The appearance of the five-man team caused some excitement among the demon army, and the demons were also curious as to how these Falkelen people dared to come to the abyss.

on the sky.

Seeing this, the demon king with the silver eye pattern on his forehead let out a strong aura, suppressing the demons in the entire bloody plain like a king, and said fiercely.

"All demons entering the time and space gate for the first time are not allowed to run around."

So countless demon armies continued to march, stepping into the gate of time and space, and Lucifer followed suit, getting closer and closer to the team, and could even hear their conversations.

The strength of the gods and the gift given by the goddess of magic before she left allowed her to understand all languages.

on the sky.

After the demon king with the silver eye pattern on his forehead finished his last sentence, he paused and looked at the five-man team that suddenly appeared, smiling suddenly.

"People say that the son of luck (the one favored by fate) can turn disaster into blessing (turn misfortune into good fortune). Today, I want to see if they are right."

He lowered his eyes, stretched out his hand, turned into a pair of huge dark claws, and grabbed at the five-man team.

He wanted to capture some of them alive.

In front of the door of time and space.

Seeing this, the brave man's expression changed. In desperation, he pulled off a necklace from his neck and threw it into the sky.


Golden divine light burst out from the necklace, and a divine shield enveloped the five people.

The dark claws of the demon king Butila were blocked, but the golden light shield could not last long before it was broken.

The brave man quickly said to the female mage in the team.

"Christina, hurry up, quickly open the portal to the main world, we will go back immediately."

The female mage in the team nodded quickly.


She waved the staff given by the gods in her hand, outlined the teleportation formation, and summoned the space-time channel.

Even in crisis, she remained calm.


A portal composed of golden light was formed like this.

However, at this moment, the white-robed female priest, who had kept her eyes closed since arriving here, suddenly opened her deep and charming eyes and stopped.

"No, we didn't come to the wrong place! Fate has been guiding me. Here is the solution, or rather, the person we are looking for!"

With that said, she followed the weak guidance of fate and walked towards Lucifer's location dozens of meters away!

The female mage was furious and quickly ran forward to hold her.

"Fraya, what are you doing? Leave quickly. This time, fate may have guided you wrongly. How could the method and person to save the world be in the abyss?"

"No, fate has never lied to me!"

Flaya said firmly.

Just then.

A soft and beautiful voice suddenly came from in front of them.

"Where does your portal lead to?"

Miss Priest suddenly raised her head and saw a fear demon with inexplicably delicate features looking at her with clear eyes. After being silent for a second, she suddenly exclaimed.

"It's her, it's her, she's the one we're looking for!"

"A horrid?"

The brave man heard this and said suspiciously.

"Higher Demon?"

A big question mark appeared on the heads of the female mage, magic archer, assassin and others.

"I heard your conversation. If your teleportation array can go straight to the bright areas of your world, I can go with you!"

Lucifer slowed down and approached them until he stood in front of them, separated by a golden light shield.

"Who are you anyway?"

The brave man stepped forward, stood next to the priest, and frowned.

"I am the person you are looking for."

Lucifer glanced at the dark claws and crumbling golden shield above their heads.

"If you don't say anything else, your protective shell will burst."

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