, Respected by Ten Thousand Tribes – Chapter 45

“Fold what?”
Li Xuan asked.
Qin Xue Yi did not answer first.
It was the jade hand raised slightly, one by one Spirit Stone flew out, fell into the lakeside on all sides, in a moment when the Spirit Stone landed, a few people were in the whole world, immediately distorted.
One way can’t see the barrier rising, blocking the whole world from peeking.
“Legal battle ?”
Li Xun’s pupils narrowed.
He is now more and more curious about his fiancee.
Qin Tuyet Y’s natural talent is not wrong, at least one point compared to the previous Ly Tuan, if Li Xun did not say that, the previous life was just a preliminary cultivation base of the Primordial Qi Realm.
And Qin Tuyet Yi has also entered the late stage of the Origin Qi Realm.
In short, twenty years is not enough time, to obtain such achievements, in the entire Luo Ye City, is considered a unique level.
It is possible that at the same time as Qin Xueyi obtained such an achievement, he still knew how to refine alchemy, and even more so, he was not an ordinary Alchemist, which was unimaginable.
Must know that.
She just took it out, but it’s Zi Yun Dan Dan Phuong.
This medicinal pill, but for the use of the spiritual group cultivator, is not an ordinary Qi Blood Pill that can be compared.
Strength is not bad, can also refine alchemy, this achievement to a certain extent, is already considered a top genius, it can be surprising. . . .
Even so, Qin Tuyet Y still deployed troops!
Deploying troops and refining alchemy, these are also time consuming ways to research, reach the limit, future achievements will not lose to some peerless giants.
Even if she started cultivating from birth, it is impossible for her to master three cultivation paths at the same time, right?
“I want to invite Li Gongzi to help me obtain a chance for a saint.”
Qin Tuyet Yi solemnly opened his mouth.
Before she talked to Tieu Hoan, it was not too painful, it was okay to be heard by people, but at this time, the situation of Quan Thanh and the fate of people, she could not help but be cautious.
Even if it was revealed that he knew how to set up his army, he would not regret it.
The existence of this human Saint, Lac Diep City does not exist, and Huyen Duong Sect does not exist.
Within a few hundred thousand miles, there is no one venerable saint.
Can say.
One day, the fateful news of Saint Nhan was revealed, and the whole Lac Diep city wanted to admit that the disaster was overwhelming, not because she was not careful.
Li Xun let out a soft voice, looked deeply into Qin Xue Yi’s eyes, as if thinking: “Why me?”
Because. . . Just now this pill is Tu Van Dan.
Because. . . I didn’t come to help you in my previous life, so I was ashamed in my heart.
These two thoughts flashed through her mind, but Qin Xue Yi didn’t say it, she calmly said, “Because, I believe in Li Gongzi.”
Originally, she planned to wait for her cultivation to deepen, go ahead, maybe Li Xun appearedWell, let her realize that the future has begun to change.
By not acting yourself, whether the opportunity is still there or not, there may be no guarantee.
This time.
The relationship between the Qin clan and the Chen family is very tight, it is impossible for Qin Tianhai to follow her to get the fate of the saints, and some of the family’s offerings, she can’t believe.
The more she thought about it, only Ly Tuan to give her peace of mind.
Adding just two more reasons, she was able to open her mouth and ask for it.
Li Xun said without hesitation, “When do you leave?”
“Early tomorrow morning.”
“I’ll come pick you up then.”
Ly Tuan left a sentence, directly a breakaway circuit.
“Isn’t Young Master Li worried about the danger that Saint Ren has in the middle of a relationship?”
Qin Xueyi asked a question for the second time.
“I trust you too.”
Li Xun’s words slowly flew over in the void.
In place.
Only Qin Tuyet Yi, lonely and independent, looked at Li Xun going far away, his face was complicated, he didn’t know what he was thinking.
After a while.
She turned around, picked up the Zi Yun Dan on the table, and after a while in a dignified state, she sighed softly, saying: “In my previous life, did I really see it wrong?”
“Young Master Li, it seems that I didn’t think like that in my previous life, he has shown his potential today, and has not lost to some of the top genius.”
“I hope that a set of exercises in the fate of the Saint can help him improve a step.”
She had just had a chance in the mouth of the Saint, even among the things she had acquired in her previous life, naturally in her mouth, the practice was also engraved in her mind.
Maybe she didn’t have a way to directly give it to Li Xun.
His own revelation of alchemy and the formation of troops made Ly Tuan curious, if he had not yet gone to the Holy Spirit,g, directly took out a set of Saints’ exercises.
I’m afraid not to say that Li Xun, even if he is an idiot, can see that she has a big problem!
. . . . .
Ly Tuan returned to the room.
In the head transmitted to the sound system.
« jingle, congratulations to the owner, successful investment, please ask whether or not to receive a reward? »
Li Xun said without a moment’s hesitation.
The next one second.
In his body, the divine river surged, the blood qi was like a roar, and the mountain breath sounded like the sea, a kind of blood qi like Wang Yang poured out.
Divine Power is a kind of natural talent.
A kind of thing that didn’t exist at birth, it couldn’t exist in this life either.
But now.
Li Xun suddenly obtained the Divine Power of Heaven and Earth, and there were rules woven around his perimeter, from the source of his life, it was not enough to make up for it in the first place.
This moment.
Every cell of him cheered here, quickly changed, and endless life essence poured out, releasing a stream of immortal aura.
Do not know how long.
In the room, Li Xun burst out with the most brilliant light flower, unmatched, the light illuminated the night sky, like a circle of Little Sun, falling from the sky above, into the courtyard.
Like the ocean, a form of blood, covering nearly half of the clan.
Countless people woke up in the middle of the night.
Look at the position of Ly Tuan.
“That is. . . .?”
When Qin Tianhai woke up in cultivation, one pair of eyes, without blinking in the direction of Li Xun’s small courtyard, were full of emotions in the depths of his eyes.
“The location of the little friend Li Xun!”
“Is he still a Body Refining monk? Why can’t I see a single clue after daybreak?”
Qin Tianhai smacked his mouth, a little confused.
The specificity of the monk’s body training is still very clearObviously, the most typical is the handsome figure, maybe on Ly Tuan’s body, he did not see this phenomenon at all.
“Is it true that Li sage originally has a set of Earth-level Body Law Divine Powers outside, and a part of Earth-level or higher Body Refining Divine Ability?”
. . . .
Qin Tuyet Y in the room.
She and Tieu Hoan had just returned, wanted to wash their faces, and then go to sleep.
Tieu Hoan ran again and came back, unable to breathe: “Miss, look quickly, who is the aunt’s residence, where is she living?”
Qin Xueyi raised her eyebrows, walked to the window, took a look at Li Xun’s residence, her face was slightly stiff, but soon recovered.
She is not difficult to see, it is a strong blood qi that has reached its limit.
Today on this day, Li Xun made her unexpectedly happy, it was really a lot, but now this scene of blood and blood is like a roar, and it doesn’t make her afraid.
“Young Master Li, you won’t be the same as me, a reincarnation, otherwise, why are there so many secrets hidden on your body?”
Qin Xue Yi mumbled to himself.
At this time, she began to have some doubts that Ly Tuan was like her.
This life, Li Xun, and the previous life, are simply two completely different people, there is almost no similarity in any place.
People In The World Of Cultivators, With Everyone Can Divide Five Years
In this world, no one can make fun of me, only I go to make fun of others!!!

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