Oh, yes.
You prompted me to cook.
Verna looks strange, but Verse nods often. Just wipe the cream off your face.
Dur will serve the ingredients. I think I'm getting used to it. Dur and Tasha. What do you care? Lusha has all the tables.
The meat handed over is with the last lineup of lightning birds, honey flower birds, fire pigs, ghost horn pigs, and a single horn of beef.
Lightning birds have more than one huge bird. When seared in fire, the skin is parched and fragrant, honey flower birds are on the contrary smaller than doves and the meat is delicate and moist. Fire pork is fatty and it is good to make fried food with this lard. Ghost Horned Pork is soft and juicy with meat for the name. The corner beef has a strong meat flavour and has a lot of different impressions depending on the area. It would seem interesting if I made it a T-bone steak where I can enjoy the contrast of the flavours served on the beach.
Dur said something I happen to have seen offered besides a determined offering, let's just say. They couldn't tell if the other things tasted good or if they were edible. They were told to quickly advance the labyrinth strategy and gather ingredients. Vegetables are prepared regardless of the season, by the way, when you tell them what you want.
Bean and lightning bird soup. Stew white ingen and duck or duck with minced onions, etc. After some local dish is original but made normally (although the ingredients are not normal), remove the bony thighs of the lightning bird once and place the skin on a broiled top in Paris for a bit of extravaganza.
One-horned beef T-bone steak, corny boned rib steak, sukiyaki - I didn't know if the common pan was OK, so I put up a small pot made by Rusha -.
Cold terrine with honey flower birds and cabbage, chopped yams and soothed with plum meat. Tonkatsu meat luxury version again. Stir-fried ghost horn pork and cabbage main vegetables. Deep-fried lightbirds, meat potatoes. Salad with radish, sushi small spilled salad with luccola, grilled vegetables. Rice Balls. Of course, Rusha is going to scold me when I remove the curry.
I knew the vegetables tasted good.
The dessert is a very bitter caramel pudding with classic pudding, chocolate pudding and rum.
Small cakes and tarts at the request of Verse's Verna where I made the brownies. I would add that I was confused about using pink or red.
And then we have a variety of liquor and knob systems.
Mixed plum with a naughty heart.
This is how I drag it apart first to suit my personal preferences. Well, unlike the real world, it's not as hassle-free as changing or washing a pan. Let's check out the party dishes we didn't have any luck with later.
I asked Tasha about the difference between [mission] and [trial].
"[Mission] is a proposition that will affect the world if we do it. [Trial] has no significant (...) impact even if it fails otherwise"
The question is where the gods' influence on the world is Judge, but that's generally what it seems to be.
They say there are gods who like to put out trials like Verse, and gods who give [trials] to boredom people. Is it Val? Is that Lusha?
Then there's one more thing, this one goes to Val.
"Do you want to keep an eye on me for taking White out?
"Well, you don't like that, do you? I don't like it either. Not to the extent that I entrusted those with my [petition] and Fall's [petition] who were in the same temple to help the beast if it burst out" Val answers as he carries the blue white cup to his mouth.
... Something came up with the face of a good nikoniko rushing monk but I decided not to care. If I did, was it because of that?
God who likes to eat, God who likes to swallow more than eat, God who prefers sweet things, quite distinctive.
These eight-pillar gods also seem to be in a long gesture of personal action.
Oh, Verse's preference was something with bright colors, something with strong contrasts. Does it taste good or not?
I had recommended something that was beautifully colored for Verna, something adorable, but it seemed like a laminated pudding that suited her taste, brown. The tempura of vegetable flowers also seems to like it, so maybe I like the bitter taste. Because the amount that is hard to understand because it remains faceless is the amount that I eat.
And you're not meshing anywhere, but are you okay, you siblings?
"Whoa! I'll thank you for the other day.
Happily one crack of pants god came to talk.
Fire wine in one hand and pudding in one hand.
I don't know if I'm an ant because I don't drink alcohol.
"Since then, I've tried to imitate you and collar you. As I advised, it would have been perfect if I'd worn it in and swung it, or had swung it, to the point where it would have made my chest rip!
He came after the greeting and reported softly and in a whisper. I feel a little subtle, but congratulations?
"I'm helped by the mask I got, too. Thanks."
Verse said he was a god who would give me the same arsenal. Oh, so I'm even more thankful for how rude Asha was when she gave it to me. They were pants.
"That Asha mask and the armor just now don't match the color subtly, do they? I don't even have small hands and boots."
That's what bothered me, and Rusha came into the conversation.
"Because I'm equipped with what I got in pieces, not all of them originally. I wish I could change my appearance like the magic of change that Verse said, but to modify it, I hate it. I can only produce accessories as much as I can for my gear system."
It seems that the tiny gear will hook up to Rusha's aesthetic eye. The usual equipment is equipped with green based on white. I decided not to worry about this equipment because I only wear it when it was almost solo, but I often meet residents, including the gods, in this outfit of "Gloves of Skill" and "Boots of Disease" equipment.
I can't throw away this performance.
Would it work out if I asked Elias? But if I show you this gear, you'll even find out it's solo clear.
"I'll think of something, so a little bit of this plum? I was wondering if you could make some for takeaway?
Do you like it, plum dried? The Verse I had just eaten because Verna recommended it to me said "Whew" and she looked amazing and had tears in her eyes.
"Shitty! Then I'll have this loving rib steak too!
Fall mixes up.
"Can you save the plum and steak and stop the food?
"It can only be a host. The management of time is the domain of the wooden god Tasha"
Pu ~ fuzzy fal. I'll give you a meal for now. Me.
"Mm, not enough. But I'm sure you'll look forward to the next feast, so I'll put up with it if you take it off."
Then Verna, Val and Dur came to get some plum. The two women feel like they need to feed people, no. Dur is a woman now, too.
And I want some seafood for the ingredients. I can't just ask Fall to say something that would make me feel comfortable eating what I've been nostalgic about before. We need to increase the breadth of the dish.
Asha is sipping the pudding as a firecracker on Fall's side, which is wrapped around the meat.
Val smiles thinly and tilts his cup slowly.
Dur asked for extra tofu dishes.
Rusha is having a snack or a curry and then having a beer and checking boxes like Orgol.
Tasha is relaxing and drinking green tea next to Dur to tea the plum.
Verse is flat-handed to Verna.
Speaking thoughtfully, talking thoughtfully about cooking and liquor preferences, about how the world is going, about seasonal grace, about evil gods that are sometimes fetal, sometimes I also join the conversation but it is dripping that there are no healing hairballs here.
Thus the second banquet passes today.
I wondered what would happen because I first encountered a god who would be unscrupulous without confirming people's will, but apparently I managed.
And at the time of dissolution.
"Ooh, I've never cooked before, but it was good!
says Asha, god of fire.
"Welcome. It's going to be meat. I'll let it go in the labyrinth."
Fall says.
"I'll work with you, too!
Asha also gave me a powerful word.... Are the gods willing to ranch the depths of the labyrinth?
"You were rude. Thank you for coming."
"That was in my heart. Yes, that was the king. Burn it down like fire. Know that there is no restraint or domination.
"And it shall shake my heart, and it shall be the king thereof. Moisturize and heal like water. Know there is no restraint or domination."
Two columns disappearing.
Instead a two-pillar God of light and darkness approaches.
"Oh, you who have crossed my trials! I understand why other gods recommend exploring the labyrinth!
You're a vain, confident, glittering man, but your face cream stays intact until the end. Hey. You mean all the other gods and Verna have been through without pointing out Verse's cream?
"It was delicious.
"I hate the noise. But I want to eat again."
"Pudding. The least sweet thing"
Verna looks like the default for faceless expression, but she adores the trick of wearing a small neck. The eyes I thought were black were purple when I saw them in the light.
"Thank you. I can't make anything as delicious as the ingredients Dühl prepared for me, but I'll make pudding."
"And it shall pick up my heart, and it shall be the king thereof. Whether it is as quiet as darkness. Know that there is no restraint or domination.
"That which shall inherit my will, that which shall be king. Show us the way like light. Know there is no restraint or domination."
"Well, why even Verse?"
"That was my [trial]! I can't just forgive you for being late!
He screamed and disappeared. He was a fiercely self-assertive god to the end.
"You're difficult, but you got your eyes on me. You like putting out [trials] from big things to crap, don't you? Craftsmen will cry if you don't do something about it."
Lusha leaks her dissatisfaction. Somehow the artisans who guard themselves have love.
"Big things too."
"to [try] problems that threaten the reason of the world without reporting, like this one."
Says Tasha and Dur.
Besides, Verse can cross the [trials], but those who fail the [trials] feel the type to throw them away and not even look at them. Well, as gods, I guess I can't care all the time about one human being who does nothing.
"It was annoying, but I got a dragon. I'm not trying to shelter you, but if you can't unseal it, it won't have much effect if I fail to do something about it."
It is more likely that the seal was unsealed because of the rush during the trial, but it was originally loose.
"Well, let's stab the nail so it doesn't get messy"
"Thank you for keeping the dragon down, thank you."
Three pillars disappearing.
"The race known as the other adventurers do more or less alike, so it's boring to watch them take any of them together. The consequences of the action were unexpected."
"I just have a very normal adventure in search of what I want..."
"Ho, you mean normal."
Laughs in a rolling bell voice.
"It is not the path laid [by mission], but the path you wish to follow."
The last time Val disappeared.
"I've got the title [Verse's Favor]"
"[Light Magic] has changed to [Light Magic]"
"Title [Asha's Blessing] changed to [Asha's Favor]"
"Title [Fall Blessings] changed to [Fall's Favor]"
"The title [Blessing of Verna] has been transformed into [Verna's Favor]"
"I have confirmed the [petition] of God of the Eight Pillars. Skill [Descent] gained"
"I've got the title [Asha's Brave Man]"
"I've got the title [Verse Brave]."
"I've got the title [Saint of Verna]"
"We have confirmed the four titles involved in the brave and saintly. I got the title [Mark of the Gods (Sign)]. This integrates [Asha's brave] [Verse's brave] [Fall's saint] [Verna's saint]"
"I've got the title [Val's Blade]"
"I've got the title [Fruit of Dur]"
"I've got the title [Rusha's Gem]"
"I've got the title [Fall's Sleep Lotus]"
"I've got the title [Tasha's Inn]"
"Skill [Skill Return] Acquired"
"Skill acquired [Attack capture/life]"
Skills [Air Movement] and [Air Behavior] Acquired
"Skills [Green Land] and [Feng Shui] acquired"
"Skills acquired [Design embodied]"
"Skill [Storage] acquired"
Skills [Water Movement] and [Underwater Behavior] Acquired
"Skill acquired [Divine Tree]"
"Skills acquired [Untied]"
"Skill acquired [Defense of Verse]"
"Skill acquired [Defense of Verna]"
I got "Seedlings of the Tree of Life."
I got "Fall White" underwear.
Got Tasha White Leaf Hat.
I got Verna White Night Clothes.
I got Verna's Dark Ring.
I feel slightly dizzy about announcements that are too massive.
For now Fall get off my pants!!!!!
□ □ □ □ □
[Asha's Blessing] [Asha's Favor]
[Fall Blessings] [Fall's Favors]
[Verna Blessings] [Verna's Favor]
[Verse's Favor]
[Asha's Brave] [Fall's Saint]
[Verse brave] [Verna saint]
[Signs of the Gods]
[Val's Wings] [Dur's Fruit]
[Lusha's Gem] [Fall's Sleep Lotus]
[Tasha's Inn]
[Light Magic] [Light Magic]
[Skill Return] [Attack Capture/Life]
[Air Movement] [Air Behavior]
[Green Land] [Feng Shui]
[Design Embodiment] [Storage]
[Water Travel] [Underwater Behavior]
[Divine Tree] [Untie Realm]
[Defending Verse] [Defending Verna]
□ □ □ □ □
Homla lv.34
Rank C
Occupational Magic Swordsman Pharmacist (Assassin)
STR 50
VIT 29
INT 101
DEX 33
* There is something rolled up in the [petition] of the gods.
NPCP [Galahad] [-]
■ General
[AC] [Turning Power] [Solver of Mysteries]
[A useful actor in the economy] [A lonely adventurer] [For the rest of my life in nine deaths]
[Sage] [Graceful] [The One Who Shows the World]
[Pain Liberator] [Labyrinth Crusader of Supergram]
[Prepare for defense] [Who feeds]
■ Gods Blessings
[Asha's Petition] [Val's Petition]
[Doul's Petition] [Lusha's Petition]
[Fall's Petition] [Tasha's Petition]
[Verna's Favor] [Verse's Favor]
■ Title from the gods
[As Asha's Chirali Guide]
[Fruit of the dur] [Land of the dur] [Fingertips of the dur]
[Lusha's Gem] [Lusha's Eye] [Prep Under Lusha]
[Fall's Sleep Lotus]
[Tasha's Inn] [Tasha's Apprentice] [Tasha's Magic Guide]
[Val's Wings]
[Signs of the Gods]
[The times of the gods]
■ Slayer system
[Lizard Slayer] [Bug Slayer]
[Beastslayer] [Gerslayer]
[Dragon Slayer]
■ Mastering
[Sword King] [Wise King]
Skills (1SP)
■ Magic and magic
[Wood Magic Lv.28] [Fire Magic Lv.30] [Earth Magic Lv.28]
[Golden Magic Lv.27] [Water Magic Lv.27] [ Wind Magic Lv.29]
[ Light Magic Lv.27] [ Dark Magic Lv.28]
[ Thunder Magic Lv.28] [Burning Magic Lv.9] [ Ice Magic Lv.22]
[ Heavy Magic Lv.21] [ Sky Magic Lv.23] [ Time Magic Lv.21]
[Druid Magic Lv.22] [ Alchemy Magic Lv.6]
■ Healing techniques and sacraments
[Holy Magic Lv.23]
[Illusion Lv.1]
■ Magic system and others
[Magic Shield] [Stacked]
[ Range Magic Lv.25]
[ Magic/Effect Lv.19]
[ Behavioral chanting] [ No chanting]
[ Magic Charge Lv.12]
■ Swordsmanship
[Swordsmanship Lv.30] [Slash]
[Knife Lv.30] [ Shine Lv.24]
[ Phantom Knife Lv.19]
■ Darker
[Yarn Lv.29]
■ Physical systems and others
[Throw Lv.6]
Cut off Lv.28
[Physics & Effects Lv.13]
■ Defense system
[ Robust Land Shield]
■ Combat system and others
Magic Offset Weapon Retention Lv.25
[ Attack Capture/Life Lv.1] [ Attack Recovery/Magic Lv.21]
[ Skill Return Lv.1]
■ Summoning
[White Lv.14]
[ Descent]
■ Spirituality
Spirit of Water [Roofa Lv.19]
Spirit of Darkness [Blackyaw Lv.24]
■ Talent system
[Body Arts] [Avoidance] [Sword Path]
[Cryptographic Decryption] [ Mind Eye]
■ Mobility actions, etc.
[ Carriage] [Jump] [ Stagnation] [ Sky Shooting]
[ Air Movement] [ Air Action]
[ Water Travel] [ Underwater Behavior]
■ Production
[Formulation Lv.23] [Alchemy Formulation Lv.30]
[Cuisine Lv.28] [Jewelry Lv.15]
■ Production systems and others
[ Lusha's Fingertips] [ Design Embodiment]
[ Plant Growth] [ Green Land]
■ Collection
[Collection] [Mining]
■ Appraisal and cover-up
[Appraisal Lv.38] [Breaking]
[Signal perception Lv.38] [Signal dilution Lv.37] [Cover-up Lv.37]
■ Disarm and prevent
[ Solving the junction Lv.1] [Untrapping]
[Unlock] [Unlock] [Anti-Theft Lv.24]
■ Enhancement
[Arm Enhancement Lv.7] [Intelligence Enhancement Lv.9] [Mental Enhancement Lv.7]
[Dexterity Enhancement Lv.8] [Junior Enhancement Lv.8]
[Swordsmanship Enhancement Lv.8] [Magic Enhancement Lv.9]
■ Resistance
[Drunk Resistance] [Pain Resistance]
[ Defending Verse] [ Defending Verna]
■ Other
[HP Natural Recovery] [MP Natural Recovery]
[Myopia] [Map] [Talking] [ Medium Art]
[Equipment change]
[Life Magic] [ Storage] [ Attraction]
[ Feng Shui] [ Divine Tree]
is enhanced by first acquisition, event benefits, etc.
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