Jiang You returned to the sky and sat on the platinum throne again.

The sky was deep and beautiful.

The silver moon on the opposite side was still shining, illuminating the surrounding stars.

The platinum radiance of the throne reflected it!

On the land around the platinum throne, there were seven swords of judgment shining with various colors.

Corresponding to the seven suppressed world powers.

In addition to the two powers given to Sophia and Arietta.

And the purple-gold sword hanging on his waist, a total of ten world powers were suppressed by his judgment power.

Because of the characteristic of "the throne is me".

These ten powers are tempering his will every moment, making the judgment law more powerful.

The supreme champion will cast the law and suppress the world's power. The upper limit of the will is endless, but the platinum throne is limited.

The platinum throne limits the upper limit of the judgment law, so it needs to be developed and created!

Even the gods have to forge the godhood as the beginning of the great power of the gods, cleanse the body into the body of the gods, and sublimate the light of the soul!

Jiang You's platinum throne is equivalent to the godhood of the gods, but it is more vast and powerful, and has a stronger sublimation of itself!

So the next step, Jiang You is going to build the second heaven mountain.

The previous platinum throne and the top of the heaven mountain are the core of the first heaven mountain!

This is why this road is called the sky lord. Isn't the expansion of the heaven mountain the expansion of the territory in the sky?

In Jiang You's sky lord system.

The construction of the heaven mountain is different from the kingdom of the gods.

The kingdom of the gods is rooted in the main world, which is the land of the gods. It can sublimate authority, amplify divine power, and regularize the power of will, which is equivalent to a world.

The will of the gods is supreme in the kingdom of the gods. Few gods can defeat the gods in the kingdom of the gods unless the gap is too big.

But even so, the Kingdom of God is only a part of the main world, an extension of the world's will to directly control it!

But Jiang You's path to becoming the Sky Lord is different.

The Heaven Mountain system he built is based on the template of the Abyss Will!

This is a system that tends to expand outward!

In the future, when the Seven Heavens are established, his will will be enough to rival the Abyss Will!

On the throne.

As Jiang You closed his eyes, raised his will, transcended his spirit, and forged the second Heaven Mountain!

This time, there was no need to move the land on the earth. The authority of the mountain from the giant python of the mountain roamed at the bottom of the first Heaven Mountain, gathering the purest stardust between heaven and earth, and transformed into the entity of the second Heaven Mountain!

With this, the platinum moon quietly hung in the sky, slowly changing.

(To be honest, this realm setting is a bit of a waste of my brain. After all, Sky Lord is a realm that I made up on the spur of the moment, and the inspiration comes from the will of the abyss. In my current conception, the Seventh Heaven will compete with the Abyss in the future. Tell me if you have any good settings, and I will add them. I will mainly listen to your advice!)

1504 of the Goblin Empire calendar.

One night in summer.

The seventh emperor of the Goblin Empire, Mesha Amiguel, died unexpectedly!

When he was found by the ministers, he had been dead in the palace for several days.

This Goblin Emperor was in office for only 148 years.

But he was the most talented of the descendants of Amiguel. If nothing unexpected happened, he had the potential and talent to advance to the legendary realm.

Unfortunately, he died in the palace.

After the death of Mesha Amiguel, the Goblin princes fought for the throne and killed each other!

The entire Proadas Plain was destroyed, and a large number of goblins died in this battle for the throne.

Finally, the Lord and Marquis of Peleg in the central part of the Goblin Empire, Hag Amigel, led his troops eastward to the imperial capital, killed all the rebellious imperial princes and all the other descendants of Mesha Amigel, and was crowned as emperor with the support of the ministers.

It is worth mentioning that Hag Amigel's father was the former imperial prince Mildan Amigel.

The imperial throne eventually returned to the hands of the prince's line.

But because Hag Amigel's methods were too bloody and cruel, he started the tragic tradition of the Goblin Empire's throne change, which would cut off the descendants.


The Goblin Empire calendar is 1566.

Oden Blood Axe, the patriarch of the troll Blood Axe Clan, annexed the Fire Tree Clan in the west. This is a large troll tribe located in the west of the Goblin Empire with a population of 100,000. They can plant fire trees and build a troll city.

The population of the Blood Axe Clan reached 300,000, becoming the most powerful troll tribe in the southwest.

This victorious annexation strengthened the determination of Blood Axe Clan leader Oden Blood Axe to unify all the trolls on the Ferland continent.

The belief in the God of Slaughter also expanded.


In the year 1587 of the Goblin Empire.

The Sea Tribe invaded the Kingdom of Winged People again.

This time.

The eldest princess of the Sea Tribe, Themis, brought the hard-won strong reinforcements, and the second princess of the Sea Tribe, Metier, to participate in the war between the Winged People and the Sea Tribe.

The three Sea Tribe princesses and the Sophia sisters have similar combat power.

The high-end combat power is deadlocked, and the confrontation between the Winged People and the Sea Tribe also begins to stalemate.

This war has fallen into a protracted war and has become the longest war between the two tribes.


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