferland for countless years. Only he dared to resist, and he succeeded in the end.

Time passed again.

After all the leaders of the clans on Meng'en Plain had arrived, Amiguel finally spoke.

His voice is steady, powerful and charming.

"Chiefs and clan kings, thank you for your willingness to lead your clan and join our clan in resisting the rule of those damn Titans!"

"Think back to that time, when our ancestors became slaves of the Titans, we have become slaves of the Titans for generations!"

"I think everyone here is the same as my race! They are all races that yearn for freedom!"

"No one wants to be a slave forever, that's why we rebel!"

In my heart, I rolled my eyes several times at Goblin King Amiguel's words.

The reason for all this is that after the battle between the Titans and the Dragons, both sides suffered heavy casualties, which led to the dooming of the Titans and the Dragons, which gave the Goblins an opportunity.

And he can replace it, not only goblins think so!

If Jiang You had the strength of the Goblin clan, it would be him who would say this!

Go up.

Amiguel is still speaking generously.

"Today, I, Amiguel, and all the tribes gathered in Meng'en Plain to make a blood oath. From now on, I, the goblin tribe, and all of you here will be brotherly races forever!"

As he spoke, he took a glass of wine from the attendant, cut his palm with a short knife, and dripped a drop of blood. The wine was immediately stained red with blood.

Then he looked at the stunned clan leaders present.

At this time, a line of goblin attendants brought a glass of wine to each racial leader present.

Jiang You was no exception, so he had to imitate his example, cut his palm open and let blood drip.

At the same time, he complained crazily in his heart.

I don’t know where Amiguel learned this kind of operation. Anyway, it is the first of its kind in the continent of Ferrand to make alliances based on blood!

When the leader Amiguel saw that all the tribes followed suit, he couldn't help but feel proud!

"Everyone, please!"

After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp.

The hundreds of race leaders present also finished drinking.


Amiguel laughed.

"We are blood allies and we are brothers and races. After the Titans are conquered, we can divide the continent together!"





The folk customs at this time were still very simple. Have any of the big guys in Ferrand ever seen such an operation?

Anyway, everyone present was infected by his heroic spirit and cheered loudly.

That's it.

The covenant was finalized, and the first step of Armiger's crusade against the Titans was completed.

Step two.

It's time to discuss tactics.

But the tactics of this era are simple.

Air to air, ground to ground, just go all the way.

Jiang You's mission was to deal with the sky power of the Titan camp.

Mainly those hawks, griffins, horned eagles, etc.!

If there is a sky paranormal professional who can fly, Armiger promises to send the goblin wind knights to support them.

The mission is simple but there are too many races.

Arrangements were made one race after another, and the meeting lasted until the afternoon of the next day.

Wait until the third day.

On the highest hill of Meng'en Plain, Goblin King Amiguel once again made some impassioned remarks about the Titans being unjust and all races fighting together, which greatly boosted the morale of millions of troops of all races.

Especially the tauren, all with red eyes, waving stone axes and roaring on tree trunks.

So in this atmosphere.

The army sets out to attack the Titan King's Court, Proadas!

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