What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 115: Hit a hole and run

"What can casual players have a bad eye (

"The door is now full of city defense forces." Life is like tea and can't figure out the situation, "What's the matter?"

This is an extraordinary period.

Dao Ye, as Chen Qian's arrogant mechanical engineer, is about to be arrested, right?

Then he may not be able to do this alone...

"Oh, those city defense troops don't care..." Chen Qian knew his thoughts and immediately dispelled his doubts.

"Don't worry about what I'm doing?"

"You go around the fence from the left side of the direction Captain Bibros is now facing, to the back of this hut."

Life is like tea in a constant confusion.

But Chen Qian's voice was serious that he had never heard in the graveyard of Duan Ye.

He decided to do the work first, and then ask what was going on when he was done.

Therefore, he muttered a few words and ran in the direction indicated by Chen Qian.

The game is now when the sun sets.

A little bit of oblique light was sprinkled in a small yard that had not been taken care of for several days, shining on the flowers and branches that had not been trimmed, like a soft light effect.

At this time, the light of the sun is very scattered, and anyone doing any action in such light will not cause concern.

The sunset is a natural cover.

"Well, Lin Yu chose this time to visit. Obviously, he has done enough homework." Chen Qian has already gotten a bit of energy.

Fortunately, it was Lin Yu.

I changed someone and didn't negotiate with the city defense army. I just found a place to find a place. How can Dao Ye have time to post photos?

Then, he beat him directly at Dao Ye's house, how could he not find Old Man Mi?

Master Dao is not on the list of fifty-four people. He has nothing to fear, but Mita Xiuer is different. As long as Lin Yu waved his hand, the outside city defense army would immediately arrest Old Man Mi!

"Of course, if you change someone else, you can't find it here at all." Chen Qian shrugged.

He felt that the most likely problematic side of the four sides was this battlefield where there was no battle.

But this is also the least problematic side.

If Old Man Mi is taken away, Xiaozhen will not be crazy?

I just told her about the plan of the waste hunting group's resident, and there will be no more people.

"I'm here." Life is like tea said.

"Hmm..." Chen Qian observed from his perspective.

Chen Qian had actually never been to the back of Daoye's cabin.

It was the first time that he saw how big a patch of weeds were behind the window.

Life is like tea, trembling with a guilty conscience: "Brother, I always think there is a snake in it..."

"Are there no snakes in your tomb?" Chen Qian knocked out his thoughts of retreating. "Pick off the weeds and find the back of the kitchen in this cabin."

"No. Brother, I'm very busy now... I don't care about such a big dragon hunting group, and I come to you to play hide-and-seek in the bushes!" Life is like tea while complaining, but still according to Chen Qian's The instructions are done.

Chen Qian laughed.

Just leave the matter of the Dragon Hunting Group first, I don't blame you.

Life is like tea finally found the place Chen Qian asked him to find, right behind the chimney, it should be the kitchen...

When he got to the position, he stood up and asked, "What then?"

"You make a hole." Chen Qian said.


"Yeah. You punch a hole."

"..." Life is like a tea. I don't understand at all what this is. Dao Ye is a friendly unit, right? Are they going to steal something from Dao Ye's house?

"Quick." Chen Qian urged.

"Well, wait for me for three minutes." Life is like tea and there is really no way, such a...friend should be unlucky.


As the sun sets, the light in the room gradually diminishes.

Dao Ye works at the desk. He is wearing a thin pajamas and a thin blanket on his lap. He ignores the few visitors in the house.

"Mr. Straw has always lived here alone?" Rin Yu sat on Ina's bed, politely not going to look at the content of other people's writing and painting, but just chatting and saying, "I am Jing He was born in Muyuan, but until he left Jingmuyuan, he didn't know that there was such a place in Jingmuyuan."

Dao Ye just smiled.

Rin Yu did not come empty-handed. He came with the only coffee shop in Jingmuyuan that is open to the public, a kind of coffee called "Light of the Nile".

Even if it is a source of pure wood, the control of dedication points is also very strict. It is still difficult to be approved for coffee, something that is completely unnecessary for the end of the world.

All the active ingredients in coffee can be synthesized artificially.

It’s just that human civilization has developed for so many years. Whether it’s a war or a virus, as long as a little energy is restored, the food culture will definitely be restored to life earlier than the technology industry. Sometimes, when a city is hit by a big blow, it has to open up. These things are to boost the confidence and motivation of mankind to survive.

The cafe in Jingmuyuan was opened overnight when the town of Tocalina was destroyed.

The light of the Nile actually contains very little coffee.

But the elderly will like it very much.

"I also read a lot of materials recently, only to realize that Mr. Straw made an outstanding contribution to the mechanical training of the old world." Lin Yu did not show any emotions on his face because Dao Ye ignored him. "So, I want to come and visit. Don't worry, I have the status of an official wilderness hunter and have experienced many battles. If this were not the case, Captain Bibros at the door would certainly not allow me to come in and visit you."

Dao Ye smiled and looked at the coffee Lin Yu brought.

Not one cup, but two cups.

So, he really didn't come for himself, he came for Mithail.

But people didn't mention Mitashur, nor did they look around in his house.

It's just a normal visit and chat.

But he was chatting here, but he was hiding in the chimney for Mitassiur.

Dao Ye kept sending messages to Chen Qian: "Where is the person you are responding to? Why hasn't he come yet? Mita Xiuer can't get out."

"Wait again. Three minutes." Chen Qian asked, could you expect me to send a team to pick up Mita Xiuer and walk out from the front door swaggeringly?

Chen Qian looked at life from the perspective of tea. He did his best to measure thickness and place explosives. Ten fingers flew up like dancing...

It can't be any faster.

"Also, why is this Lin Yu so much nonsense?!" Dao Ye's cold sweat dripped down his back, "I haven't left after talking for so long?"

"Yes, I also think he talks a lot of nonsense sometimes. You said he brought coffee?" Chen Qian smiled, while continuing to stare at the four scenes while calming Dao Ye's emotions, "Master, I want to save your best friend. , You calm down now, go and drink your coffee."

"Coffee?" Dao Ye asked.

"Since he brought you coffee, it means he must have a certain understanding of you. You who have such a picky taste, don't drink such good coffee? Isn't it strange?"

Dao Ye really ignored this.

If Chen Qian brought such a good coffee, he would already have half a cup of it.

But it's been a while, and if he doesn't drink it yet, doesn't it mean that he admits that he has something more important than "the light of the Nile" in his heart?


He stretched pretendingly and took a sip of his coffee.

Then, put it aside.

Chen Qian exhales, inhales, wipes sweat...

It wasn't once or twice to fight against werewolves with Lin Yu, but it was the first time to help others fight him back and forth behind the scenes.

However, Mitashur was getting older, supporting the flue with both hands and feet. It was impossible to support it for too long. His body would surely slide down slowly. If Lin Yu searched the room for a while, he would be found out soon.

"Can't old man continue to climb up from the chimney?" Chen Qian asked Dao Ye.

"No," Dao Ye replied carefully, "The chimney is abandoned, and the top is sealed."

Chen Qian's face was dark.

After a while, the news of Daoye came again: "They seem to be leaving, saying they will come to see me next time. Phew..."

"...Don't look in the direction of the chimney!" Chen Qian's hair stood up, almost bursting out at the highest speed in his life, and sent this line of words.

After hearing this news, Dao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously prepared to look at the direction of the chimney. After receiving the news from Chen Qian, he hurriedly stopped.

Rin Yu's ultimate move is to first reduce the opponent's defense in some way~www.readwn.com~ and then inadvertently obtain key information.

He just chatted with Dao Ye for a long time, which made Dao Ye nervous to the extreme.

Then, suddenly said to leave.

Daoye's spirit suddenly relaxed, and he would go to see Mita Xiuer's hiding place for the first time.

Then, Rin Yu only needs to follow his eyes to pull the person out.

As for directly demolishing Daoye's house to find someone?

I'm sorry, Rin God really can't do things like robbers without technical content.

"Look at the direction of the kitchen." Chen Qian said, holding his breath, "just take a look."

Daoye immediately glanced at the direction of the kitchen.

When Lin Yu was following his gaze, he suddenly banged.

Smoke and dust are everywhere.

Lin Yu smiled and chased after him immediately.

And in Chen Qian's earphones came the voice of life like tea: "The thief was hit, and then? You don't want me to steal something, do you?"

"Run!!" Chen Qian said.


"Yes, hide in the grass. Run." Chen Qian said, "Never get caught, and don't be seen by your ID. After you get rid of them, I will tell you what to do."

Life is like tea and still hasn't figured out the situation.

Make a hole, and then run away? What is this operation?

And he has no time to figure it out...

Because he had just ran two steps, and just as he ran away, he looked back and saw the person chasing out of the thief hole he had smashed.

Rin Yu!

"Damn, can you explain to me a little bit, what the **** is going on?!" Life is like a tea and continues to evade, "Why is the head of the lighthouse and quicksand here? Did you give me something? Ah, you talk, brother, don't cheat me... hey hey hey."

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