"One hundred and five thousand years ago."

"The world of Dumanlin is still a newborn ordinary world."

"At that time, I was just a princess from an ancient kingdom. I was sent to another country to get married, but I escaped halfway."

"Then, I met the man who changed my life, my teacher, Durinman Stars!"

The goddess of the night showed her memories.

"He has extremely high wisdom and keen vision. Except for his poor spiritual talent, he is simply perfect."

"He improved the ancient cultivation methods that were extremely crude at the time, and created the great Star Technique."

"That is, if you practice to the highest level, you can raise your own destiny star and hang it in the sky of the world!"

"This unprecedented and extremely powerful system of cultivation was taught to fourteen of us by him. They are all girls he found from all over the world."

"Everyone has excellent talents and a strong will."

"Under his tutelage."

"We practice hard, become stronger step by step, and eventually become the strongest person in the world."

"We defeated powerful enemies, conquered talents, trained armies, and established kingdoms."

"We hang the star of destiny high in the sky to achieve immortality, with power equal to that of gods."

"Time just goes by day by day."

"Eighty-five thousand years ago."

"The world of Dumanlin has become a super big world, with fourteen big stars hanging forever above the sky."

"White star, night star, sky star, earth star, blood star, blue star, purple star, Venus, ghost star, gray star, cloud star, green star, silver star, latent star, etc."

"These fourteen stars represent the fourteen empires in the world of Dumanlin."

"And countless kingdoms composed of countless small stars."

"In the world of Dumanlin, everyone practices the art of stars. Therefore, the world of Dumanlin is also called the world of stars."

"And the rulers of this world are us and our teachers who have established the emperor of the Star Empire."

"For example, I am the emperor who established the Kentos Night Star Empire."

"At that time, our fourteen star empires had long been close to each other because they were from the same school. With the guidance of the teacher, we have been developing together. In this way, the world of Dumanlin slowly conquered a large number of worlds around it, and the world developed into its heyday ”

“But just when everything was going great and the world was moving at breakneck speed.”

"My teacher, who is known as the sage of the ages, the emperor of all ages, and is also the prime minister of the empire of fourteen stars, suddenly changed his temperament."

"He began to care about his own cultivation and used various means to cultivate."

"He began to kill all the guilty people crazily, killing more and more people. Later, even some people who were not guilty enough to die were killed by him for cultivation. I once advised him, but he ignored it. "

"The way he looked at me also began to change. It was a kind of extremely disappointed indifference, as if he had experienced a betrayal that was as heartbreaking as death!"

"And at the end, he did something incredibly outrageous."

"In order to raise his destiny star to the highest heaven, he chose a day when we were practicing at the same time. He used the authority of the fourteen star empires in his hands to create wars, attack each other, regardless of casualties, and concealed us."

"By the time we found out, hundreds of millions of lives had been lost."

"This was too much. In desperation, we took action together to stop the teacher's rampage and deposed him as prime minister at the same time."

"The teacher seemed to have expected this result."

"He just said, you will regret it, then he hid the star of fate and the person disappeared from our sight."

"Five thousand years later, a murderous star rose into the sky. He came back, with unrivaled power, defeated us all, and established his own empire of stars."

"Among them, three sisters died on the spot, and seven empresses were captured by him, abolished their destiny stars, fell from the altar, and died of humiliation. The remaining four fled to the star realm."

"I am one of them, so I escaped here."

The goddess of the night Fulina finished speaking in one breath, took a breath, looked at Jiang You and said.

"Uril, you want to attack the world. And I want revenge."

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