Jiang You smiled when he heard this.

"That's right. Now, our winged humans have a place to stay in the goblin capital."

He looked at this tall building with great symbolic significance. The shape of a pair of wings that looked like spread wings made him feel that the goblins had put their best efforts into it.

Isn't this the embassy?

Actually, on this street.

There are not only double-wing buildings designed for their winged humans, but also dwarf buildings shaped like a hammer, troll buildings shaped like fangs, and fairy buildings shaped like a forest. In addition, there are also half-shaped buildings. Centaurs, mermaids, dwarfs and more.

This street seems to be specially built for these "Conglong Heroes" race.

The goblin official asked before pushing open the door of the winged human building.

"Your Highness, this building has not been named yet. You can name it. We will find craftsmen to hang the door sign later!"

"In that case, let's call it the Yiren Embassy!"

Jiang You said without thinking.

The goblin officials were surprised when they heard this.

"The name you mentioned is the same as the one mentioned in the words of the humans in the refuge. It seems that the rumors are true, and His Highness is indeed close to the humans!"

"In some ways, they and I do have a lot in common!"

Jiang You laughed.

He was not worried about being afraid of the goblins because he was close to the human race.

In fact, almost all of the truly powerful human technologies and equipment are in the hands of Goblin King Amiguel.

The lifespan of the human race is not long. Even if they practice the path of sequence, under the restrictions of the goblins, after a few hundred years, the descendants of the human race will become the ordinary race of Felander.

No threat!

For the sake of the future eternal dynasty of the goblin empire, Amiguel will not do everything possible, but he will use all possible means!

However, Jiang You has always been very confused about one thing.

In the once illustrious pre-era human civilization, the extraordinary sequence system that had developed to its extreme, was there really no super strong person at the top of the sequence?

In the game data, those who reach the top of Sequence 1 of each path are also called gods!

In front of the Yiren embassy, ​​the goblin official's sigh interrupted Jiang You's thoughts.

"The human race is indeed a magical race."

Then he said solemnly.

"Your Highness, the exclusive house number will be delivered tomorrow, and we are fully responsible for the food and drinks during this period. In addition, in one month, there will be my king's coronation ceremony, so please be sure to attend on time."

Jiang You said seriously.

"I will definitely remember it!"

The goblin official excused himself politely.

At this time, the goblins were dressed cleanly and neatly, with an upright and calm appearance, and they also carried the pride and pride of being the strongest race in the continent.

In this way, Ferlander is currently the strongest clan!

I don’t know how I will be like that in the future.

After the goblin officials left, Jiang You led the clan members into the tall, double-wing-shaped embassy.

The space inside the embassy is huge, enough to accommodate a thousand wingmen, and there is even room left.

Originally, these buildings were rebuilt in the palace where the Titans originally lived, and the place was indeed very large.


A few hours later.

The sun is about to set, and the light of dusk fills the sky and earth.

Jiang You took a few guards and turtles to stroll around this new goblin city.

The houses are arranged in an orderly manner and the streets are wide and open.

It seems that several rings were built to surround the Proadas Mountain in the middle.

The entire city is enough to accommodate a million people!

Amiguel's ambition was clearly reflected when he built the city.

Finally, he walked up to the high city wall and overlooked this newly glorious city!

The newly built goblin capital looked glorious.

A vibrant civilization is rising!

in the following days.

Apart from occasionally going out for a walk, Jiang You spends the rest of his time practicing!

During this period, he was received once by the goblin king Amiguer in the newly built palace.

Amiguel was really surprised for a while when he saw Jiang You becoming a legend, and felt more kind to him.

But in this era, strength speaks for itself.

In today's Ferlander, Jiang You's Winged Human Race is the strongest sky army, and it is inevitable that Amigel does not pay attention to it.

But when Jiang You walked out of the palace.

The goblin great sage walked to Amiguel's throne and said with a frown.

"Now that the leader of the Winged People has become a legend, he is no longer as easy to control as before."

A hundred thousand winged humans are a hundred thousand flying legion capable of fighting in the sky.

Even legends and demigods get headaches.

It's not that they're afraid, but it's difficult to solve.

Before becoming a god, divine power and extraordinary power were two different things!

Amiguel is a man who has a strong desire for control. Although the trolls are strong, there are a large number of troll clans of different species in Ferland, so he never worries.

But the united Winged People have Legend as their leader. Even if they provoke internal strife, they will be immediately suppressed by Legend. This is a trouble!

"Your Majesty, perhaps we can form our own flying corps!"

"Ourselves? Use those eagle men?"

Amiguel asked doubtfully.

"It's not them. I went to see those eagle people. They have no spirit at all and are already useless."

"What I want to say is, we rely on ourselves. Our goblin clan has various knight professions. Why not choose a flying monster as the riding beast of the sky army?"

The great sage smiled.

"Hey, that's a good idea. So, does the great sage have any ideas about which kind of flying monster can be used as a mount for our flying knight?"

Amiguel became interested and asked.

"Griffins! In the previous battle against Titan, didn't we capture a large number of griffins and keep them in prison?"

The great sage leaned on his wooden staff and smiled.

"Good! Good! Good! Wonderful!"

Amiguel said three good words in a row, obviously extremely satisfied!

"My great sage is like a fish gaining a water source, like a saber-toothed tiger gaining wings! I will do as you say!"

He laughed.

"However, at the moment, we still need to pay enough attention to the Winged People. The ancient dragon still doesn't know where it is. The sky troops are indispensable!"

"Then, since the Winged Man King has become a legend, let him serve as the guardian of the empire's eastern border!"

The great sage suggested.


Amiguel nodded.

The goblins haven't set foot in that place yet, it's just a false name, just give it away, and wait for the goblin clan to multiply and develop, and then find excuses to take it back in the future.

After studying this matter with the goblin great sage, he was ready to go to the harem to pamper his new beautiful goblin girl.

Just when he thought the great goblin sage was about to leave, he saw him stopping where he was and continuing to speak.

"One more thing, Your Majesty!"

"What's up?"

Amiguel was not impatient at all.

"Right now, the humans in those shelters are making a lot of small moves and maintaining contact with various races. I think it's time to express our attitude!"

Hearing this, Amiguel frowned.

In addition to the strength accumulated by the goblins for countless years, the human race who came out of the shelter was also the most important reason for being able to conquer the continent of Ferland.

Without humans, it would be difficult for them to defeat the Titans!

"We want to beat the human race and let all the races on the mainland see our attitude towards the human race!"

The goblin great sage said.


"Among those human races, isn't there a woman named Fiona? It is said that in their era, this girl was a shelter manager specially trained by the human race, and she was considered the nominal leader of the human race."

"I think, Your Majesty, you can marry her as your concubine! Declare your attitude to the world!"

"Marry that human woman as your concubine?"

Amiguel felt a little unhappy.

In his eyes, beauties among goblins are beauties. Those human women, no matter how beautiful they look, are nothing more than large monkeys in his eyes!

He loves beautiful people's green skin!

"Your Majesty, you will be the emperor of the Goblin Empire in the future, and you need to make sacrifices! Besides, you are only expressing your attitude by marrying her. If you marry her back, you don't need to touch her. You can just keep her as an object in the palace!"

"In this way, it not only knocks down those human races who seem to be bowing their heads but are actually proud, but also makes them actually become a mess. At the same time, it also warns all the races in the mainland, why not do such a good thing?"

"Oh well!"

Amiguel said helplessly.

"Okay, I'll take care of this later!"

"Well, there's no need to be so anxious!"

"You will be crowned next month. By then, the queen and concubines will be making their appearance. Hurry!"



Half a month later, Jiang You, who was in the Yiren embassy, ​​suddenly heard the news of an explosion.

"What? That blond human girl named Fiona married the Goblin Emperor as his concubine?"

All the Winged People were surprised.

"Really or not?!"

"With such huge racial differences, can there be true love?"

Little Turtle King Xiaoba also exclaimed!

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