Elf Dynasty 1648.

In the Nolan world, Archangel Raphael's soul completely transformed into a divine soul, returned to Mount Heaven, and knelt in front of Jiang You's seat.

The brilliant light of Mount Heaven enveloped God and his angels, with the deep space starry sky as the curtain.

Jiang You gave Raphael the mark of the fifth level of Mount Heaven, and Raphael was finally promoted to a four-winged angel, reaching the same level of divine power.

In fact.

Because Jiang You gradually became stronger, the fifth level of Mount Heaven was enough to pay out several archangel marks.

Jiang You gave Raphael the fair priesthood of Mount Heaven, and Raphael officially became the fourth fair archangel of Mount Heaven.

The Justice Scale represented his artifact.

The justice archangel was famous in heaven and earth.


Elf Dynasty 1650.

In the northern Reinhardt human kingdom, the human adventurer Akadosos went deep into the ground near the western coast of his Reinhardt kingdom, causing seawater to leak and then flow back. When he fled in a hurry, he was very lucky to find a well-preserved pre-era ruins.

This is not a pre-era shelter, but a real pre-era building complex, and its scale is like the residence of a great noble.

When he wanted to go deeper, he found that it was difficult to break through the protection ban here with his own strength.

In desperation, the adventurer Akadosos sold the address of the ruins to the Adventurer Association of the nearby coastal town of Vadoras.

Vadoras was previously the fief of the barbarian noble Baron Vadoras. Later, the tenth generation head of the Vadoras family chased a princess of the mermaid kingdom and entered the deep sea and never came back.

This place was included in the direct jurisdiction of the royal family.

The news of the adventurer Akadosos was difficult to resolve by the Vadoras Adventurer Branch, so it was reported to the King's Capital Adventurer Association and the royal family.

The ruins of the pre-era could attract the attention of the Reinhardt royal family.

So a royal legendary magician came here with his disciples and a team of knights to explore, and found that this was indeed the ruins of the pre-era.

After breaking the restrictions inside, the royal magician and others were finally able to get a glimpse of the truth.

They found that this was actually a treasure house of a pre-era kingdom. In addition to being full of pre-era treasures, there were also a large amount of kingdom history and inheritance materials, as well as sequencer knowledge.

Because there was too much knowledge inside, the royal magician asked the royal family to send scholars who were proficient in pre-era texts to study together.

Elf Dynasty 1653.

A royal scholar discovered that this kingdom was established by a big businessman by linking the previous and subsequent records and analyzing the pre-era texts (the Reinhardt royal family had a complete pre-era text inheritance). Among them, the incomplete sequence inheritance included merchants with sequence 9, bankers with sequence 4, and financial giants with sequence 2.

There is no doubt that this is a sequencer inheritance of the pre-era merchant sequence.

The name of this pre-era kingdom was also translated by scholars. According to the language of this era, it is transliterated as: Gabriel Kingdom.

The kingdom lasted for 19 generations, and only half of the last generation was recorded, which shows that it was destroyed by foreign enemies.

Originally, the discovery of pre-era ruins had happened several times in the Ferland continent, but it was the first time in the northern human race Reinhard.

After thinking about it, the contemporary King Reinhard reported the report to the Holy Light Church, and the church reported it to Heaven Mountain.

The angel on duty thought that Anatanya should be interested in this matter, so he told Anatanya, who was studying the renewal and development of the employment point in the second Heaven Mountain.

At this time.

Anatanya was discussing the next plan to save the employment point with the god of knowledge Ogxhi and the god of inheritance Ingrit.

Suddenly hearing this, Anatanya's expression was actually dazed for a moment.

(I have something to do today, so I will update it later.)

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