Faced with the attack of the old Eagle King, Jiang You asked the Wings to stay away from this airspace and continue to kill the army of the Eagle King's Court.

And he stayed where he was, ready to meet this old legend!

Legend, in the Ferland Continent, is basically the highest combat power of a tribe.

An ordinary tribe may need dozens of generations of inheritance to have the conditions for the birth of a legend.

From extraordinary people to professionals, from formal levels to hero levels, it often takes a tribe a lot of time and resources, and it takes blood and fire.

And the birth of a legend is a symbol of a race becoming truly powerful.

A legendary strongman has a lifespan of at least a thousand years, and it is so lucky to be able to protect the race for a thousand years.

As the only legend of the Eagle People, the old Eagle King is already very old.

Eagle people are not immortal species. In this era, the average lifespan of ordinary Eagle people is about 50 years old.

Although he looks like a middle-aged Eagle Man, the old Eagle King has lived for 900 years and has few years left.

His body functions are weak and his strength is not as good as before.

So he tends to be cautious in doing things, such as the battle between Titan and Goblin. As a tribe of Eaglemen who have been loyal to Thunder Titan for generations, they did not fight with all their strength for the future of Eaglemen Royal Court.

The biggest regret of the Eagle King is that no new legend has been born among his descendants.

Now there are no talented people among his princes and grandchildren.

Although there are many young Eaglemen with excellent talents in the tribe, the Eagle King is unwilling to pass on the legendary advanced profession inherited by the royal family to these talented Eaglemen.

The position of Eagleman King can only be done by his descendants.

In fact, he sometimes regretted it.

In the early days, when he was young and strong, there was a prince with extraordinary talents who became a professional of the hero level in just a few decades, but for the sake of his own rule, he conspired to ruin his son's extraordinary path, causing him to commit suicide and banish his descendants from the royal court.

It is said that this small tribe settled down on a small hill in the east and spread out.


Above Tianshan Mountain.

The old Eagle King, who was wrapped in the power of the storm, flapped his wings in the air, holding a bone spear, and rushed towards Jiang You with murderous intent, and he was very angry!

Originally, his plan was to surrender to the Goblin King and let the Eagle King's Court continue to exist.

And he also chose a son with the strongest strength as the next Eagle King, and he was not worried about opposition from the tribe.

Because those tribesmen with good talents were sent to the battlefield between Titans and Goblins.

In this way, many years later, his descendants will be born into legends, and the Eagles will be able to rise.

But now, the Winged Legion led by Jiang You is going to wipe out his court!

And from what Jiang You said, they, the Eagles, have lost the opportunity to surrender, and his court is really in danger!

This made him want to tear Jiang You into pieces!

It's so hateful!

At this time, when he rushed into the sky and killed the Winged Leader, he saw that the Winged Leader was not afraid, but drew his sword, calmly, waiting to fight with him, which made him laugh again.

"Ignorant winged man, how can a hero like you resist the power of legend?"

When approaching Jiang You within 50 meters, the Eagle King raised his bone spear, and the wild storm power surrounded him. The legendary rhythm radiated around him, and a legendary field composed of storms enveloped Jiang You!

"Storm field!"

Suddenly, in the field, dozens of wind spears composed of storms roared towards Jiang You, and the legendary momentum pressed on Jiang You's body.

At the same time, the Eagle King himself accelerated instantly and rushed forward with a spear!

Facing the Eagle Man's violent attack, Jiang You's purple eyes lit up with a dazzling light.

Behind him, pure white light shone on the white wings, and soon, two more wings of light composed of light appeared.

His speed suddenly became more than a bit faster!

Like dancing on the tip of a knife, he narrowly avoided all the attacks of the Eagle King.

Then, Jiang You held the bronze sword horizontally, and the purple violent thunder swayed on the sword. When the Eagle King's bone spear stabbed into the air, he chopped the Eagle King's black wings with a sword.


The blood flowed, making the Eagle King even more angry.

In an instant, Jiang You was like a small boat in a stormy ocean.

However, the strong fighting consciousness brought by the champion's will made it difficult for the Eagle King to hurt Jiang You even if he occupied the right time and place. Instead, he was endlessly consumed by Jiang You.

In the end, amid exclamations, the Eagle King's hands were cut off, his wings were broken, and he fell to the ground!

He was still old and could not fight for a long time. If he was young, Jiang You might not be his opponent!

Facing Jiang You's pursuit, the Eagle King who fell to the ground smiled bitterly.

"I am willing to surrender and become a vassal of your Winged People!"

"No need, the Eagle King's Court will be destroyed today!"

Jiang You refused coldly. He also folded his wings and landed on the ground, step by step walking towards the fallen Eagle King.

The Eagle King was desperate, and he finally couldn't help asking.

"Why do you have to put my people to death!"

"Eagle King, do you still remember the Eagle Tribe of Gaoman Mountain?"

"The Eagle Tribe of Gaoman Mountain?"

The Eagle King pondered.

"You may not remember, but we do. The ancestors of my Winged People are from the Gaoman Mountain Eagle Tribe. When we were weak, it was your Eagle King Court that drained the blood of the Gaoman Mountain Tribe time and time again. My fathers and ancestors were all used as cannon fodder on the battlefield of the Titans and Dragons!"

"Today, we are here to seek revenge! Didn't expect that the high and mighty Eagle King Court would eventually be destroyed by the small tribe that once looked down upon!"

Jiang You laughed loudly, and without waiting for the Eagle King to say anything, he beheaded him with a sword.

When the head flew in the sky, the Eagle King suddenly thought of something.

"Back then, wasn't the place where the descendants of that most outstanding son lived in Gaoman Mountain?"

If I hadn't done that at the beginning, would the ending be different?

With endless regret, the Eagle King's consciousness fell into darkness!

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