What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 108: Tracking and anti-tracking

   These are the two days when Jingmuyuan is in full swing.

   The excitement of the free attribute points pushed science education to the forefront.

Chen Qian had already learned from Elsa that two more seniors were found by the player. One died in an inconspicuous corner of the east gate of Jingmuyuan, and the other died underground in his own home. In the refrigerator in the wine cellar.

   Chen Qian was silent for a while, and reminded him again and again to let Elsa pay attention to herself.

  Because, the entire city defense army of Jingmuyuan has already begun to participate in the hunt for the remnants of the "Individual Science Education"!

   If Elsa is found to be related to those remnants, the consequences will be disastrous.

   She will die.

   Moreover, it was the kind of death that was ruined at Jing Muyuan.

Fortunately, the instructor is not an impulsive person. She is bold and careful. She knows exactly what she is doing, so she tries her best to behave as usual. From an outsider's point of view, she is still the one who is dealing with the players normally for various novice tasks. NPC, respected, the disturbance of Jing Muyuan seems to have nothing to do with her.

   These are also two days of enthusiasm for Dao Ye and Mi.

   got Ye Yun's notebook, Dao Ye couldn't wait for a day, and he dragged the sick body and couldn't wait to open the design of his dusty thirty-year "Supreme Treasure" suit!

   Xiaozhen takes that 【Wedge Worker Magnetic Explosion】to him ten times a day, and there is almost nothing to do, but the little girl is actually quite patient, and it’s not annoying to run as many times as possible.

   The old man didn't dare to go anywhere, he nestled in Dao Ye's hut to draw drawings.

  Because Chen Qian was afraid that he would have nothing to do, he was seen by the city defense army at the door, so he arranged a task for him-designing their wilderness hunting group resident.

   The enthusiasm of the old man came here.

   Don't tell me to go out, tell him to go around in the yard and he is unwilling to go, the kind that can't be dragged away.

   These are two days full of enthusiasm for Xiaozhen and her fans.

   In just two days, a hundred promoters have been recruited to 84. Seeing the three conditions for the establishment of a hunting group, one can be achieved immediately!

Every initiator of the hunting group needs to pay 2500 dedication points. If the hunting group is disbanded, the dedication points will not be refunded. Therefore, it is really not easy to recruit so many people in such a short period of time... Chen Qian guessed blindly, and the eloquence of life like tea played a big role in it.

   Of course, these are two days of enthusiasm for the Life-Saving Wilderness Hunting Group.

For them, on the one hand there is an opportunity to form an alliance with the lighthouse quicksand on the other, but on the other it is a danger of enmity. The three-day period is about to come. They are such a large regiment, but they don’t have the slightest grasp of the movement of self-herding. Can work hard and work hard and send more manpower.

   And they sent additional manpower, which led to these two days, which were also two days when Chen Qian was in full swing!

   Although he doesn't want to be hot at all.

   However, the sequelae of rescuing Mitashur have already been revealed...


   Green Island, a 19-level ecologically dense area.

   is also an ecologically dense area in the middle of the three refuges.

Although the name is Lvyi Island, green is a dark green-all the vegetation has been invaded by the Mana ecology. The deep dark green makes this island in the middle of a lake look like shrouded in the daytime. In the dark night, moreover, it was still covered with the kind of poisonous night.

  Ecologically dense area is a dangerous area in the world of spirit cages with unidentified polar eating beasts.

  Any ecologically dense area is not something players can forcibly enter...

   "I'm sure I saw Self-Shepherd here."

   "Play flash bomb again!"

   "Lvyi Island is such a small place, can it still make him run?"

The voices of a team of full-level players in the Life Devourer Hunting Group resounded on the Green Island where Polar Devourers were everywhere. The Polar Devourers here start at level 21. Even full-level players must be careful to avoid monsters. Otherwise, if there are too many ants, the elephant can still be killed, not to mention this is a polar beast!

   Chen Qian hid quietly in the tree.

   Next to him, there is a sluggish trajectory.

   "So, this is what you said, when everyone is rushing into the city, we should come out to practice?" Trajectory asked in a low voice.

"Isn't it?" Chen Qian smiled... Otherwise, if I say straight, I want to go out of the city to hide, let you take me to Luyi Island to upgrade, and by the way help me clear the task of the 19th-level ecologically dense area. will you come?

   You are scared to death, okay?

The temple of the trajectory jumped straight, and he was not stupid: "You obviously have too many people in Jingmuyuan, you have to hide some people, and you have to upgrade while hiding, you are lazy, you don't want to upgrade yourself So, let me get two skills, aptly called "special training", in fact, it allows me to fight monsters, effectively fight monsters, and fight two monsters by one person!"

   Cough, why do you know me so much? It makes me very embarrassed... Chen Qian touched his nose: "Okay, they're gone."

   Trajectory took a deep breath and jumped off the tree.

   After a while, the lightsaber burst out with a dazzling light, and when it rushed forward, it brought out an afterimage in the air... All four [Alpha] along the road were hit.

   "Pretty." Chen Qian continued to squat on the tree and gave him a thumbs up.

   The two skills he let the trajectory acquire, one is [Energy Surge] and the other is [Energy Storm], both of which are great skills of lightsabers.

   Energy Surge is a displacement plus damage skill. All targets on the charge path will be damaged. But the difficulty of this skill is that which target will stand on an accurate straight line properly?

   Therefore, he needs to shake his body in a small range during the charge to determine that he has touched more targets.

   After two days of practicing, the trajectory has been small.

   At the same time, Chen Qian has also achieved a little success-he is already level 29.

   By the way, his mission in the ecologically dense area is almost completed.

   19th-level ecologically dense area, he did not make the same low-level mistake as the last time he shared his life as tea.

He properly went to Elsa to pick up the duster’s task-collect three cups of [cracked soil] in the ecologically dense area of ​​Luyi Island, and ten roots of a plant called [Medical Roots], [ Polluted Biomass Mine] Five.

The soil, plants, and mineral deposits in the ecologically dense areas are not much the same as other places covered by Mana's ecology. For example, if the soil is also ecologically covered by Mana, the [cracked soil] collected in the dense areas has higher Hardness, the fired armor embryo is very stable and can be used two to three times. It is also a good material for resident buildings.

   has come, of course Chen Qian picked more.

   After a while he also jumped down from the tree.

He was doing a lot of things at the same time, humming, throwing materials into his backpack, correcting the operation of the trajectory, watching the experience rise, and urging the progress of collecting materials for money-well, both Almost busy!

   It is really not easy to establish a wilderness hunting group.

   Chen Qian wiped his sweat.

"Well, starting today, you can start to cooperate with [Energy Surge] and start practicing [Energy Storm]," he said with a smile, "Also, you also need to pay attention to the actions of different monsters during the charge, such as this [Alpha] It has a pair of fleshy wings. When it **** its wings, your movements don't have to be that big, you can just hit it."

"...Well," Trajectory killed the four 21st-level pan-generic polar-eaters, and asked, "I know the truth, but why do we have to be on Luyi Island? [ Alpha] This kind of polar-chewing beast is also found in Bhikkhu Mountain."

  Because Bhikkhu Mountain does not have cracked soil, deep roots, and polluted biogenic mines... Chen Qian smiled and replied, "Oh, I'm also practicing skills."

   Who do you lie to? !

   Trajectory wants to ask you if you don’t fire a single shot, what ghost skill do you practice?

   And, with your unfathomable strength, do you really have skills to practice?

   "Oh, go up the tree." Chen Qian did not wait for his inner drama to finish, and then said again.

   was about to drive the next strange track, immediately put away the lightsaber, and jumped back to the tree.

   Only a few minutes later, another team of players ran past...

   "That self-herd, won't it be offline, right?"

   "That's right, we searched so scatteredly, even if the cat is blind and the mouse is dead, should we run into it?"

   "Seven or eight flash bombs have been fired!!"

   "The news is reliable or not?"

   "...Ah, you're strange."


Chen Qian sighed and watched this team of players from the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group drag a group of [Alpha] away, and the trajectory had no idea what to say, so he looked at him with a pair of big, stunned eyes- Once before the players of the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group appeared, Chen Qian could accurately tell him to climb the tree.

   I have never made any mistakes!

   "Go ahead." Chen Qian jumped down from the tree again.

   The trajectory is still looking at the direction the enemy player is leaving...



"I used positioning props, how could I not be able to catch it?" In the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunter group, PB22 was going crazy, and he couldn't hold it anymore-in order to complete the agreement with the lighthouse quicksand, he gritted his teeth and bought one." Venus" props-these are quite expensive items in the mall and are not allowed to be brought into the arena. The function is to locate the approximate range of the designated player, and the time is five minutes.

   But, in two days, he used three "Venus" to locate the "self-herd" in the wild three times, but did not catch him at all.

   can't find it.

   Can not find a person in three days, how does this have to do with the lighthouse quicksand?

"I've just opened the hook to track him," PB22 said, clutching his hair, "Even if he is in the copy~www.readwn.com~ I can send an intruder! But why are others in the wild? Can't catch it? What kind of person is this? Is the anti-tracking ability so strong?"

  The players in a circle don't know how to answer, because this is indeed unreasonable.

Once a positioning tool is used and the whole group is dispatched, it is equivalent to killing this person. Just like their own people said, the scope is so small that the blind cat and the dead mouse can hit it. Why can't it hit? on?

"Moreover, he is still leveling... the first time he was on Venus, Venus showed that he was level 25, the second time he was level 27, and he was already level 29 just now. In other words, a big living person, no Go offline and level up at the location we located. All of us are blind? Can't you see?!"

   Why does PB22 feel that this game is no longer playable?

   How about he goes to take a postgraduate entrance exam too?

   "In the world of the spirit cage, are there any invisibility skills that cannot be illuminated by flashbulbs?" a player asked tentatively.

   "No." Without checking his skills, He Lin directly answered him, "We are on several flash bombs together, there is no invisibility that flash bombs can't reveal."

   A team of players is a team of players, and all the skills of the spirit cage are well-acquainted.

   Other players even dare not speak...

   The sword of Damocles, which hung over their heads in the quicksand of the lighthouse, fell down on the last day, but the life-devouring waste hunting group fell into an unsolvable situation.

   "Why didn't he hide in the dungeon, nor in the safe zone, always in the wild?" He Lin noticed an unusual question.

   "...Well, can someone just level up and not hide from us at all? It's just because we are too bad we can't find it?" With a weak knife on the side, a player almost spit PB22 and died on the spot.

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