, Respected by All Nations – Chapter 62

“Who is this person to kill?”
Elder Xie spoke up again. In the middle of the field no one answered.
But everyone’s eyes were all focused on the white figure in front.
Elder Xie followed everyone’s eyes, he glanced at Li Xun, and said in surprise, “Did you kill these two Foreign Domain Evil Demons?”
“That’s right, it’s the senior.”
Li Tuan clasped his hands and said.
“Good good good!”
Elder Xie said three good things in a row, and he had a happy look on his face.
The two evil demons on the ground, although they are dead, they can still see that the other party’s strength is not bad, after all, the other party is still killing a core disciple of the gods.
Outside the horrible place, speckled can be seen.
And so terrible, the evil demon, died in the hands of an inner disciple. What does this indicate?
To make it clear, this Inner Sect disciple in front of him, with great potential, almost the same strength as Gaia of the same generation, without this kind of means, can he kill two Evil Demons?
“What’s your name?”
Elder Ta opened his mouth to ask.
“Lyun’s junior.”
“Li Tuan? Very good name!”
Elder Xie praised him, he looked at Li Xun very fondly, and continued: “You take action to kill the two evil demons, for the sake of the sect, you have achieved great success, turn my head and report it. Headmaster, for the sake of the beggar!”
“Although it is a specific reward, it is difficult to say for the time being, but there are a few Elders who can assure you, that is, within the Treasures Pavilion, the lower-grade practice of the earth can be customized depending on your needs. You choose a set!”
Low-grade public law… . . . !
BesideNext to the disciple Huyen Duong Tong, he heard what he said.
Each individual was breathing heavily, with a look of admiration, looking at Ly Tuan.
Whether it’s Divine Ability, or still a cultivation technique, as long as you bring the two words of Earth rank, those are all of extraordinary value, placed in the outside world can cause a storm of blood and wind!
For each disciple of Xuanyang Sect, only at the time of promotion to the core disciple can (talent) choose a set of low-grade Earth-level exercises, or attention to martial arts.
Is a set!
In other words, once you take the practice, you can’t hold the martial arts, once you’ve learned the martial arts, you can’t get more exercises!
If you want to get an extra set of words, unless it’s for the sake of the master, it still can’t be a common donation, relying on being a teacher’s mission, to exchange a set of Earth-level exercises.
Less than a hundred years to say! But today.
Li Xun just killed two Evil Demons, exchanged for a set of Earth-level exercises, and when he became a core disciple, he could still choose one.
In other words, his martial arts in a short day, has saved others a hundred years of time! Can this not make one wish?
This time.
Ye Han suddenly stood up, he glanced at Li Xun, then opened his mouth to say: “Li Xun senior brother, not killing two evil spirits, but three heads!”
Others have forgotten, he has not forgotten.
When Senior Brother Li Xun appeared, he brought his third son, the Evil Demon, and appeared. In other words.
Before coming here, brother Ly Tuan also killed his third son, Ta Ma!
At this time, no one spoke up about this matter, and Ye Han naturally stood up and reported this matter to Elder Xie. Anyway.
He is now about to become Li Xun’s brother.
Not to mention, Ly Tuan said to him, there are still a few times of graceSaving lives, and saving lives compared to, I did this little thing, too trivial.
After listening to Ye Han’s words, Xie Elder’s eyes brightened again, looking at Li Xun’s eyes, and bursting with satisfaction. No pride, no rush, no greed, this is a very rare quality.
Only by Li Xun’s performance today, he can be sure that Li Xun’s future achievements will definitely be above him!
“I never thought that my Xuanyangzong, of course, also appeared a True Dragon, good cultivation, the future of Xuanyang Sect may depend on you!”
Elder Ta said solemnly.
“Elder Xie praised it wrong.”
Li Xun answered a question.
He is still thinking about it now, the evil demon in front of him is holding the things, his mind is not here at all, even if it is the third evil demon just now.
It was all Diep Han who helped him speak.
“After you become a core disciple, if you want to pay homage to the teacher, you can think about the old man.”
Elder Ta said with a smile.
After Huyen Duong Tong became a core disciple, he was able to find a teacher to follow, of course, not every individual can find a master.
There are a few core disciples, all of which are going up, not too good in character. Such a disciple will not have an elder to bring in income.
But Li Xun and them disagree, today thank the elder for these words, after he became a core disciple, even if he had a master, he had planned.
However, whether you want to worship the teacher or not, if you want to worship who the teacher is, this is still up to Ly Tuan’s personal opinion. Even if it is an elder, there is no coercion.
This is also counted as a kind, for genius favor.
Others could not find a master, but Ly Tuan could choose one below.
“Very good.”
Do not wait for Ly Tuan to answer, so as not to be embarrassed on the spot, thank the eldero Directly changed his words, he looked at the few disciples beside him, opened his mouth and said: “You guys, go to the foot of the mountain to find out, see if there are still inner disciples left. strayed on bail, bring them all back, the old man will bring you back to the Xuanyangzong!”
“To be!”
Being hit by a few disciples, their strength is in the Spirit Aggregate Realm, and their injuries are a bit light.
After hearing Elder Xie’s orders, he quickly opened the sword cup and searched for the remaining inner disciples at the foot of the mountain.
“Elder, the disciple also left.”
Li Xun opened his mouth to say a word.
Elder Ta smiled and nodded. In Ly Tuan after leaving.
Elder Xie took a few steps and walked over to several evil spirits in front of him.
The eye light looked at the mouth of these several evil demons, and a strange ray of light bloomed in his eyes.
“It’s really a good treasure, with such a durable body, if it’s used to refine qi, try to refine a few top-grade magic treasures!”
Elder Xie has a voice in his mouth.
He knows some methods of refining, and at this time, when he saw the corpses of these several ancient demons, it was inevitable that he felt a little itchy, but unfortunately, these two evil demons were not killed by him. 500 is not convenient for him to be strong enough to collect.
“Wait a bit for Li Xun Shi Dieu to return, the old man asked him if he still wanted it, if he didn’t need it, even if the old man bought it directly, it wouldn’t be impossible…”
Not long after.
Li Xun hugged a slender figure and flew back from afar. Being hugged by him, not someone else.
It is Lieu Thanh Suong.
After finding the third fruit of the storage bracelet, Ly Tuan immediately discovered that it was hidden not far from Lieu Thanh Suong, the other party’s injuries were still serious, even walking was a problem.
Li Xun brought it out directlyhug back.
Being hugged by Li Xun in his arms, Lieu Thanh Suong’s whole body was soft, his face was rosy, and he hid his small head in Ly Tuan’s chest, and didn’t dare to look up at him at all.
Really didn’t think.
On the side, there were no young female disciples, looking at Liu Qingshuang behind, each person’s face was extremely complicated, only hating that he was slightly injured.
There’s no way to take it.
Returning to the top of the mountain for the second time, Ly Tuan did not stop. Suddenly.
A beautiful voice resounded in my head.
« jingle, congrats to the owner, found a blue guy who can be an investor, invests in two corpses of the evil demon outside, can get one of the gnostic pills! »
Hear sound.
Li Xun glanced around the perimeter, only to see Elder Xie not far away, standing next to the two outer regions of the Evil Demon, with a speed visible to the naked eye, a layer of blue light on his buttocks. .
People In The World Of Cultivators, With Everyone Can Divide Five Years
In this world, no one can make fun of me, only I go to make fun of others!!!

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