What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 153: 1 face was shown

Chen Qian covered his face.

He actually guessed it when Lin Yu called. He might be trying to find a way to get the people from KK, but what he didn't expect was that KK Ada would lead the team to come in person.

The double-headed rattlesnake is an existence that can't be handled by the Dragon Hunter Group.

But for KK, this is just a bitter monster that has a bit more difficult terrain and more skills, but has been hunted many times.

KK Ada should appear in the Boss that has not been successfully reclaimed, such as Boss No. 1 in Broken Night Cemetery, but should never appear here...

"Only Lin Yu can do this kind of thing." Chen Qian touched his nose, he couldn't do it anyway.

It is KK Ada who is here, and of course it can guarantee that this double-headed rattletail will be taken down.

But Chen Qian has a small problem.

In this team of KK, KK Ada, KK Xiaoji and KK Year Zero, as well as the captain of the long-range team KK03, have played against him countless times.

Although his appearance has been adjusted, people who haven't seen him, or people who have not seen him often, are unlikely to recognize him. At most, he just feels a bit like a gentleman of Qianqian.

But like KK...

Usually, I can dig out his game record to see a hundred or eighty times, right?

It belongs to the existence that is very likely to kill him face to face!


With the candlelight splattering, what they saw was Chen Qian wearing optical-assisted dynamic capture glasses on his eyes, an anti-oriental mask on his mouth, and a strange shape with a fully enclosed black PVP combat helmet on the outside.

"Self-herd, you..." Purple Potato Dumpling looked at Chen Qian, who came to the scene one step later in the evening. With this fully armed appearance, his nervousness was immediately diluted.

Obviously, it was suddenly cut in by a group of people who could only appear on TV, when the atmosphere was tense.

Chen Qian appeared like this...

"Wear them all!" Chen Qian said seriously.


"If you don't want to be hit by KK03, you will wear all the helmets." Chen Qian emphasized.

But the helmet is uncomfortable...

The purple sweet potato dumplings were quickly put on by them. After that, more than half of the other players wore them one after another, and the remaining few, there may be no helmets available.

Because the defensive bonus provided by the helmet is not high, it only has the attribute of the weak point immunity bonus. It can reduce the corresponding damage when it is attacked by a weak point, such as a headshot, but even if it is a metamorphic polar eater, it does not have too much damage. The concept of multiple weakness attacks-they are very strong, there is no need to find the weakness of the player, just hit it and it's done.

The helmet is only more important when fighting against people.

Therefore, most players will not wear a helmet when fighting a polar beast.

"What then?" They wore their helmets even when the candlelight was everywhere. After that, he asked Chen Qian.

Well, then I won't look very abrupt... Chen Qian nodded with a smile, looked around with satisfaction, and said: "Then, take a serious look at how they fight."

Although the KK Wilderness Hunting Group only came to two teams, it was not full, there were nine people in total, but they all wore helmets, not at all because they were fighting against the polar beasts that they had already played many times. There is a slight slackness—their old-fashioned and inflexible nature is not only reflected in the operation of the hunting group. Their strict requirements for everyone in the battle scene also follow the rules of ten years ago.

Ten years ago, no player dared to take off his helmet in front of the Extreme Beast!

Even a little more defense is good.

As for comfort or discomfort, that is not their primary consideration.

"Just... just look at it?" asked the candlelight, "then sir..."

"Be patient." Chen Qian patted him on the shoulder.

"...This is an unprecedented scene." Concubine Yun said.

Like the KK Wilderness Hunting Group, if you decide to fight a boss, it will notify nearby players to evacuate at least one hour in advance.

Then, in the range of 30 to 50 meters in the combat area, a barrier will be pulled out.

As for breaking through the isolation zone, it can only be done by a hunting group of the same level as them.

Concubine Yun and the others have never seen such a big figure fighting in such a close company!

"So, why are these big people suddenly refreshed in front of our eyes?" Many players of Rulong Hunting Group who insisted on asking for leave at this moment felt that today's leave was too worthwhile.

"Uh..." 77N7 lowered his head guiltily again.

KK Ada and the others were able to come here, of course they received some news, but he really didn't pass the news out.

However, as a former KK member who hasn't seen KK Ada very much, let's be politely guilty.


The two-headed rattletail was knocked out of its first health bar within fifteen minutes!

During the whole process, no one died in the KK Wilderness Hunting Group.

The second form of the metamorphosis double-headed rattletail is not very different from the first form. In terms of appearance, it is just that the big head is larger, the small head is smaller, and the body expands several times. On the long body, Turning out a layer of silver scales, all the attack methods of the first form exist, and there will not even be an exclusive skill of the second form.

However, its movement speed and its attack speed will be doubled.

A group of dragon-like players on the shore looked at a very strange-shaped flute in the hands of KK Zero, and the steady and peaceful music played. They couldn't hear what it was, they saw the metamorphic double-headed flute. The movement speed that the rattletail had just increased, suddenly dropped again.

The flute, the dragon-like players, have only seen it on TV.

It is said to be a flute, but in fact it is as long as an adult’s arm, and its head is a huge conch-like sounding device connected to the twelve-hole flute at the back. This main weapon is called [Saidi Holidays ], is a supreme-level main weapon, and also a very rare amphibious weapon in the spirit cage-it can be equipped with the skills of musical instruments and warhammers at the same time.

KK Zero Year is an almost invincible existence in a single-player PK battle.

Of course, if ordinary people have both control and explosive skills at the same time, don’t think about it, they will definitely be very chaotic, but KK Zero Year has a seemingly natural feeling for skills. It can only be said that it is the right talent, the right weapon, and the achievement. He is powerful.

When the metamorphosis double-headed rattletail of the second form was continuously slowed, the positions of KK Ada and KK Xiaoji were already at its two ends. This transfer in the mud was much slower than the normal transfer. But they had already predicted the position where the slow two-headed rattletail rushed out from the bottom of the mud...

The metamorphosis double-headed rattletail was like a head hitting their skills!

Immediately afterwards, the two-headed rattletail roared again from the two weak points of the head and tail at the same time, and the scales all over it shook like an undulating wave on the sea-it was irritated.

"It's a perfect match." The Dragon players standing on the shore were all dumbfounded.

The two people took completely different weapons, and the time to read the skills was even more inconsistent, but the interval between them playing this weak point damage did not exceed 0.5 seconds.

As a result, the metamorphosis-type Extreme Devourer was angered.

If it was a two-headed rattletail that hadn't been irritated...the purple sweet potato dumplings are very familiar-after being attacked by a weak point, it must have sunk into the mud immediately.

But it was irritated.

The enraged state made the Metamorphosis Beast, whose IQ was not very high, even worse. Not only would it not go into the mud, but the skill was also interrupted.

At this time, KK Ada and his teammate's two energy-concentrating lightsabers, facing the big head of the double-headed rattletail, developed the same skill-you are still far away.

This skill can further reduce the target's movement speed, causing sluggishness. Moreover, every time the target cancels the current action, the movement speed will be reduced again...

At that time, trajectory playing Blood was to use this skill to force the burst of occupation, so that he could not burst at all.

After being enraged, the double-headed rattletail was immediately slowed down. The health of the second form was already lost by one-third at this time. After all, the KK Wilderness Hunting Group is a ten-year old group, and it is also famous The brainless equipment idea of ​​stacking offensive power on the main weapon, hitting a 45-level metamorphosis polar-chewing beast, the blood speed is very fast.


The two-headed rattletail finally got out of trouble, dragging its injured body, and plunged into the mud again.

Compared with the previous dive, it was significantly more powerful this time. The scales slapped violently in the mud, splashing waves of mud.

The entire swamp seems to be disturbed!

"Damn, this is this..." Concubine Yun pointed at it and said, "On two occasions, the whole team was destroyed here."

Like Concubine Yun of the Dragon Hunting Group, they are still fighting the double-headed rattletail beasts of the first form, and the mud that is stirred is far less than this scale.

Although this is not a skill, it can only be regarded as a monster scene interaction.

However, the result is...

Almost completely obscured vision!

This turbid mud does not have any transparency.

However, the players of ~www.readwn.com~ seem to have ignored the mud directly... KK Ada closed his eyes and hit the mud with an attack, only to see a double-headed rattletail under the mud. Shaking madly, the mud above seemed to turn red.

The helmet of KK Moonfire was completely covered by mud.

However, his attack was precisely pointed forward-about two seconds later, where the two-headed rattletail came out of the mud!

"I'm not mistaken, right? They played the second form of double-headed rattletail." Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling said.

Why do they have to play better than they play in the first form?

Moreover, the speed is so fast!

"Half of blood." After a few minutes, Concubine Yun said to Chen Qian.


Chen Qian also saw the Boss's health. The rate of decline was very fast. Whether it used skills or not, it had no significant impact on KK Ada's combat rhythm...mainly combat speed.

Rather than take a wave of damage, the speed cannot be reduced.

Racing has become an instinct in their bones.




Purple Potato Dumpling and Concubine Yun, seeing this double-headed rattletail beast was about to be killed by a wave, they couldn't help asking Chen Qian, "What about then?"

"Huh?" Chen Qian looked at them.

"When will Captain Baichuan and the others bring Mr. Mo up? When the double-headed rattletail is killed?" Concubine Yun asked.

"Oh..." Chen Qian stared at the boss's HP and said, "No hurry. Ready to change PVP equipment."


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