When the three goddesses descended, Arthur Reinhardt, who was sitting on the throne, stood up instantly, walked quickly to the goddesses, and half-knelt respectfully.

"Greetings to Her Highness Anatanya, Her Highness Sariel, and Her Highness Livre!"

Anatanya nodded slightly, but Sariel looked at Arthur Reinhardt with curiosity and smiled.

"Arthur Reinhardt, I heard that you are the blood of the Father God?"

"Yes, respected Goddess of Luck Sariel, the Reinhardt family is indeed from the great Lord, and we have the family tree and bloodline to prove it."

Arthur Reinhardt quickly answered, his words were clear and firm.

"Hehehe, I said that on purpose, don't be nervous. The Father God said that you are the most outstanding one among his descendants of Reinhardt."

Sariel smiled.

Beside her, Anatanya and Livre looked at the goddess in the white dress gently and let her speak.

Arthur Reinhardt was pleasantly surprised when he heard this.

"The ancestors praised me too much. Arthur only carried the blood of the ancestors and inherited the career of the predecessors. What he did is not worth mentioning."

"No need to be modest!"

Sariel smiled and waved his hand, then looked at Merlin who knelt in the hall and never dared to look up, and asked with a smile.

"Who is this person?"

Merlin, who was kneeling on the ground, was panicked when he heard this.

With his many years of experience, the three goddesses in front of him must be extremely noble in Ferland.

Although Arthur and others did not say it clearly, he had a certain guess in his heart.

The father god mentioned by the White Winged Goddess was probably the Lord of Judgment who suppressed the entire wizard world.

And the divine blood flowing in Arthur's body must be the blood of the Lord of Judgment.

So he became more respectful.

And he believed that Arthur Reinhardt would definitely speak well of him.

Just as he was waiting.

Sure enough, Arthur Reinhardt explained for him.

"Your Highness, this is Merlin, the Rule Wizard who has abandoned darkness and joined the light. He has abolished his own wizard system and created his own arcane system based on magicians!"

"Your Highness, Master Merlin once served in my court. I know his character and personality. He cares about the people, loves the environment, and most importantly, he has a heart for light."

"Well, a heart for light, that's really good!"

Sariel nodded slightly.

"Okay, you guys continue. We just came to Nolan World to take a look. It won't affect your performance of your duties."

She smiled.

"Arthur, you don't have to report to me. If I'm not mistaken, the responsibility of determining whether Merlin has really abandoned his wizard identity and embraced the light should be decided by you and Raphael."

As soon as these words came out, Merlin's face instantly became gloomy, but Arthur Reinhardt was relieved.

Arthur Reinhardt, who knew Raphael, knew.

Although Raphael's hatred for wizards was extremely strong, he was unwilling to let any wizard go in his heart.

But he also upholds the principle of justice, especially in front of the three goddesses, Raphael cannot violate the principle.

As he expected, the next moment.

Archangel Raphael standing behind the three goddesses said respectfully to the three goddesses.

"Your Highnesses, the character and determination of the reformed wizards are indeed determined by Arthur Reinhardt and me. Only by obtaining the approval of the two of us can we continue to survive on this land!"

He and Arthur, one represents humanity and the other represents divinity. This is also the rule set by Jiang You.

At this point, he looked at Merlin and said expressionlessly.

"In the past year or so, every wizard who fell under the sword of judgment said that his heart was toward light. I hope you can be an exception."

Merlin, who was kneeling on the ground, closed his eyes and calmed down, then opened them again and spoke firmly.

"Please identify it, Lord Raphael."


Raphael raised a white balance in his hand and called softly.

"Great Judgment Throne, please bring down your divine power and weigh the weight of the person in front of you."

In the sky, a pure white divine light shone down, and a white scale suddenly stood between Raphael and Merlin.

"If the light in you can overwhelm the sins of your past as a wizard, the scale will fall to you. If not, the scale will fall to my sword!"

Raphael solemnly declared.

"Begin, judge!"

As his words fell, the two sides of the scale began to automatically generate black and white weights.

Under the curious eyes of the three goddesses, the white scale seemed to be calculating Merlin's life!

Clang! Clang!

One by one, the weights of light or darkness fell on the scale, causing it to shake left and right.

But in the end, the white side won after all!

Merlin survived.

"This guy named Merlin has indeed done nothing bad. Then the scales of justice bear witness and grant him a new life."

Raphael put away the white scales and said calmly.

This white scale was actually forged by Jiang You when he came to Nolan again half a year ago, using the law of justice in the Nolan world, and given to Raphael.

The law of justice is one of the laws left by the sun god.

And half a year ago.

It was when the goddess of the night in the Nolan world, Furlina, appeared.

In the eyes of the creatures in the Nolan world, the goddess of the night is the oldest god in the Nolan world. Her legend has a long history and has appeared in the ancient and obscure era.

No one knows her true identity, perhaps a human, or perhaps something else.

People only know that she appeared in the human world as a beautiful black-dressed girl wearing a veil.

Originally, her appearance would not cause any trouble for Raphael, who stayed in Nolan Heaven, because of the power left by Jiang You.

But this ancient goddess brought an interesting news.

She said that she was also not from the Nolan world, but also came from the star world.

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