What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 170: Full power salted fish

Faced with this dual predicament of intra-brain and heavy three-dimensional operation, Chen Qian seemed to feel a kind of dizziness that was not intense.

Like half a glass of beer... refreshing?

This kind of dizziness does not bring him a negative impact, but always makes him enter a state of high concentration.

Moreover, this is not the first time it has appeared.

In the past, when the dungeon couldn't be beaten, or when the game had reached the stage where it was already inevitable, he would have such a slight dizziness, but it would not be ignored.

Every time, when both the brain and the body need to be used to do two different things, and the two things must be foolproof, the feeling of dizziness will appear.

However, this state of dizziness will not last long...

Usually it takes about ten minutes.

During these ten minutes, Chen Qian's brain and body seemed to be divided into two different cores, which could perform two different operations without interfering with each other.

For example, in the game, both command and combat are taken into account.

At this time, his brain was thinking about this werewolf killing with Lin Yu, and the battle in his hands did not stop.

What he replied to Lin Yu was one word: "Okay."

To continue to hold Lin Yu, he had to reply to the message.

What Lin Yu said was handed over to him to make copies. This was definitely a temptation, and something he could never do-the head of the lighthouse quicksand, did he go to run errands and make copies one by one? How can this be done?

But the solution proposed by Lin Yu has no loopholes in theory.

Therefore, there is no reason for rejection.

One word, good, that's it.

Straightforward and refreshing.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The heavy stereo he used, the alarm sounded, the two mobs he led, one from the left and the other blocked his movement, while the front boss No. 1 raised his left hand with difficulty.

The left and right sides of Boss No. 1 can shoot corrosive solutions, which will cause irreversible damage to the heavy solids on his body, greatly reducing his defense.

However, the mobs in Cemetery No. 1 are probably human-shaped mechanical bodies with a height of one person. They look like small Bosses No. 1. Even if they do not attack him, they just block his path from several directions. All can get him stuck under the firepower of No. 1 Boss.

Chen Qian has just observed that the low tomb No. 1 has almost no chance to detach from the sky above, and the height is not enough...

So, he suddenly jumped out of the heavy three-dimensional.

Without any armor on the body, he stepped on the shoulders of the gravity body. The first thing he took out was the [Sunset]. He was single for 20 years, and shot [tactical magazine] once every second. .

Long gun mode.

He converted 1 round of ammunition and added 100% fragmentation damage.

The hit was the position where his heavy three-dimensional battle axe was stuck.

A weak point damage superimposed the cutting effect brought by the fragmented ammunition. Not only did a gun counter-operation interrupt the skill that Boss 1 was about to shoot, but it also shot down the battle axe stuck on the opponent's left arm.

If someone saw this scene here, they would be shocked by their eyeballs protruding, because the position he hit was not very straight, he was at the position of his left arm, and he could get the anti-gun effect. It would take a very good time. It is accurate, and the weak point damage is also superimposed with the cutting effect, and the burst of attack can be compared with a heavy three-dimensional shot.

However, Chen Qian, who was in that state of slight dizziness, didn't feel much about it.

This set of his actions, in his sense, is like he took a small rock and knocked off the basketball stuck on the basketball hoop, which brought him a slight experience.

At the same time, the news of Lin Yu came again: "Then I kick someone, shall we merge the copies?"

Merged dungeon is an action that can be carried out only when the progress of the dungeons of the two teams is the same, and the number of people in both dungeons does not exceed the current maximum number of dungeons.

The copies in the spirit cage world that were split due to the invasion will also be merged after the invasion is over.

However, this kind of dungeon merging has a certain risk-the party accepting the invitation can kick the party that initiated the invitation at any time, and one or all of the team members will be kicked out of the dungeon-even in battle.

Therefore, merged copies usually only appear in one situation, that is, when several teams of the same hunting group play a copy at the same time, and when they are all about to die, in order to ensure the progress, the surviving players in the several copies are merged into one. In the copy, continue to fight.

Of course, the merged copy, like the invasion copy, also requires special props.

Therefore, Chen Qian immediately replied: "You have two people here, you and Wang Fu are enough. Then, the props for the merged copy will be provided by you."

"Yes." Lin Yu was completely acceptable.

Although the props of the merged instance are precious, they are necessary consumables for a large group like them, and Chen Qian didn't ask him if he had them.

After Chen Qian interrupted the Boss's skills with that shot, he immediately jumped back into the heavy solid, and with the sound of the helmet coming down with a click, two mobs on the left and the right were facing him They bumped into each other—the moment Chen Qian jumped out just now, they attacked him at the same time.

If Chen Qian slowed down and returned to the re-dimensional, any one of the two mobs would be able to slap him down.

After returning to the center, Chen Qian kicked off the two people from the team and grouped Lin Yu and the others into the team.

Originally, he was a temporary squad formed for the purpose of starting a heavy three-dimensional team. Several players in the team were temporarily caught in the wilderness hunting group. It seems that he picked the two longest IDs, the most conspicuous...

However, after he joined these two, the remaining two players in the team, like the dragon hunting group, were frightened.

"Huh? I didn't read it wrong, right? Rin Rin... Rin God?" A player called "the most dazzling cub in the crowd" swiped a row of exclamation marks on the team channel.

"Oh my God, it's Lin Yu and ah, I'm hungry mullet," another player named "Picolo Troll Meow Pass" was almost an exclamation point with the one above. Fit!!"

Chen Qian smiled and watched them harassing Lin Yu in three hundred and sixty degrees, and continued to fight with Boss No. 1...

Sure enough, players with long names are so lively and cute.

Try to talk about ten dollars first.

After returning to the heavy solid, he successfully retrieved the battle axe, stepped on the two mobs, and chopped down two axes in a row. Although the battle axe with cutting damage failed to chop No. 1 as he wanted. Boss’s left arm, but against the two mobs, still has considerable combat power. He directly cut off the waists of the two mobs, and then immediately converted the magnetic pole damage. After seeing the weakness in the waist, he took a blow with the magnetic pole damage. When it was shot out, the exposed line quickly ignited, and there was a crackling sound...

Afterwards, Chen Qian stretched out his steel arm, grabbed the two mobs, and threw one at the Boss with each hand!

At the moment when the mobs' health reached the bottom, they fell under the Boss's feet and exploded violently.

With the light effect of the explosion and the cover of the smoke and dust, the battle axe in Chen Qian's hand raised, and once again landed on Boss No. 1 in the same position as before—the fractured left arm.

The metal collision sounded deadlocked for two seconds.

Just listen to a thump!

Chen Qian didn't see exactly what happened through the explosion light effect that had not yet dissipated, but he heard the sound of heavy steel falling to the ground.

It's done!

Boss No. 1 had his left arm broken.

He directly abolished an important skill of Boss-the corrosive solution.

Da da da……

The energy of Boss No. 1's right hand lit up.

The second skill of Boss No. 1 is gun charging, which requires the use of his right arm.


Chen Qian's gaze also turned to his right arm that was about to launch an attack, and then the rocket on his shoulder rushed out.

Keep skills? nonexistent.

Normally, if you use heavy stereo, you will try to save the heavy stereo skills to the second form of Boss. There is basically no such kind of play like Chen Qian...

Neither of the two big moves have been released yet.

However, Chen Qianfang's skills never teach the Basic Law.

A rocket bombarded Boss’s newly charged gun accurately, and the flames exploded. Chen Qian took this opportunity to leave the heavy solid and land on the ground, putting on his own armor~www.readwn.com~ approaching the Boss. , A burst of output on the huge weakness blown out by the rocket.

His [Sunset Afterglow] high-value attack power and attack speed bonus constantly hit the Boss' weaknesses, and the target of Boss No. 1 immediately moved down, shifting from his original heavy solid to himself.

Boss No. 1 carried a right handgun with flames, and the energy chased into a line, but Chen Qian's size was much smaller than Boss No. 1. He rolled and jumped quickly, maintaining ample space for walking.

Then, when Boss's right arm was completely scrapped and dropped directly to the ground...

He returned to the heavy solid.

He turned his body sideways in a three-dimensional manner.

Boss No. 1 swooped with both legs, so he avoided it.

At this time, the No. 1 Boss, the first health bar has been knocked out in half.

The heavy three-dimensional is usually made by the user and the facilitator, two people cooperate closely, and he himself fights with himself.

Rin Yu's news came again: "We can synchronize the progress with you within fifteen minutes, and then merge the copies, is it too late?"

"It's completely too late, but I will pick up the big list of drops. I have to read the list of everyone before I can give it to you. Moreover, there is no guarantee that every one will be given to you. Then, the price of each one is one piece. Arubius gem." Chen Qian offered his terms.

"Arubis gem?" Lin Yu was silent for a moment.

The list of all people is given after they have been read, and not every one is given?

The demand is Arubius gems?

"Qianshen, you have exposed too much information, right?" Lin Yu asked.


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