Just right.

When Jiang You looked up, the light in Fiona's eyes flickered, but then dimmed again.

The sun is clear.

Fiona felt like she was in the cold winter, but Amiguel's coronation ceremony would not change due to anyone's mood.

When Amiguel walked through the coronation avenue made of red fox furs, the goblin soldiers raised their spears high above the heads of Amiguel's goblins on the red carpet avenue.

This form of coronation ceremony made all the tribes on the mainland widen their eyes. They felt that what the goblins were doing was different. This was the atmosphere of civilization!

Unfortunately, the irony is that it was Fiona who made such a suggestion.

When the bright red carpet came to an end, Amiguel turned to look at his wife beside him, nodded, and walked up the nine hundred steps alone.

The Goblin Queen took her three hundred concubines along the steps to the small stand on the side.

The sun shone on each step, and Amiguel climbed up step by step until he stood on the highest step.

He turned his back to his subjects and allies in the square, took a deep breath, and then turned around!

Just like facing all living beings!

At this time, the goblin high priest standing on the left stood out of the queue, holding a golden gem crown in his hand, and read loudly!

"Countless years ago, the world was ruled by Titans and dragons, enslaving all races on the continent. The two races fought all the time, causing the earth to crack, the sky to shatter, and the mountains and rivers to reverse!"

"Until the king of our clan, Amiguel, came out of nowhere and led his troops in battles, he was invincible. He was extremely talented and became a demigod! He worked hard and endured many hardships, and finally drove away the Titans in one battle, killed the Thunder Titans, and replaced the Titans and the Thunder Titans. The dominion of the dragon!"

"Now the world is at peace, and all races live in harmony under the rule of the born king, Amigore, who is so powerful in Ferland!"

"Today, on behalf of the goblin clan, as well as the leaders and kings of all the clans on the mainland, I implore the goblin lord Amigel to establish the goblin empire."

"At the same time, please ask Amiguel to be crowned the great emperor of the empire under the witness of the mountains and the shining of the sun, moon and stars!"

After the goblin high priest finished speaking, all the goblin officials and goblin nobles in the goblin queue on the left half-knelt on the ground and congratulated in unison.

"I beg you, Armiger, to be crowned Emperor of the Empire!"

Right side of the square.

Thousands of people from all ethnic groups looked at the earth-shattering shouts of entreaty and couldn't help but look at each other.

But soon.

One... two... three... everyone imitated the goblin officials and nobles on the left, half-knelt on the ground, and shouted loudly.

"We, the dwarves, implore Armiger to be crowned Emperor of the Empire!"

"We, the fairies, implore Armiger to be crowned Emperor of the Empire!"

"We, the troll clans, implore Armigour to be crowned Emperor of the Empire!"

The leaders of all the tribes in the mainland are the most aware of current affairs!

Jiang You is naturally no exception.

"I, the Winged Human Race," begged Armiger to be crowned Emperor of the Empire! "

However, when he raised his head and looked at the towering Amiguel, that sentence came to mind again.

"He takes his place!"

Well, this was the second time he remembered this sentence...

On top of the highest steps.

Amiguel looked at the surrendered goblins and the various races on the mainland with a look of fascination on his face.

"So, is this how the emperor feels? That must have been the same feeling when the King of Titans sat on the Mountain Throne of Proadas back then!

Jiang You shouted helplessly for a long time before hearing Amiguel's more majestic voice than before.

"Since you all have requested me, I, Armiger, will be the Goblin Emperor from now on!"

When he finished speaking, the goblin high priest walked up the nine hundred steps and came to Amiguel and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, please bow your head for the last time, and let me put on the crown that symbolizes the imperial power for you! From now on, no one can make your Majesty bow his head!"


Amiguel lowered his head slightly and allowed the goblin high priest to put the golden crown on his head.

Then, the crowd cheered.

Amiguel is officially crowned!

And his first words after putting on the crown.

"I, the Goblin Emperor, Armiger!"

"Everyone, stand up! Your emperor gives you the right to raise your head!"

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