Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 72 The throne blesses and judges all living beings!


In the extreme south of Ferland, in a huge active volcano, a flame giant composed entirely of lava suddenly woke up from the magma!

"How long have I been sleeping, and it's the world that wakes me up!"

He looked up to the sky where the will of the world guided him.

A bright platinum moon shines high in the sky.

"Hey, when did there appear two more moons in the sky? Well, it should be called the moon, right?"

"The world has guided me to go to the Platinum Moon and destroy the world's enemies. Hahahaha. I just woke up and had nothing to do, so I went to take a look!"


The continent of Flanders.

The arctic ice plateau.

Deep in the sky and sea!

At the moment when the platinum bright moon appears.

A blue-light holy whale that was three hundred meters long suddenly jumped out of the water and flew towards the sky.

No hesitation, no hesitation!


The continent of Finorton, which is separated from the continent of Ferland by a vast ocean, is also the place where the trolls of the Giant Tree Clan migrated thousands of years ago.

On the western prairie.

The golden lion king with shining golden hair and a height of ten meters stood deep in a hidden ruins. He looked at the platinum moon that suddenly appeared in the sky. His golden eyes narrowed slightly, and finally he lay down and fell asleep!

All over the world and on all major continents, almost all demigod creatures have received the guidance of the world's will, but most of them just wake up and then continue to sleep or do their own things.

Anyway, there are reasons for each.

Only a few demigods receive guidance, but there are many of them!


All the demigod creatures who accepted the guidance began to fly towards the Platinum Moon, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly!

The four giant dragons were among the slowest group.

When they flew through the Gangfeng area, the law of wind began to calm down!

When they entered the high sky, the chaotic law conflict weakened a lot.

This makes them feel very intuitively that the will of the world is helping them!

Then, they came to the new platinum moon.

At this moment, they could see clearly that the platinum moon was actually an extremely brilliant platinum throne, standing high in the sky and embedded in the suspended mountain. Go to the colors of heaven and earth.



When they take a closer look!

An even more horrifying scene appeared in front of them.

I saw a tall and handsome man standing in front of the throne.

He has long silver hair, and when his purple eyes open and close, there seems to be a vast sea of ​​stars! A pair of flawless white wings behind his back shine with pure white brilliance! A pure white halo of will manifested above the head!

So sacred!

The most noble thing!

In front of him, there was a huge blue-light holy whale, half of its body was missing, and a blue long sword that was 17 or 18 meters long penetrated it from the head, deep inside. Nailed deep into the sky above the top of Heavenly Mountain!

Blood gurgled down from the body of the holy whale, along the arc of Heavenly Mountain, dripping onto the high sky and dissipating between heaven and earth.

You can't die any more!

It's more than that.

In the hand of the winged man, he also held a purple-gold thunder sword, which cut a lava giant in half and separated its five limbs.

The lava giant is not dead yet and is wailing miserably!

But the heroic silver-haired man with wings stepped on his head, kicked his head onto the platinum throne, and suppressed him.


He turned around unhurriedly and looked at the four new ancient dragons with his long sword. There was a hint of bloody killing in his eyes as he smiled.

"Are you here to kill me too?"

The light of the platinum moon shrouded the outside.

The four ancient dragons looked at each other. For the first time, they felt a strong sense of oppression from a race other than the Titans!

"That's right! He is the source of the world's malice and the world's great enemy!"

"Are we going up? He just killed two demigods!"

"Go up, why not go up? I can feel that his power level has not reached the highest level. Besides, if he kills a demigod, his power will inevitably be lost. And we, the four dragons, are united and will kill him!"

"Okay, let's go together!"

The four ancient giant dragons strengthened their will and let out a dragon roar that shook the heavens and the earth at the same time!

Four dragon breaths like pillars of heaven and earth suddenly came out of their dragon mouths and blasted towards Jiang You.

Cyan light, scarlet flames, metal particles, and the breath of the earth!

The power of the authority of the four laws exploded, and the blessing of the power of heaven and earth came directly, covering the entire Platinum Throne area in an instant.



In the battle of demigods, there is never any chance of holding back!

As soon as they came up, the four ancient giant dragons used their power of authority, using the dragon's breath as a carrier, intending to crush the powerful enemy in one fell swoop!

However, their idea failed.

Inside the throne is where Jiang You's will lies!

Facing the four terrifying dragon breaths made of authority that penetrate the sky and the earth.

Jiang You raised his purple gold sword high and spoke majestically, word by word.

"I mean the law, the ruling!"

That's all!

A law that has never been seen before is like a winding and vast Milky Way, and like a bright and cold moon, exuding the majesty of killing the world, appearing between heaven and earth.

The authority of thunder surrenders under its Milky Way, and the authority of heavy water prostrates under its bright moon!

"The blessing of the throne rules all living beings!"

The purple-gold sword emerged with a color that was purer than light!

This was a color that was whiter than white, or it could be called "holy"!

The sword slashed up, stirring up a surging sea of ​​holiness, blocking the four vast dragon breaths of power.

Then, without waiting for the four ancient dragons to react.

He held the pillar of dragon breath of destruction, holding the sword upside down, and took a step forward!

The space was broken, and Jiang You appeared directly in front of the strongest blue-green ancient dragon, which was also the edge of the area where the platinum throne was located!

Within the range of the throne, directly piercing through the space and moving instantly, to a certain extent, this is already in the realm of the gods!

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