
East Coast.

Heaven Mountain, White Stone Castle.

Outside the white castle, there is a large lawn that is well-kept and full of vitality.

A group of white birds of light are playing on the lawn.

A team of winged soldiers stand solemnly at the gate of White Stone Castle.

Several winged officials flew down from the mountain, landed on the lawn, washed their clothes gently, and hurried into the castle.

Peaceful and peaceful, like a holy land.

However, it didn't take long.

The tranquil atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

It was as if a big stone fell from the sky and hit the water.

"What! Amiguel is dead?"

In the White Stone Castle.

The middle-aged male winged official sitting in the government hall stood up directly from his seat, with a look of shock on his face.

"Edward Enona, sit down!"

On the main seat.

Jiang You sat upright on a large chair covered with bear skin.

On the wall behind him, a map of Losendas and the East Coast was hung.

He looked at the extremely surprised ministers and frowned.

The female winged official who had helped him handle government affairs had passed away a hundred years ago.

Perhaps because of the busy government affairs, Inona had never cultivated to the hero level until her death, and her life span was only two hundred years of the master level.

Edward Inona in front of her was her most outstanding grandson, and he was also a master level.

However, it might be because Inona's ability was too strong, Jiang You always felt that Edward's ability was slightly different.

However, there were still several winged officials sitting in the government hall, both men and women.

Although they did not stand up, there was also a look of shock in their eyes!

Although Jiang You was also shocked by the death of Amigel, his will now was like the bright moon in the sky, unmoved by the eight winds!

He asked the female winged person standing in the hall.

"Elena, tell me everything that happened in Proadas recently.

"Yes, Your Majesty! "

Seeing Jiang You calm down and calm down, Elena began to narrate, or rather, recite.

"The information comes from the Winged Embassy of Proadas."

"Three months ago, the conflict between the seventeenth and thirteenth princes of the goblins intensified, and the subordinates of both sides were almost fighting to the death! The goblin queen Alessa had to mediate in person."

Because Amiguel lived too long, several older princes have died.

Except for the seventh prince who has achieved legend and has no interest in the throne, the rest of the princes are not legends. Even if they have achieved the hero level, their life span is no more than 500 years.

Among the princes, there are also different talents.

The thirteenth prince Milan Amiguel and the seventeenth prince Ashou Amiguel are the two most talented and ambitious princes alive.

"Two months ago. A fierce conflict broke out again between the two princes! But this time, even Queen Alessa couldn't mediate. "

"What happened? ”

“Two months ago, during the hunting competition held by Emperor Amiguel, while the Seventeenth Prince was out hunting, his childhood sweetheart, who was said to be the most beautiful goblin among the goblins, was abducted by the Thirteenth Prince and presented to Emperor Amiguel!”

“Emperor Amiguel is a beauty, and this is something that Ferland knew. At the first sight of the Seventeenth Prince’s childhood sweetheart, he was deeply fascinated!”

“Even though he knew that the female goblin in front of him was his son’s future wife, he didn’t expect that the little goblin girl would grow up to be so beautiful.”

“So he pretended not to know and directly took this beautiful goblin girl into his harem.”

“So, when the Seventeenth Prince came back with the prey, everyone was dumbfounded!”

“He didn’t expect that he just wanted to show off in front of his father, but when he came back, his house was robbed!”

“After learning the truth, the Seventeenth Prince was furious! That night, he led his own guards to attack the Thirteenth Prince’s tent. "

"The Thirteenth Prince did not expect his younger brother to be so strong and was seriously injured on the spot. After escaping with great difficulty, he ran to Amiguel, who had already returned to the palace with a beauty, to complain!"

"Seeing that his son was almost killing another son, Amiguel was furious! He immediately ordered that the Seventeenth Prince be whipped fifty times and be placed under house arrest in the palace. He would be released only when he realized his mistakes!"

"After this incident, the Seventeenth Prince knew that his life was over. He would never be recognized by Amiguel again! The throne was completely out of his reach for him!"

"The Seventeenth Prince was stubborn. When he was under house arrest in the mansion, he sent someone to find Amiguel to ask for his fiancée, but Amiguel refused to admit it!"

"This made the Goblin Seventeenth Prince completely collapse!"

"So just a month ago, the Seventeenth Prince pretended to admit his mistake and entered the palace."

"That night, a very fierce battle broke out in the palace. Most of the palace collapsed, and half of the palace was corroded by evil forces. "

"After that, the seventeenth prince never walked out of the palace again."

"The next day, there was news that Amiguel was hit in the heart by his own Amiguel's gun, and was seriously injured and close to coma!"

"Then, when the news came again, it was the news that Amiguel had passed away, and the thirteenth prince Milan Amiguel hastily ascended the throne in front of the emperor's spirit."

Jiang You listened to it with a confused face, and only felt that the seventeenth prince that Elena talked about seemed like a person called Shou Wang in the ancient world in the previous life. However, this goblin prince was much braver than that unlucky guy.

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