Chapter 81


『Town of Ether Clan: Bar』

[E–, Once again .I’m 『Kazuto』. I came all the way from the edge of 《Euphrates dukedom 》–]

I said so and shown 『an identification of participation』to the two people.

[……Keh. You, is your objective in the tournament competition to become a mercenary?]

No…….. My mercenary group is the famous mercenary group from 《Azel limes》which name is 《Infinity corridor》 you know.

[I came from 《Gehirurohanes federal country 》, 『Rumeria Orudain』. Nice to meet you, Kazuto]

Rumeria also took out her 『identification of participation』 from her chest and shown it to us.

Sorry, I saw it for a moment when you took it out.
I think those clothes are probably not good. The upper structure.

[Hee……. Isn’t 《 Gehirurohanes federal country 》, this country that is now in the middle of a 『power quarrel』, right? Like where to get sovereignty or how to……]

I have heard such story from Erinu before.
It is one of the countries which I have not visited until now.

[That’s right.  Therefore the internal affairs are the worst. All respectable adventurers, are in the middle of running away to foreign countries.  That country……]

[Ke, so that’s why you escaped here. Good, you ran into a country that became tolerant towards 『women』]

The red hair makes an absurd remark while crossing his arms, and stretching out his feet on the table.

[You pick a fight with every single thing……. So?  Isn’t it your turn?]

I advance the conversation before Rumeria snapped.

[I won’t say]

[Therefore, I won’t say. Look]

The red hair threw a card on the table bluntly.

『NO.  029359 Deborugu Hazard』

It was written on an identification of participation.

[Fu~n, you were the chicken that could not do a self-introduction to a girl~. I understood it well]

[What!?- -]

[Ok, stop!]

Because I advanced first, I prevented him just before snapping at Rumeria who was not at her best…… did it work?

[Masterrr!  Give this guy recommended super strong sake, pleaseeeee!]

I raised two fingers to the shopkeepers who was polishing the glasses on the table and ordered.
The store was empty at the moment, too.
I will make them drink alcohol for the time being, to restore the mood.
After all, tomorrow is the tournament competition.
I guess these guys will also be satisfied if get drunk to some extent and surely they have completed preparations for tomorrow.

[…… Ah, and can I also have one milk ……]

I made an additional order in a voice that may have been heard, or may have not … ….


[Why did it become like this?]

Since then, about five hours passed.
At late-night, a good time is approaching.
In front of my eyes, a mountain of empty glasses.

[Masteeer! I, ginger ale and cocktaiiil!]

Although Rumeria was easy to get drunk, she kept ordering sake.
Please don’t request any more.

[Ke, Getting drunk with this much……. 。This is why a woman……. Master!  Lock the shöchü]

Deburugu who drank this much didn’t seem drunk at all.
Bad…….  It’ll be a secret that I thought for a moment that he might be good-looking.

[……hey you all. There’s something called restraint ……]

As expected, they drank too much.
Or rather I want to leave.

Although tomorrow is the tournament competition, will these guys be alright…….?


[What is it?]

[The entertainment is not enough. Strip a little– GA!!]

I gave a chop to his neck as soon as he finished speaking.
He looks sober, but isn’t this fellow considerably drunk……

[Aaah~ ! If it’s strip, it’s my strong points~! Everyone~! Attention~!!]

Rumeria suddenly stood up from the table and tried to undress.

[Oi, stop it.]

I pulled her down.
Why, do I have such a role…….?

[That’s right, Rumeria. Your naked body look like a spider. Withdraw from this place.]

[What goraa!!]

Glaring at Rumeria.
Ah, Mou I don’t understand who is Deburugu, who is Rumeria anymore!

[You guys enough—-]

Groping groping

[Don’t rub other person’s breasts selfishly red hair!]

I beat Deburugu who extended his hand to my breast.
Because that day is approaching, tightening them hurts, you know, scum!

[……Somehow, I, a woman, was defeated by Kazuto, unimaginable]

This time Rumeria picks a quarrel with me.
She pressed her breasts to my face on purpose.
This, she does not use the bra surely………
Or rather she reeks of sake……

[I think that Rumeria is feminine]

[……  That monotonous tone, is really annoying.]

…… The strategy is a failure.

[Keh, to ogle to only this much breasts which only point is their tendency appearance. This stupid ugly woman]

[Stupid ugly ……!]

[Masteeeeeer! Still not ready?! Quickly bring sakeeeeee!]

Rumeria and Debuguru gave off sparks.
These fellows just met yesterday and why are they in such bad terms like this!
Just like Ruru and Selen completely!
Ah–, it is bothersome………….

Groping groping

[Why are you always rubbing my chest, baldy?]

I hit Deborugu face with my elbow.
Which reminds me, I also hit him quite seriously some time ago, but it seems to not be very effective, this guy…….
It is good with Airi of the Elf tribe, I guess this time’s tournament will be a lot of troubles with this fellows………

[There are no results from the milk, he?]

[Usse! Is fine, just release my hand!!]

[Masteeeeerr! Sake not yeeeeet!?]

I hate it already …….

Quickly……。 Release me please…….

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