
I guess having 『restrain』in the finals is hard…
There are a lot of people who are skill in this 『3rd time』 including Alzein and Rei from the previous tournament.

Now I won’t be bored.

“You gonna get serious ‘aight? Then come at me, Kazuto”

Deborg glares at me.
I sigh and open the window and choose the 《shadow magic》.


I feel my body lighten.
This magic makes me dizzy so I frequently use it…

“and, 《2nd gear》”

I increase the output of swiftness with 2nd gear.
With this I can no longer feel my body mass.
Therefore my 《Zweihander》 is uselessly more heavy.

“… 《speed increasing magic》 huh. Of course”

Deborg then prepares himself.
Either way I can’t follow his teleportation with my eyes, then I’ll just increase my reaction speed and instantly react to his appearance.

I then threw away my 《Zweihander》.

“… what are you planning?”

“It’s heavy”

“… So you’ll fight me with fist, eh? Don’t under estimate meeeeeeeee!”

He steps and disappear.

(Following him with my eyes is impossible, then…)

I close my eyes and wait for the right moment.


I hear his shout from my left side.
I dodge his missile like right straight.


He disappears.
Is that what you’re playing.
You’re just gonna reveal yourself during attack.
I guessed right.

(Next is below, maybe…)

I’ve almost grasped his attack pattern.
With this my reaction time should increase more――.



I felt an attack of a blunt weapon from the back of my head.

“OW! An axe kick!”

I got so full of myself I read him wrong…
Deborg instantly disappear as I try to backhand him.

“Who kicks a girl’s head without mercy…!”

I focus my mind and wait for my chance.

There’s only one way to counter his hit & run style.

“Where are you looking Kazutooooooo!”

Deborg then rush with great speed from a distant place.
This is it!

“You won’t get away from me ♪ 《chains》”

Black silver chains appear from another dimension.
It then splendidly chain Deborg’s right wrist.

“KU…! 《Restraining Magic》…!”

I close in to Deborg with a smile on my face.


“Hey, Deborg… you know… you were really harsh to me a while ago … fu ♪”

I trace Deborg cheek with my index finger.
His face is then overcome with despair.
Err I mean he went pale.

“Wa- wait Kazuto…! I-I’m sor――GAH!”

I then mercilessly knee his chin.
It’s alright.
I think he too is durable.

“A woman’s grudge is deeper than the sea you idiooooooooooooooot!”


――Deborg Hazard



“Argh, shit… The hair I’m so proud of is now frizzy…”

I clean myself in the shower room and then return to the waiting room.
This is the worst, you just don’t burn a girl’s hair…
That red haired bastard…

“Good job out there. It was a great match”

This time it’s a blonde bastard.

“Where was it a great match… That idiot didn’t even held back to a girl like me… What a brute”

“Haha, is that so, I think that it’s you who… no, never mind”

I think he’s talking about Deborg’s face that is now swelling.
I did held back to a certain limit though, but I did hit him with all my grudge.

“Isn’t your turn coming up? Do you even have the time to check up on me”

I neatly comb my hair and then braid it.
Dang it…
I really can’t do braids properly as always…

“Let me help you”

Yuuri takes the comb and skillfully braid a part of my hair.
He was too smart with the approach that I didn’t get to refuse his offer…
Are you a dang beautician!

“You have such pretty hair, Kazuto. Brading it will just hide it’s beauty”

“… But that red hair burned it a little so letting it loose is kinda hard”

“Don’t worry, it’s not damaged that much. If you take care of it then it will return to normal”

Yuuri smiles kindly.
Everything’s fine…
I’m not flushed… supposedly.
Don’t think about it.
Let’s just think about Erinu’s breasts….

“Ah, Yuuri-sama! So this is where you were!  The next match is about to star… Ah”

The receptionist cut the mood as she enters the waiting room.
What the heck was that 『Ah』 at the end!
I don’t get your reaction!

“Yeah. I’ll head there in a jiff. … Well, see you later Kazuto”


Yuuri leaves with his usual smile and his scent.
Everything’s fine.
My head’s not spinning that much.
I place my hand and assure myself.

“… My next match will start after theirs so… maybe I’ll go out and earn a little pocket money”

It’s because I treat Airi to pudding that I don’t have that much money.
Because it’s “that”, I feel like a pet owner struggling to feed her own pet.

“Haa… I can’t save up money… as always…”

I get up from the chair――

――and put my《Zweihander》 to my side and once again go to the field to earn some pocket money.

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