What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 121: He has no time to care about you

"What can casual players have a bad eye (

There is no doubt that this is the most important boss battle before the establishment of the Dragon Hunting Group.

If the Boss can still be passed without the voice of the hunting group, it will be a perfect run-in for the newly established team, bringing confidence and cohesion to their future.

and so……

Life is like tea, so I hope that I can be on the scene!

He looked at the news on his watch. The players who were fooled into the hunting group by him were all fighting **** by the big brothers of Baichuan. They used the spirit of Zhange to interfere with the boss, and they were fighting tides, facing cunning. The boss and the vast number of sin bones are still struggling to move forward until they die!

"I shouldn't be here." Life, like tea, can already make up an American blockbuster from the battle on the Green Island.

However, he couldn't be the hero who saved Baichuan.

He can only squat in the grass.

Close to the root of the wall.

To his left is Mithail trembling, and to his right is a snake.

There is no language to describe his despair at this time.

The most pitted thing is that Zimu is still in battle!

Moreover, now sending a message to Zimu, he didn't even reply!

It really just gave him an outline and let him fill in tons of details by himself.

"So, what else can I do?" Life is like a tea on the thief boat. Half of this has been done, and there is no way to look back. He took Mitashur and slowly moved along the root of the wall. , And had to comfort the trembling NPC in a low voice, "Master hold on for a while, let's continue. We will go out soon."

He moves.

Mitashur followed.

The snake moved with it.

This is a weird picture that makes people powerless to complain.

However, the snake was not willing to move with life like tea, but there was a stick under it. Life was like tea trembling hands holding the stick, leading the snake to move with them all the way!

Life is like tea. I never thought that he would do it one day.

He and Mitashur both squatted on the ground and moved along the root of the wall. Only the snake stood upright.

The snake moved forward while twisting, and the effect was that all the movement on their side seemed to be caused by the snake.

The group of people who chased them outside had been tricked by snakes many times, so they didn't care about the movement of the snakes anymore.

This is what life is like tea.

Sure enough, people were forced out!

The snake he feared the most, turned out to be their best protective color at this time!

"Almost..." He was already close to the edge of the grass.

You can leave this bush soon.

He observed it, and there was a corner in front, and a small alley beside the corner.

Life like tea is familiar with the map of Jingmuyuan. You can go through this alley to an abandoned hut, and then open a hole in that hut to go to a parts processing workshop next to it. The workshop has underground facilities. It can be directly connected to the sewer of the clean wood source.

Even the road map of the sewers is clear in his mind.

In other words, as long as they can smoothly leave the bushes, he can take Mitashur and hide in the sewers without passing through any big streets!

Without passing through any big streets, there is no danger of hitting the city defense forces.

Mithai will not be exposed.

It doesn't matter if Lin Yu chases after him.

The sewer of Jing Muyuan is very complicated, this is his home field!

It sounds very interesting to have a chase with a big man like the head of the quicksand lighthouse at his home court, but he doesn't refuse at all anyway!

"Okay. It's now!" Life is like tea. From the cracks in the blades of grass, he saw several chasers still searching in the distance. When the three of them were back at the same time, he held Mitashur in one hand and the other. Pick up that snake and throw it into the grass far away!

He walked in a squatting position of extreme speed, then sprinted, rushing out of the grass quickly.

Dive into the alley!

Then, go out quickly.

Sure enough, he remembered it right, after wearing it out, it was an abandoned hut.

Moreover, the door of the hut was ajar at this time.

He didn't think much, pushed Mitashur in, and then quickly entered by himself.

"Okay, open a hole." Life is like a tea with a long sigh of relief.

He took out his tools with ease, found the blasting point, and installed explosives...

Although there was no sound of chasing footsteps behind him, he was more sure about entering the sewer earlier.

However, just as he had just set up the explosives and was about to pull the fuse, a sound he had heard countless times on TV rang from behind him.

"You call life like tea? When you meet for the first time, please advise."

"..." Life is like tea. When I turned my head, I saw the person sitting on a chair on the other side of the hut. The ID above his head was exactly, Lin Yu!

This abandoned hut has only one window. The curtains are half-drawn on one side and one side. There is also a small skylight. The light from the skylight is shining diagonally, hitting the face of life like a tea.

Lin Yu was sitting in the dark, and his weapons were put in his backpack. When he was silent, it was really hard to see him there.

Life is like tea and glanced at his watch subconsciously.

Lin Yu laughed: "Don't look at it, Zimu is busy now and doesn't have time to care for you."

"So, you..." Life as tea suddenly realized that the wave of his operations in the grass might have been what this person expected.

"You did a beautiful job, to be honest." Lin Yu did not hesitate to praise her, "You, Mr. Straw, and Mr. Mitacheul, behaved very well. So... you can go with confidence. Do your own thing."

"..." Life is like tea, and he heard something.

"My acting skills are okay?" Lin Yu raised his head faintly.

"Actually, you went to Master Dao just to force us to transfer Mitashur, right?" Life is like a tea and you can understand what went wrong. "You never thought about blocking there. Living in Mitashur, I just... didn't go to me or chase me seriously..."

Rin Yu gave a thumbs up.

Life is like tea. Let’s suppose that if Lin Yu was always there, fighting her wits and courage in the air, even if Mitashur was really caught, she would definitely have corresponding countermeasures-he was so smart and life was like Cha has no doubt that they can fight for a few more rounds.

Therefore, Rin Yu was just waiting.

When Zimu feels that there is no problem here, go to work on other things

"The best way to defeat a person is to simply let him leave the field. Sorry, I am very busy." Lin Yu stood up.

There were a few full-level players behind him, and they immediately came over to catch Mita Xiuer.

"Wait, Mitashur is nothing important to you now, right?" Life Rucha said quickly, "hasn't your mission been interrupted by the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group? It's been three days. , Can't pick it up, right? Also, do you know self-herders? Who is self-herders? It's worth a character like you to take action?"

Lin Yu watched life as tea in silence, nodded and said: "Yeah. You want to delay time."

Life is full of tea, and there are only groups of grass and mud horses galloping past.

Yes, he wants to delay time.

At least until the self-herd returned his news.

But it seems unlikely!


Green Island, like the players of the Dragon Hunting Group, advances and retreats rhythmically like the tide.

First, it penetrated the protection of the bromine mist, and then it was a round of close attacks, completely breaking the defense, tearing open the big holes on its body, and then the long-range attacks to keep up.

One team after another, under Chen Qian’s timing, gave output in an orderly manner, and the "pulse resonance" of the calyx beast finally stopped completely when the blood bar dropped to 50%. !

"All firepower." Chen Qian directly asked all the teams that can participate in the battle to participate in the killing of the calyx beast, and he himself has retreated to the periphery, constantly using his off-hand weapon to clean up what they have led. Sin bones.

The impulse resonance stopped, and the resurrection speed of the sin bone was also reduced.

Although the entire hunting group has run out of ammunition and food, this wave is definitely over!

"This is the first time I have played tidal warfare~www.readwn.com~ It can really do it..." Several command positions were also extremely excited.

"That self-herd has some background."

"It seems that the relationship with our leader of Baichuan is not ordinary?"

"I'm not talking about this background..."

With the output of all firepower, the calyx beast began to enter the mode of indiscriminate attack. Its huge body was swimming quickly, but its health value was also constantly decreasing.




"You have the ability to give us another blood bar! Come on!!" Xiaozhen has been mad, there are several purple-blue electric lights hanging on the calyx beast, and it is grinning with extreme anger.

"5%, the last wave..." Chen Qian shouted, "Attention, the Boss is accumulating energy."

"no problem……"

The last laser cannon of this calyx beast is bigger and more violent than any of the previous ones!

A horrible energy with a diameter of two meters, a scorched black hole was punched on the ground. The players around five or six meters were overwhelmed by dust and air waves. Most of the players in the center had only a small amount of health. He was shot to the ground.

However, it really doesn't matter!

Because after a few seconds, both pairs of red eyes of this calyx beast were closed.


The huge body suspended in mid-air fell to the ground. This time, there was no extra death animation, and it fell directly to the ground.

For an instant.

All over the floor!

"You won and you won!!" The players who were still alive in the Rulong Hunting Group were all hugged in one place, and no one even paid attention to the explosion on the ground.

And Chen Qian smiled and lowered his head and glanced at his watch. It seemed like life was like tea just now sending him messages?

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