Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 85 The Sisters' War and the Rise of the Blood Axe Clan

The mountains in the west are rich in minerals and metals.

Thousands of years ago, the dwarves traded precious forging technology from the humans of the previous era and carried it forward!

The dwarf kingdom used this as its foundation and accumulated a lot of wealth over the thousands of years.

As a famous country of mountains, in the first thousand years of the empire, the dwarves had to provide a large number of weapons and armor to the goblin empire every year.

It was not until after the Millennium Change that the goblin empire began to decline, and the weapons and armor provided by the dwarves became less and less.

Until a few years ago, the Behemoth Royal Court on the grassland rose, and the Yi people on the east coast became independent.

Seeing that the Goblin Empire is powerless to do this.

Today's dwarf king Qiri Evat finally made up his mind to lead the dwarves to independence and establish the Evat Mountain Kingdom.

As a result, one of the most important sources of weapons for the Goblin Empire was lost, and the country became increasingly weak.

Affected by this, the attitude of the foreign races on the mainland towards the goblins has changed.

Year 1056 of the Goblin Empire Calendar.

east coast.

After a few years of rest, the Sea Tribe once again launched a war on the east coast of the Winged Tribe!

This time, Themis, the eldest princess of the Sea Tribe, brought the elite Marine Tribe troops from the deep sea city of Medelbon.

The third princess of the Sea Tribe, Mellor, also came from the southern seas to join the battle with her followers!

Sophia once again holds the lava sword and leads Losendas' winged man army into the battle.

Themis learned wisely this time and did not rush ashore to attack in large numbers. Instead, she quickly assembled an elite army of extraordinary professionals and followed the river deep into the hinterland of Losendas. After finding the Winged City in the hinterland, He also dispatched elite troops across the river at lightning speed, attacked the city, and forced the Yi people to fight with them.

This time, Sophia was caught off guard and was defeated hastily.

Fortunately, Arita arrived in time with the Sapphire Sword and Romanda's elite winged man army, and was able to withstand the attack of the Sea Tribe sisters.

Because the Sea Tribe occupied the river, although Sophia later ordered people to build iron fences and traps in major rivers to block the Sea Tribe's movement along the river.

But this time it was obviously impossible to drive the Sea Tribe back to the sea quickly.

The sea tribe opened up rivers and built underwater fortresses, which the Yi people could not easily break.

With these nails driven into the East Coast, the war raged back and forth for decades.

The fight only ended when both sides were exhausted.

Because it was a war led by two pairs of sisters, this war was also called the Sisters' War!

This time, the Yiren suffered heavy casualties. Hundreds of thousands of people died in this war.

But the gains are not without success.

This long-term battlefield has sharpened more wingmen, and their research on potions and professional paths has become faster.

And there are several hero-level wingmen who have broken through the legend in battle, making up for the lack of high-end combat power of the wingmen.


Year 1137 of the Goblin Empire.

A troll tribe called the Bloodaxe Clan rose up on the southwestern border of the Goblin Empire.

The Bloodaxe clan started out as a small tribe.

Later, a troll named Oden Bloodaxe was born in the Bloodaxe tribe.

He was extremely talented. He traveled to the mainland in his early years, worked as a mercenary for the Goblin Empire, smuggled armor and weapons to and from the northern desert, went to the dwarf mountain kingdom to forge iron, and also went to the east coast for business.

With the wealth and strength he has earned over the years, he is enough to make a living in the big cities of the Goblin Empire and live a good life.

Although the Goblin Empire is now weak, there are still a large number of foreigners living in the cities of the Goblin Empire and becoming subjects of the empire.

However, Oden Bloodaxe did not do this.

He paid attention to the current affairs on the mainland, saw the weakness of the Goblin Empire, and also saw the strength of the Dwarves, Behemoths, Winged People and Sea Tribes!

As a member of the troll clan, he is one of the few smart and wise people.

He saw that although the overall strength of the troll clan was very strong, they were very scattered and worked on their own!

After some adventure.

He quietly advanced to the path of legend!

After that, he returned to his hometown of Domat area on the southwest border, took over the Blood Ax clan where he was born, and became the tribal chief.

And began to establish the "God of Killing" as the belief of his own tribe!

At first, many trolls in the tribe were dissatisfied, thinking that this was against their ancestors' decision.

Oden Bloodaxe defeated them one by one!

You know, the troll tribe at this time has no faith.

Most of the trolls have simple minds, well-developed limbs, and rough actions. Although they have strong fighting power and legends are born, they have never been successful.

Just because most troll tribes are organized into clans and do not agree with each other.

Today you, the Blood Ax Clan, want me, the Stone Hammer Clan, to bow down. Tomorrow, I, the Stone Hammer Clan, must defend the dignity of our clan name again.

What they worship is their ancestors. They don't have a unified belief, and no one thinks about it in this way.

Oden Bloodaxe wants to unify all the troll tribes with his belief in the "God of Slaughter"!

The God of Blood Killing is indeed miraculous and will indeed give blessings to the trolls during battle.

Unify all the troll clans, erase the barriers between different ancestral spirits, and unite the trolls on the continent.

This would be extremely difficult and time-consuming.

Oden Bloodaxe decided to do it!

He has the motivation and strength and is willing to put it into action!


The Blood Ax clan began its silent expansion on the southwestern border of the empire.

in the first hundred years.

They annexed the nearby Bloodhand Clan, Stonehammer Clan, Axe Clan, Swamp Clan, Tree Clan and other small troll tribes, becoming a newly rising troll tribe in the southwest of the Goblin Empire.

Moreover, he spent more time on unifying the faith and no longer dividing the trolls by clans than on annexing them!

So at the beginning, their development was not fast.

It is often more difficult to unify thoughts.

The Goblin Empire only knew that a large troll tribe named Blood Axe had risen on the southwest border.

Oden Blood Axe even expressed his obedience to the Goblin Empire, and thus gained the support of the Goblin Empire.

He therefore built a small city in the Domat area as the residence of the Blood Axe tribe.

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