"Faced with the erosion of the abyss and the retreat of the world's territory, we have no despair. In fact, the gods of Falkelen have been looking for a way, and some gods have sent envoys to the star realm to find a way to break the situation."

"It has little effect, but things always turn around."

As she spoke, she raised the Book of Destiny in her hand and said with a smile.

"Hundreds of years ago, this book of destiny that Father God received from the star realm and handed to me suddenly shook, indicating to me that Fakelel's situation will be changed."

"So I followed the instructions of the Book of Destiny and selected the brave and his team members to serve as the executors of the power of destiny."

She looked at the five-man brave team with relief in her eyes and smiled.

"The talents of the brave teams of several generations are very amazing, and they are very lucky. They have helped us complete a lot of key tasks that changed the current situation and some wars. I think that even if Fakelen successfully repels the abyss invasion in the future, the brave people will also will continue to exist.”

"The real mission of the Brave Team is actually to change the status quo of Falkelen being invaded. Half a year ago, I finally got a clearer instruction. That is to find someone who can completely change the situation of Falkelen."

"I gave this task to the brave team, and gave the most specific guidance on destiny to the saint Fraya I taught, and she will be the one to identify the person with the destiny."

"To this day, you appeared in Fakelen and in front of me."

"The Book of Destiny tells me that you are the one."

Lucifer patiently listened to what the goddess of light Thetis said, nodded slightly, and looked at the book in her hand with some surprise.

"Your Majesty's Book of Destiny is so magical. To tell you the truth, hundreds of years ago, I was ordered by my Lord to dive into the abyss, travel through it, and walk here alone!"

"For hundreds of years, I disguised myself as an abyss demon and saw the powerful strength of the abyss. Even if it is only 997 levels of the abyss, it is an existence that is difficult to fight against in my world today. This makes me even more urgent to find you."

"Fortunately, the end of this journey is exactly what I imagined. I finally found you."

The goddess of light was also very surprised when she heard Lucifer's confession.

"My Majesty actually walked alone in the abyss and crossed all the way. It really surprised me. What a huge sacrifice of courage! As far as I know, many powerful beings, including gods, will become more powerful after staying in the abyss for a long time. It is inevitable to be infected with the breath of the abyss and eventually fall."

"His Majesty Lucifer has been able to remain unchanged for hundreds of years without changing his original intention and determination, while at the same time resisting the infection of the abyss. How amazing!"

"Infection of the Abyss?"

Lucifer was a little confused when he heard this.

"To be honest, I didn't feel much of the power of the abyss."

She wanted to say that the devil who acted with her every day would endure the baptism of the soul by the power of judgment from time to time.

"It seems that the time is short and your Majesty's will is very strong."

Thetis, the goddess of light, didn't care when she heard Lucifer's words.

Anyway, nine out of ten people who have stayed in the abyss for a long time will say that they have nothing to do. But in fact, this infection is subtle.

But the gods of Falkelen and the Abyss have been fighting for many years, and they have their own system. As long as they are not completely corrupted, they will have a way.

When the time comes, she will just invite Lucifer to take a bath in the purifying hot springs of the God Realm.

There is one thing about the gods of Falkelen's world that is different from that of Ferland.

At the highest point of this world, there is a supreme plane, the realm of gods.

After the gods exalt the Kingdom of God, they will integrate the Kingdom of God into the Divine Realm.

Of course, it is said that there was no divine realm in the world of Falkelen at first. But in a very ancient era, when the gods had not yet been born, a war broke out in the world of Falkelen that almost destroyed the world.

After the war, the world of gods appeared.

This is an open secret among the gods of the world of Falkelen.

"Your Majesty Thetis, now that I have arrived in the world of Falkelen. Then, I want to try to contact my lord and promote cooperation between the two worlds as soon as possible."

She reached out and took out a space-time beacon, but she saw that the space-time beacon was very dim and almost useless.


The goddess of light raised her head and covered her mouth, smiling slightly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Lucifer, Fakelen's world and your Philander world are separated by an extremely far distance in time and space. Ordinary time and space transmission methods are unlikely to work. Please follow me to the God Realm first, and let me The Father God convenes a meeting of the gods and seeks help from the God of Time and Space.”

For countless years, the gods of Falkelen have traveled all over the surrounding star world. The distance is much further than that of Felander's expeditionary force. There is nothing wrong with saying that.

Even if Lucifer sets up a time and space beacon, the distance is too far and it will be difficult to establish time and space contact with Ferland.

Moreover, Lucifer's space-time beacon is too simple in the eyes of the goddess of light. Falkelen used this principle to be similar to the beacon many years ago.

They also developed from an era of ignorance.

Lucifer looked at the space-time beacon in his hand and sighed, then said to Thetis with a hint of embarrassment.

"Okay, Your Majesty Thetis, I will go with you to the God Realm. I hope that with the help of the gods of Falkelen, I can contact my main god as soon as possible."

"By the way, Your Majesty Lucifer, I haven't asked yet what stage your Lord God is in now."

Lucifer replied without blushing or heartbeat.

"When I left, my Lord was at the peak of his power and was about to reach greatness!"

The goddess of light stood in awe.

"That's really strong support!"

In fact, her Book of Destiny guides more than just Lucifer.

At this stage, as long as you have powerful divine power, you are a worthy target for Fakaren!

"Then, Your Majesty Lucifer, please follow me!"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty Thetis."

After seeing Lucifer nod, the Goddess of Light smiled and said to the members of the Brave Team.

"Children, you performed very well this time, and I will reward you. And, Aaron, although you were summoned from another world by me, you are cautious and have excellent talents, which is very suitable for the path to becoming a god in Fakaren's world. I look forward to witnessing your kingdom of God in the God Realm."

After speaking, the two goddesses disappeared in an instant.

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