"The troll tribe that came to this continent thousands of years ago?"

Father Oak Silivans pondered for a while and finally remembered.

About a thousand or several hundred years ago, there was indeed a large tribe of intelligent races passing through the forest outside this oak forest.


That intelligent tribe did not approach this oak forest at that time, and did not come to disturb it, so the tree people who were often in a dormant stage ignored them.

But Father Oak has the wisdom of a demigod and can instinctively record everything that happened around him.

In his impression, the large tribe passed through the forest and went to the middle of the continent.

Although he didn't know why Jiang You was looking for this tribe, he didn't intend to stop him and told the truth.

"If you believe me, just keep going in this direction until you can find them in the middle of the continent."

Jiang You nodded when he heard it. He didn't think Father Oak would lie to him for this, and there was no benefit.

Standing in the air, looking at the forest like a vast ocean and the tree people's settlement with strong spiritual light, Jiang You suddenly asked before leaving.

"Silivans, how many years have passed since you were born?"

"Tens of thousands of years, right?"

Father Oak was confused.

"Nothing, see you later!"

Jiang You smiled and turned to fly to the middle of the continent.

According to the time calculation, it was tens of thousands of years ago in the ancient times.

Father Oak was a powerful creature that appeared in the world at the same time as the Titans and the Ancient Dragons of Ferland Continent.

Ferland Continent was able to give birth to many Titans and Ancient Dragons, these powerful demigods.

Then even if the creatures on the Finotton Continent were not as powerful as the Titans and Ancient Dragons of Ferland, after tens of thousands of years of accumulation, many powerful and ancient creatures should have been born.

Just like the Father Oak in front of him.

However, they did not dominate the continent like Titans and Dragons.

Instead, they were scattered all over the continent and did not belong to each other.

And there was no war between the demigod races, and there are still many left to this day.

Realizing that the Finotton continent was not simple, Jiang You took the next journey more seriously.

Soon, he crossed the vast forest where the oak forest was located and came to the sky above a vast swamp.

A large lizard tribe lived here, and a demigod-level swamp monitor was their totem and master.

Jiang You had good eyesight, and the lizard tribe was holding a sacrifice at that time.

Originally, Jiang You had no idea about this swamp monitor hidden deep in the swamp, but this guy saw Jiang You flying over the swamp carelessly, and stopped in the air to watch the lizard people's sacrifice. He was unparalleled in momentum, and the malice in his eyes was surging, which scared the lizards so much that the sacrifice stopped.

The swamp monitor lizard was stimulated, roared, and chased out.

"Can the malice of the world be used in this way?"

Jiang You was surprised and happy, so he led him out of the swamp, and the platinum moon shone completely for the first time in the Finotton continent!

In the end, after a fierce battle, the demigod giant lizard was granted a peaceful death, and the corpse was brought back to the platinum throne. He suppressed another authority, and the judgment law became more powerful!

The demigod war was too noisy, and Jiang You's killing of the swamp giant lizard was quickly sensed by the strong men of the western continent of Finotton.

The nearest oak father was the first to know about his neighbor who was courting death.

After all, the circle of demigods is so small.

He looked to the east, feeling the vast and knife-like will coming from the swamp, and sighed.

"With the malice of the world, he dared to walk in the world with swagger. He must be powerful and confident. This big lizard is really not smart, and he has lived for so many years in vain."

"However, this big lizard has been a little confused many years ago, tending to be beastly, and I don't know if there is a problem with his practice."

He closed his eyes again.


In the great swamp.

The huge lizard tribe was already confused.

Their totem beliefs were killed in front of the winged people who fell from the sky, and everyone was terrified.

A few days later.

Only then did a lizardman warrior walk out of the swamp and come to the battle site.

He did not find the body of the totem, but there was a large wave of blood that had not yet dried.

Feeling sad, he lowered his head and drank.

As a result, the blood of the demigod purified by the law of judgment did not kill him, but instead produced a wonderful change.

His stature became taller and his extraordinary talent was stronger.

After returning, this lizardman warrior took the position of the tribe leader.

The lizardman royal family of Finottun was born.


Behind the great swamp is a vast grassland as vast as the sea.

Come above this grassland.

Jiang You saw countless creatures and wild animals living on the grassland, including magic beasts and ordinary beasts.

It was midsummer at this time, and a long winding river flowed through this grassland.

Countless animals were drinking water by the river. The monsters were standing upstream. Ordinary wild animals were far away and dared to approach only after the monsters had finished drinking water.

After killing a few monsters for a snack, Jiang You continued on his way with the little turtle.

Flying over this long river and going deep into the grassland, Jiang You discovered.

In the center of this prairie, there is a tribe of golden-haired lions. These lions, regardless of size, have extraordinary spiritual light.

The powerful ones among them are even at the legendary level, and their wisdom is not low.

Obviously, this is a powerful extraordinary race.

This is an average of extraordinary people!

What Jiang You was looking at was an unknown relic that stood inexplicably in the depths of the grassland and exuded an ominous aura.

Inside, there was also a powerful demigod aura leaking out, much stronger than the previous swamp monitor lizard.

When his sight fell over, a domineering and tyrannical aura suddenly erupted in the relic!

It seemed that a domineering king was expelling outsiders.

Indistinctly, he saw a mighty and majestic golden lion standing between heaven and earth.

The hair was lush and golden!

Obviously, the golden lions outside were all his bloodline.

Facing the domineering aura of the golden lion, Jiang You smiled.

Standing above this group of golden lions, he also released his own mighty kingly aura, as if it was descending from the sky, more domineering and more majestic!

He stared at the figure of the golden lion demigod in the relic.

After a long time, the aura in the relic finally weakened and finally disappeared.



The chuckle echoed in the vast grassland.

For a moment, the whole grassland was filled with the only smell of the wind.

These Finodun demigods, one by one, only knew how to hide in their own nests and dared not leave their comfort zone.

They were not at all like the giant lizard friend Jiang You had before, who was warm and hospitable.


On the prairie.

All the golden lions fell to the ground under the pressure of Jiang You's momentum, not daring to breathe.

The legendary lion king, the leader, buried his head low, panicking in his heart.

"Over the years, I have also seen some silver-haired winged birdmen in the East, but none of them are so terrifying!"

After a long pause.

An idea suddenly popped up in its mind.

"I wonder if the birdmen in the Nadashil Forest, no, the beautiful winged people, like lionesses?"

He had never seen such a powerful existence that dared to be so ostentatious above the head of the ancestor, and the ancestor showed weakness.

So until Jiang You left for a long time, the legendary lion king kept his head down and did not dare to stick his head out.

Jiang You left the deep grassland and continued to go east.

He flew over the river valley, over the mountains, over the plains, and finally came to the edge of a vast forest.

He stood under the clouds and saw villages appearing in the forest from afar.

The residents of these villages still looked like trolls, but their faces were much softer.

They were not as sturdy and strong as trolls, and their heights were shorter.

If he had to describe it, Jiang You felt that they were between trolls and elves.

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