The birth of every legendary profession will awaken legendary characteristics.

Different professions have different legendary characteristics.

Generally speaking, legendary professions will only awaken one characteristic.

For example, the legendary feature of the Awakening of the Eagle King: Storm Lord is a feature that enhances storm control.

But Jiang You's situation is somewhat special. With the help of Qingshi, he absorbed the extraordinary blood of the two Titans and awakened two extraordinary powers, thunder and light.

Therefore, two legendary characteristics were awakened.

One is passive and the other is active.

Divine Power: The damage caused by the power of thunder is doubled!

Sacred Heart: Enter absolute combat status!

With the blessing of two legendary characteristics, once he advanced to legend, he had a strength that was not inferior to that of the veteran legendary powerhouses.

However, what pleased him even more was the complete sublimation of his bloodline.

Bloodline: Immortal Seed!

It means that he has a longer lifespan, which allows him to go further. In the future, it is possible to get a glimpse of the throne of God.

However, he fell into deep thought when he saw the information in the system prompt that the winged race had not evolved into an immortal species.

In his conception, the Winged People should be an immortal race comparable to the future elves.

But now, although the lifespan of the winged people is slightly higher than that of the eagle people due to bloodline variation, they are still like ordinary races.

All ethnic groups in the mainland today.

Except for the dragons, only the dwarves have a longer lifespan, reaching 300 years old, because their ancestors have the blood of Titans.

The rest are within two hundred years old.

"So, how do elves do it?"

Just as Jiang You was deep in thought, a burst of high and enthusiastic cheers suddenly erupted from the sky and the earth across the Tianshan Mountains!

He woke up suddenly, raised his head, and looked at the sky above his head.

The winged warriors all over the sky raised their white wings one after another, holding high their long bows and swords.

They looked at him and cheered!

The corpses of the Eagles are spread all over the mountains and plains on the Tianshan Mountains, and the collapsed Yingren Royal Court is flowing with blood and flames!

The blood feud of nine generations was avenged today!

The hero's peak, which has been trapped under the legend, has broken through.

The Winged People have their first legend, and they have officially entered the stage of being a powerful clan on the mainland!

These are all reasons for the wingers to cheer fiercely!

Facing the cheers of the tribesmen, Jiang You remembered the promise he made to the tribesmen before setting off!

He put away the Holy Thunder Domain, raised his white wings, and ascended to the sky. His clear voice spread throughout the land and sky of Tianshan Mountain!

"People, I once said that the Winged People have accumulated strength for hundreds of years. Once they rise up, they will avenge the blood of the nine worlds, flatten the Tianshan Mountains, and shatter the royal court."

"Now, we have done it. The hawks of the Royal Court who once despised us all lie on the ground. The hawk king has only one stupid head left. The Tianshan Mountains tremble under our feet. Countless hawks of the tribe no longer suffer from slavery!"

"People! I once said that the crown should be born in blood and fire! Today, at this time, I will be crowned king in this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, in the ruins of the collapsed royal court!"

At this moment, a big hole appeared in the clouds in the sky. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and a bright golden light shone on Jiang You's body, making him look like a god or a saint!

"The mountains crown me! The scorching sun forges my golden crown!"

"From today on, I am the King of Winged People!"

Jiang You's declaration echoed throughout the mountains and rivers!

The sound of the announcement has just fallen, like the echo raised by the waves of the sea, like the echo coming from the mountains!

Winged people all over the sky raised their arms and cheered!



"My clan has a king!"

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