What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 137: How many episodes did I miss?

"Ah? The large task of'under the nest', was it directly given to them?" KK Ada, the leader of the KK Wilderness Hunting Group, had just finished a battle with the deputy leader KK Xiaoji, and looked at the watch on the watch. The news, asked in shock, "I remember, this task, the reward is not worse than that of Mitasor, right?"

KK Xiaoji is in the wilderness hunting group and is mainly responsible for the deployment of tasks.

There are only a few core members of this hunting group. In addition to training and participating in the competition, each of them also has a lot of tasks for the hunting group.

Tired is tired.

But no one wants to let go.

This large-scale team mission of "Under the Nest" is the clue card obtained by the KK Wilderness Hunter-the one that 77N7 handed over to Xiao Yan!

The clue card for large-scale team missions, of course, is not something that a small player like 77N7 can get, and even the Life-Eater Hunter Group can't get it. Only large groups, large missions, and large copies can spawn such things.

"Head, do you know, what is the mission objective under Covering the Nest?" KK Xiaoji said.

"It's very simple. It's to arrest the contact person of Jing Muyuan's natural science education-Mr. Mo." KK Ada had seen this clue card.

He was also thinking about finding someone with less time to clear up this large task.

As a liaison, Mr. Mo is an extremely important figure in the teaching of idiopathic science.

If he is arrested and returned, it is estimated that half of the "Science Education List" they want will come out!

However, KK Xiaoji directly gave this clue card to that dragon hunting group? ?

Although KK Ada is very concerned about the player who made Lin Yu overturned-life is like tea, and his dragon hunting group, but it does not mean that he will use such an important task to test a newly established hunting group Right?

Are they worthy?

"Haha, because..." KK Xiaoji took out a clue card from his backpack, exactly the same as the clue card in Xiao Yan's hand, "Head, I got the second one."

"..." KK Ada is a good fellow directly.

KK Xiaoji is a bit amazing!

Obtaining a clue card for a large-scale team mission, even for a hunting group like them, is a thing to celebrate, and he has never seen it before. The same clue card can be given two cards. of?

KK Xiaoji said: "So, head, don't worry. Leave this to me."

"Did you get inspiration from Lin Yu's looting mission?" KK Adams understood KK Xiaoji's meaning.

"Yes. It's the inspiration from them." KK Xiaoji smiled, "The people of the Life Devouring Hunter Group are very good at playing. Directly intercept other people's tasks in the safe area and complete their own tasks, who is that? will not?"

KK Xiaoji's idea is quite simple-their brains can't think of any complicated show operations, but they just follow the same pattern.

They are like Mitasul who cuts the lighthouse and quicksand. When the Dragon Hunter Group finds the "Mr. Mo" and catches it back, they can directly take their "Mr. Mo" to complete the task. All right.

They can even be simpler.

Because he has the same clue card, as long as he waits in advance with Captain Enge and submits the team task before Rulong Hunter Group submits the task.

KK Ada also thinks that there is no problem: "Okay, then our core main force will continue to concentrate on attacking the No. 1 Boss of Broken Night Cemetery! This team task asks our people over there to keep an eye on it. The most important thing is, Don't lose contact again..."

The core of their operation lies in the accurate delivery time.

It's early, and they won't be able to hand in the task before Mr. Mo is captured by Rulong.

When it was too late, Rulong had already handed over Mr. Mo to the city defense army.

"Lost connection?" KK Xiaoji reacted for a while before thinking of the light blue that the head of the foreign affairs department had sent before, and laughed loudly, "I'm not that kind of stupid. 77N7 is the one I brought out, don't worry. "

The person in charge of the Foreign Affairs Department who was waiting next to him stopped talking.

Grass, say I'm stupid, aren't you more mentally retarded?

It seems to be a dazzling set of operations. Let others arrest someone for you. You are only responsible for handing in the task, but in fact, you haven't thought about a major premise?

Rulong is a newly established waste hunting group!

There are not many full-level players.

Can they accomplish such a large task?

Mr. Mo can serve as the liaison of the Science Education, and his combat effectiveness will certainly not be bad!

"Forget it, I'll take care of you to die..." The person in charge of the foreign affairs department shook his head and did not discuss the issue of large-scale team tasks with them, but after KK Ada ended the dialogue with KK Xiaoji, he walked over and continued talking about digging. Things to line up this corner.

Alas, He Lin is really a hard bone.


Chen Qian finished his day's work and saw Xiaozheng in the game cabin as expected.

However, there is no trace of takeaway.

"I didn't eat lunch? Grass, I'm crazy." Chen Qian went to the bath speechlessly, and then ate some bread casually, "This girl should clean up."

However, when he went online...

Before he went to find Xiao Yan, he was directly blown up by the information of the team channel!

"We have found Mr. Mo's little fortress!!"

"Brothers, the war of 49,000 dedication points has begun."

"Uh... there seems to be a hostage inside, be careful..."

"It's okay, Sister Yong has already gone in."

"Uh... Sister Yong and the hostages will fight passionately for five minutes!"

"Sister Yong is mighty!!"

"Uh... the hostages lost!"

"Sister Yong is mighty!!"

"Uh...that Mr. Mo doesn't seem to be here."

"Wrong search. Withdraw."

Chen Qian was stunned.

No...what the group speaks in simplified Chinese, why can't he understand it?

They seem to have gone somewhere collectively? Going to catch someone?

However, it seems to have failed.

Chen Qian was dumbfounded.

This is the same as chasing a drama, chasing after jumping to the set, completely confused.

He opened Xiao Zhen's level and took a look.

Level 39 already.

I'm doing a good job leveling.

After that, he caught life as tea again: "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, we are going to capture an NPC called'Mr. Mo'."

"...Why?" Chen Qian was sure that he hadn't heard anything about this person before he went offline yesterday. "Who is Mr. Mo? Why do you want to arrest him?"

"I don't know." Life is like a tea. "Don't talk nonsense. If the head of the group says, catch it."

"..." Chen Qian was speechless, the head of the team is my sister, thank you!

The news in the team channel continues.

Shui Yuzi said: "I have asked the NPCs I know, and they all said that I have never heard of Mr. Mo."

"It seems to be in Tocalina Town..." Concubine Yun said.

"Go in!" Xiaoyue said.

Ten minutes later, the team channel scratched his head in embarrassment: "Oh... wrong again."

Looking at the end of the battle, Chen Qian hung up the voice for Xiao Ying, and looked through the list again uncertainly.

In those fifty-four resumes, there was not a surname Mo, or a husband related to “Mo”.

In other words, this person is not a remnant of the ego teaching.

And continuing to watch on the team channel, he found it very difficult to find out that they got a clue card for a large team task!

The requirement of this clue card is to capture Mr. Mo and hand it over to the city defense army.

More than 49,000 points of dedicated dedication points for the waste hunting group resident are what drove them so excited to arrest people.

Chen Qian's eyebrows frowned.

Large team tasks?

Provided by a new player for free?

No one in the entire hunting group felt that this matter was illusory?

Or is it that they are all used to it, the setting of someone giving a pillow when Xiaoying wants to sleep, and stretching his neck when he wants to kill?

"Hmm..." Chen Qian narrowed his eyes, "However, this is fun."

He can be 99.9% sure that ~www.readwn.com~ this must be a gift specially sent by someone, but as for who it is, he doesn't really care too much.

Nothing is courteous, and if one is **** or steal.

"Ah, you finally came up," Xiao Zhen answered the voice and said, "It's too slow. We've all been busy for a day!"

"Haha..." Chen Qian said with a headache, holding his temples, "You know, one day..."

"I have done all my homework today, my room and your room have been cleaned up, and the quilt has been aired out." Xiao Yue said rushingly.

"..." Nima, she didn't have a chance to say a word.

And the players next to Xiaoyue winked at her words-what is the relationship between the leader and the person over there? Is it so amazing?

Chen Qian cut to the topic decisively: "I know about the team task. Please show me the clue card to read it."

"No need." Xiaozhen said more decisively, "Uncle Cha is here, he said that digging three feet will also find these 49,000... Oh no, find out Mr. Mo."

I've said that I should keep you away from that strange siege...Chen Qian sighed: "Can it be done? This is a large team task."

For large-scale team tasks, you must first go to the puzzle solving team to read the clue card information, and then the interview team, ask the corresponding NPC situation based on the information, and then return to the strategy team to design the battle route and plan, determine the number of participants and occupational configuration. Then the water test team was dispatched. After a front stop, the whole group set a good time, assemble, and start action!


Chen Qian looked at the chat in this hunting group...

Their magical way of opening...

Not only does the action have no rules, but also, it is simply doing mischief in Jingmuyuan and the surrounding maps, bullying men and women, and neighbours!

Whenever they saw a place that looked like hiding people, they would burst in with guns.

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