What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 105: Died before dawn

   PB22's right eyelid keeps twitching.

   I don’t know why, I always feel that a disaster is about to happen.

"Yes... if the natural science education is not destroyed, then humans may fall into a difficult internal fight. These high IQ geniuses don't treat humans as human beings, and I..." PB22 slapped his head." And what am I doing with this heart?! Is the existence and destruction of the world something I deserve to care about?"

   He often feels that the biggest contradiction in life is the contradiction between the goal he is getting closer and closer and his IQ that is deteriorating.

In the previous nine years of his life in the cage, he was definitely the kind of person who was "smarter than others and harder than others"-he was able to build a wild hunting group with no background to its current scale, enough Prove his ability.

   However, recently, he has obviously begun to feel that many things are starting to get out of control.

   嘀 嘀 嘀!

   Friends message.

Blood came to him seriously and really a long list: "Head, I can't make it anymore. Thank you very much for taking me into the game of Spirit Cage, but this game may not really suit me, I'm sorry. I’m going to delete the number. I can’t fight with you. It’s my loss and regret. I didn’t help you kill the track. It’s also my biggest regret. I hope I can see you again in the next game. The game can still run into that dog thing!"

   Disaster, really came...

PB22's right eyelid jumped more severely, and he immediately spoke in the past: "Didn't you have successfully appealed? It will not be sealed forever. This is a violation of Instructor Elsa! She will be obliterated by the system soon. It's not your problem at all."

   "Yes, the appeal shows that the appeal is successful, but I have not been released!" Blood said.

   "...No, wait a minute, it will take some time to unblock."

"I can't wait any longer, I really can't wait anymore! Commander, do you know how many people come in and out of Jing Muyuan every day?" Blood cried and said, "If it's normal, forget it, now every day. There are so many people in Muyuan. I am locked in a small black house and will be mentally attacked as soon as I go online... The monkeys in the zoo can't receive so many tourists in one day!"

  PB22 can only say that you happen to have a flood of tourists from Jingmuyuan, what can be done?

The progress rewards of Scientology are a bit too tempting-a player just assisted Captain Enge and arrested a suspected Scientology member named Qin Fala. They all got a clue card, a lot of experience and Dedication points, and, most importantly, 1 free attribute point was awarded!

   After knowing that you can get free attribute points for advancing the world mission, the number of players who poured into the source of pure wood will of course increase again!

The current full level of the cage world is 50, and each player has only 49 free attribute points in total, and 49 free attribute points are obviously not enough. A player single-points an attribute to 25 points. , You need 50 attribute points...Of course, no player would use such extreme bonus points.

   When more than half of the players are full-level players, free attribute points have become an important way to widen the gap.

   Free attribute points, produced in clue cards, world missions, major leaderboards, limited-time events, special contributions, etc., are generally 1 point at a time, and the highest point will not exceed 3 points. Among them, the clue card is the most conventional method, as long as the player is not too savvy, the free attribute of about 5 points can be drawn from the clue card.

The    leaderboard is reserved by the great gods, and most players can’t get involved. Therefore, every world mission and special event is paid special attention!

   Of course, the most direct consequence of the increase in tourists is that the number of players watching the Blood has also risen sharply.

   "Oh." Blood sighed himself, "I tried my best."

   After failing the bet with Locus, he was indeed ready to go back, but the little black house swayed him toward the door like this, and the conversation he heard when he went online—

   "Why is this person always here?"

   "It may be that I failed to gamble with the trajectory god, and I didn't delete my account without deleting my account. I was sanctioned by AI."

   "Oh, oh, who is he."

   "Yes, it's him."

   Then, the conversation will end with a photo of one or several of them taking a curious photo with him.

   If there are few people in Jingmuyuan, it's fine to be popularized occasionally, but with the current flow of people from Jingmuyuan, he will be popularized by science in an average of ten minutes!

   There is no game experience.

   is placed down at the gate of Jingmuyuan again, it is very likely that he will be on the lace news in another form that he does not want to see, and then the prestige will be spread to the server in the outer zone.

"Then how about it, you delete the account and reopen it? I will send someone to pick you up." PB22 knew that Blood is now on the verge of collapse, gritted his teeth and said, "If you delete the account like this, it is equivalent to our size. The hunting group was blown up by the track alone..."

   It's really hard to get through on the face.

   Moreover, it was a big blow to the morale of the hunting group.

   However, Blood continues to be onlookers like this—they are hung on the icon of their life-eating hunting group and are onlookers, which seems to hurt morale.


   But Blood only whispered: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry...I'm not going in. Also, I'm going to quit playing games for a while. I decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination and forget it."

   "Uh..." PB22 is speechless, as for? Do you think this game is more difficult for you than the postgraduate entrance examination?

   After Blood told him about the funeral, he deleted it in seconds.

   A rhythm that can't stand for a second.

   PB22 clenched his fists: "Cheer up! I must cheer up!"

  Blood people are gone, there are still people in the world whip corpses.

   And PB22 endured the news from the world with strong willpower, and took a few breaths, but he just adjusted his mindset and received a message.

   The player who was sealed forever with Blood was released!

   "I..." PB22 almost didn't spray three meters away with a mouthful of old blood! !

   I knew it would be released soon, and he had to talk to Blood for 50 cents if he said anything!

   What happened to this recently?

   4 seconds, lost the first kill.

   For half an hour, I lost a large task that I had already grabbed.

   For ten minutes, he lost his love for being included in a team of puzzles.

   Under repeated blows, PB22 can only comfort itself with metaphysics. Maybe from a certain angle, the departure of Blood can take away the recent bad luck?

   "But, why is this still jumping so hard?" He touched his right eye and fell into thinking.


right now.

   this moment.

   Chen Qian, who was in the same wilderness hunting station with PB22 and breathing a breath of air, was also in trouble!

   It took him a minute to meet Mitashur.

   However, twenty minutes have passed, and he has not yet come into direct contact with Mitashur!

   The residence of the Life-Splitting Wilderness Hunting Group is bigger than he imagined, more complicated, and a lot more people...

  The point is, why Mitashur is here!

   Yes, before he came here, he had no idea where he would appear in the next second.

   Others are looking for Mita Xiuer, they may need to collect a lot of clues and information, and go through a lot of puzzle solving and analysis.

   But, he doesn't need it.

   directly a "king snake"!


  The King Snake is an active skill on his Arubius ring. It can instantly move within 100 meters of the designated target. The opening conditions can be said to be quite harsh-it will consume a gem forever.

   If there are no gems, this skill is a useless skill.

   However, what he didn't expect was that such a demanding skill would be so unreliable? With just such a white light, he appeared in the residence of the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group with a swish!

   there is no hint.

"What should I say if someone sees me? Are you really here to deliver the pennants?" Chen Qian hid in the closet in the corner, watching the target NPC writhing in the chair through the gap, only hope that this one can keep a bit of energy. Don't run out of strength when you go out for a while-he will never run away behind his back!

   Next to Mita Sour, two players from the Life-Eater Hunter Group were chatting.

A 27th-level lightsaber player, female, a 31st-level shotgun player, male, of course, they are not here to guard Mitashur, they just found such a place where no one is purely to chat "That's it.

For twenty minutes, Chen Qian looked at the female player, changed three sets of fashions in a row, and kept asking the male player which one looks good, while the male player looked awkward and said she didn’t wear anything the best. , The female player actually turned out a set of nightdress ~ www.readwn.com~ the kind of black lace.

The woman’s figure was obviously fine-tuned when she entered the game, but the aesthetics were okay, and she was well-tuned. Her slender legs were wearing garter stockings, walking around in front of the closet, the sound of high heels clattering on On the floor of the room, the man caused a weird smile.

   Seeing an indescribable battle is about to start here.

   Chen Qian chose the former between "Take Mitaseur away" and "Take Mitaseur away after reading."

  , after all, was the resident of another wilderness hunting group, and he was not here for a peaceful and friendly exchange visit.

   will be a little faster.

   He wants to catch when both sides have no armor...


   The male player just took off all the hunter's combat uniforms, and Chen Qian shot out!

   Weakness damage.

   Chen Qian doesn't even need to look at it now, he knows how high he can hit his weak points.

   Osiris watch adds 12.8% weak point damage, Arubius ring adds 7.5% weak point damage, plus the addition of hitting the weak point itself, as long as the weak point can be hit, the damage can be so high.

   But what's the problem with playing weak points?

   When the duel is in progress, he will make his first shot with the gun, which must hit the weak point.

"Who the **** is you? Didn't you see what we were doing?! I'm crazy, this kind of thing can be done!!!" The male player was holding his pants, and he was not even shocked that an enemy unit appeared on him. At the site of the hunting group, he was shocked that the timing of the war... was it poisonous?

   "Ah----" The woman's screams stretched in a straight line.

   "Huh?" Chen Qian realized that he had been staring at them and unloading their armor, as if he had done something inhumane?

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