Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 44 Legendary bloodline inheritance!

On the top of the mountain.

The wind is cool.

The huge pine trees on the edge of the cliff are crooked, like a door to the sky.

Reinhardt felt the closeness flowing in his blood, and looking at his father with purple eyes and white wings in front of him, he felt a sense of security he had never felt before.

Without waiting for Jiang You to answer, he recalled on his own.

The closeness in the blood made him willing to tell Jiang You the stories of these years without reservation.

He was fostered in the human tribe since he was a child, living with a group of human brothers and sisters, and was raised by the human elders who came out of the shelter.

Under the education of the elders in the tribe, they learned to raise griffins from an early age and grew up with the griffin cubs.

In addition to griffins.

In the human tribe, there are also a large number of goblin officials and soldiers. They are like the eyes of the goblin emperor Amigel, monitoring the development of the human tribe and the progress of raising griffins.

Of course, they also shoulder the task of protecting the human tribe.

Because of a certain agreement, the elders of the shelter could not teach them some precious advanced knowledge.

He had seen many times that the human elders sighed in the middle of the night, which was the pain of the loss of civilization.

For the continuation of the race, sometimes compromises had to be made.

Until he was 6 years old.

He didn't know that he actually had parents.

That day.

The human queen of the goblin emperor came to this human tribe where half of them were children.

The queen was the nominal leader of the human race. Although she was only a "reader" of sequence 8, her expertise in the previous era allowed her to "lead" the human race today.

She brought a large amount of supplies and some resources for cultivation.

There were also some human children with extraordinary potential in the tribe, but their talents were extremely low.

It may be related to the change of eras, and it needs to be improved from generation to generation.

The human queen asked for some career paths of the goblin race for them as the beginning of the new extraordinary power of the human race.

This profession is called "Knight".

However, the knight career path that the goblins gave to the human race can only reach the hero level at most, and there is no legendary stage above that.

The goblin emperor Amigel bluntly said that the legendary path of each profession is the result of countless goblin people's practice from generation to generation, with time and blood and tears.

It is impossible to give it to the human tribe.

In the past life.

Reinhardt showed a high extraordinary potential, but for some reason.

The elders in the tribe did not let him become a "knight" professional, saying that he would have a better future in the future.

Then that night.

The human princess stayed in the tribe, and when he was about to fall asleep, she came to Reinhardt's room, hugged him and bowed her head and cried all night.

That night.

The 6-year-old Reinhardt knew that his mother was the princess forced to marry by the goblin emperor Amigel, and his father was not the goblin emperor, but a big man far away on the east coast of the Ferland continent!

He is the guardian of the east border and sky of the goblin empire, the Grand Duke, the king of the winged people on the east coast, Jiang You!

He was precocious and remembered his mother Fiona's words and kept this secret in his heart.

Reinhardt grew up slowly. Although he could not learn extraordinary skills, he practiced swordsmanship day and night.

He looked forward to taking his mother away from the palace after he became strong!

In this way, 9 years passed, and Reinhardt grew from a child to a handsome blond boy!

A month ago.

Mother Fiona told him that he could come to Heaven Mountain on the east coast to find Jiang You and asked him to be ready.

Then the next day.

A goblin official came to him and asked him to take several griffins he raised and follow the 19th prince Asa Amigel to the fiefdom.

During this time, he needed to teach the 19th prince and his trusted knights to ride griffins.

After teaching these goblin knights.

The 19th prince patted him on the shoulder and asked him to do his own thing.

Although he got along well with the prince at that time, he could not let him say such words.

So he was very confused.

"Why do you say that, Your Highness?"

But the Nineteenth Prince only said one sentence to him, with a meaningful smile.

"I have an agreement with Princess Fiona."

So, Reinhardt was able to successfully come to the East China Sea Paradise Mountain.

The top of Paradise Mountain.

When Reinhardt finished his experience.

It was getting dark.

The sunset was about to fall, and the red clouds flowed in the picturesque scenery with the sea breeze.

Jiang You's purple eyes were filled with soft light, and he smiled gently.

"Thank you for your hard work, my child."

"My blood flows in your veins, and you can inherit my legendary path!"

"By the way, I remember that the human race has extraordinary people named "Sequencers". Why don't your elders let you become a sequencer?"

"Mother said that the era of sequencers has long ended, and professionals are the mainstream of the era!"

"In this era, extraordinary sequencers have no soil to exist at all, and the various resources required for advancement no longer exist."

Reinhardt explained honestly.

"I see."

Jiang You finally understood.

It turns out that in this era, the birth of "Sequencers" is no longer allowed.

Sequencers need more long-extinct monster organs to advance, which are simply not available now.

Such an extraordinary path has to be developed from scratch once a species extinction occurs.

"My son, Reinhardt. Come to me and show me your extraordinary qualifications!"

Jiang You greeted.

"Okay, Father."

Reinhard stepped closer.

Jiang You put his hand on his head.

The extraordinary power moved slightly, gathering the surrounding elements, and the breeze blew gently, blowing the golden hair.

Reinhardt's body suddenly lit up with white and purple light.

It’s also light and thunder!

Jiang You was overjoyed when he saw this and let go of his hand.

"As expected of my son. Reinhardt, you have the same extraordinary talent as me!"

"My professional path can be passed down to you in its entirety."

"However, you don't have wings. Perhaps, you need to make some slight adjustments to your career path."

"But it's not a big problem!"

In Reinhard's expectant eyes.

Jiang You stretched out his right hand, surrounded by a hazy halo, and gently touched Reinhard's forehead.

"Now, hold your breath and concentrate!"


A picture emerged in Reinhard's mind.

At the beginning, there was a winged boy holding a bronze sword.

His sword sparkled with thunder, and his purple eyes were like lightning!

Then, there is a picture of the Yiren boy embarking on the path of legend step by step!

Create a career, discover ways to advance, and finally defeat the legend with the heroic level, and become a legend right where you are!

In the end, the picture freezes on several images of a legendary path!

"Thunder Controller - Wings of Thunder - Holy Wing Walker - Blazing of Holy Thunder!"

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