Based on the flight itinerary of an ordinary Winged Man, seven days' flight west from Gaoman Mountain would be the Vast Sea Forest.

With Jiang You's current speed, it wouldn't take seven days to go to the Vast Sea Forest.

But he didn't want to go too fast. Time was not in a hurry anyway, so he just resumed walking the same path.

Going west from Gaoman Mountain, it is not as wilderness as before. A road has been carved out by the goblins.

On both sides of this road, there were many goblin tribes, and then the caravans of goblins walked.

These goblin caravans usually hire trolls as mercenaries to ensure their safety.

There are several goblin towns scattered along this long road.

The goblins have been developing in the continent of Ferland for so many years, and their construction capabilities are not bad at all. They are now present in many places that they have not set foot in before.

When Jiang You came to the Vast Sea Forest again, the original throne of the Thunder Titan had been razed by the goblins, and was replaced by a goblin city built on the former camp of all races.

This is one of the largest cities in the eastern goblin region, Todkaboo.

Walking into this goblin city, in addition to the permanent population of goblins, there are people from all ethnic groups on the mainland, with the most trolls.

In the second chapter, the goblins are the most civilized and unique.

Todkab City has a wide platform built high and flush with the city wall in the east part of the city.

The platform was surrounded by runes and lit up with the light of magic crystals.

The several airships parked above are all the latest alchemy technology developed by the goblins.

The goblin alchemy technology has developed to this point. If you don't look at the external situation of the goblin empire, it is really in its peak.

Jiang You took the little turtle on an airship. The tourists were still very surprised that a flying winged man took an airship.

Winged people have appeared less frequently on the mainland recently.

Since the independence of the Losendas Kingdom, the goblins' perception of the winged people has also declined.

Of course, this would not cause the goblins to fight against the winged men. With the forbearance of the goblin emperor, the two races were not so bad as to declare war and hostility.

However, the goblin captain of the airship that Jiang You was about to board was not very fond of the winged man, but Jiang You's extraordinary bearing and majesty made him not dare to neglect him.

The airship took off from Todkabu, passed through the Vast Sea Forest, Benlei Swamp, and the Bernard Mountains, all the way north, and finally arrived at Yobud, the largest city in the north.

The Goblin Northern Legion is stationed here, and has always been responsible for resisting the Behemoth King's Court on the northern prairie.

Jiang You went north from Yobude and directly entered the grassland range, looking for the human tribes who went north to the grassland.

At this time, the human tribes have adapted to the life of the grassland and are divided into large and small nomadic tribes, each living independently on the grassland.

Originally, their ancestors were griffin herders, so the transition to raising cattle and sheep was not a new one.

But the largest branch among them is the Rhine tribe who established a prairie city on the northeastern edge of the North, a place with abundant rain and three forked rivers.

That is to say, the main lineage of the human race in the north had always belonged to the tribe ruled by the Reinhardt family.

The current Dio Reinhardt is the grandson of Vega Reinhardt and the most orthodox descendant of Reinhardt.

When Jiang You came to this tribe, Dio Reinhardt was very excited and recognized Jiang You's identity at a glance.

Although the Reinhardt family has produced many generations of clan members, many Reinhardts have forgotten who their ancestors were.

But the main line of the Reinhardt family, Dio Reinhardt, has always collected Jiang You's portrait, and knows that the King of Winged Men on the East Coast is one of the sources of the Reinhardt family's bloodline.

This has always been the Reinhardt family's deepest secret, and it is also their family's biggest escape route and trump card.

In the patriarch’s mansion in the city.

Dio Reinhard respectfully performed the ritual of ancestor worship to Jiang You, with tears in his eyes.

"Ancestor, the source of the Reinhardt bloodline, you have not forgotten us. You still remember that there are descendants of our bloodline among the human race!"

Jiang You was a little embarrassed when he heard this. To be honest, since Reinhard's death, he has not cared much about the Reinhard family. This cannot be said to have weak family ties.

It can only be said that in his heart, the Winged Human Race has always been the most important.

However, now that the younger generation was kneeling on the ground respectfully, he would not hurt their feelings.

After all, this lineage is indeed his bloodline.

After pondering for a while, he asked.

"Direct descendants of Reinhardt, descendants of my bloodline, do you always remember the oath of your ancestors?"

"Ancestors, we dare not forget the words of our ancestors at all, to revive the human race and avenge the goblins."

Dio Reinhardt answered without thinking.

He dare not forget the hatred of his clan and his ancestors, and the aspirations of the human race for a moment.

But the human race at this time was too weak and he was unable to achieve it.

Jiang You nodded.

"I came here this time to fulfill a promise made fifteen hundred years ago. Fiona once told me that in the future, some of the precious technologies of the human race will be returned to you. Here with me, it will be There is human enchantment technology!”

Jiang You took out a thick book, which recorded the enchanting technology that Fiona had given him, as well as some of the enchanting technologies that the Winged People had developed over the years.

Dio Reinhard took it respectfully.

"Thank you ancestors for the gift!"

Jiang You nodded, sighed, looked at the extremely respectful Dio Reinhardt in front of him, and said.

"I have one more thing to say, but not to the human race, but only to the Reinhardt family."

"Please speak, ancestor!"

At this time, the night was getting darker, and two bright moons were hanging high in the sky.

Jiang You pointed to the bright platinum moon in the sky.

"Do you see that platinum moon? That is my incarnation in the sky. In the future, if the Reinhardt family of your lineage is in trouble, call my name under the light of the platinum moon, and I will protect you!"

"Remember, don't call my name casually. My protection for the Reinhardt family is only when you are in danger!"

This is limited protection.

Even so, Dio Reinhardt is already grateful.

"Thank you for your love, ancestor!"

Then he was full of admiration.

"So the ancestor is the white moon in the sky! Now many people in the human race worship the white moon! Ancestor, the descendants of the future generations have an unwelcome request, please fulfill it!"


"The Reinhardt family wants to establish the belief of the platinum moon in the family first, to gather the hearts of the family, and then gradually expand to the human race!"

Jiang You was stunned when he heard this. Isn't this the initial stage of the church?

He smiled.


He doesn't need faith, but he doesn't want others to have human faith.

But since this process cannot be controlled, then seize the opportunity and squeeze out the space of future gods.

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