What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 175: The second form, mechanical repair

In the second form of Boss No. 1, there are a pair of ejectors at the front and rear.

The ejector on the back allows it to move more flexibly. If it is stuck by the most dazzling cub just now, it is already in the second form. It can directly use the ejector on the back to move directly upwards and detach from it. The situation of being flanked by Chen Qian's heavy solid and the most dazzling cub's big shield.

The jet device located in front of Boss No. 1 can not only produce a backward displacement, but also jet high-temperature flames at the same time, burning Chen Qian's body in front of it.

If Chen Qian’s three-dimensional chest platoon was not directly used because of Boss No. 1’s ultimate "mechanical processing", then it is now impacted by the high-temperature flame, which is likely to cause damage to his body itself.

Because the chest attack device is equipped with many heavy three-dimensional devices, when Chen Qian was watching other wilderness hunting groups fighting on the small screen, he had seen the impact of high-temperature flames causing a local explosion of his body, so, Even if the No. 1 Boss did not release the mechanical processing during the first health bar, Chen Qian would use his ability to rebuild the three-dimensional chest before it entered the second form.

In addition to the significant increase in movement speed caused by these two pairs of jets, the second form of Boss No. 1 will also have a second big move-mechanical repair.

The first form of machining is completely aimed at the enemy's body.

The second form of mechanical repair is aimed at both the organism on the site and itself-Boss No. 1 will dismantle the parts on other fuselages on the field to repair its own damage, not only from Chen Qian’s heavy solids, but also It will also be collected from the mobs in Tomb 1.

Although this skill has not yet come out, Chen Qian has stuck it very accurately.

He must let Boss No. 1 judge that he has room to move, and he will not directly rise in a jet, out of his control, but constantly interfere with its direction of travel.

Never let it get close to the mobs in Tomb No. 1!

Of course, now, at least for these fifteen seconds, no one's eyes will be on him, no matter how he manipulates the re-stereoscopic card position, no one pays attention...

Because the point of these fifteen seconds is not him!

"Sister White is too strong..." The most dazzling cub who had just been picked up by Shui Yuzu had the unyielding light on his body no longer dazzling.

But even though he was resurrected, he did not go to take his shield.

Players with shields don’t have big shields anymore, they are actually very unaccustomed, but at this moment he is very accustomed! Every cell in the body is shouting that I'm so used to it! !

Because, his big shield doesn't seem to belong to him anymore.

The big shield was in front of the white paper, as if it had merged with her pure white gun.

The firepower of Boss's right hand hit the heavy steel shield, and the sound was overwhelming, but the gun in the white paper hand was as stable as the scalpel in the doctor's hand...

The most dazzling cub is not a rookie player. Looking at the Aries in the white paper hand, the attack speed has been changing. In fact, every shot of her has been fine-tuned to ensure that the muzzle is extreme under the shaking of the shield. A stable, rapidly doubled attack hits the back of the boss, and then brings weakness damage, and the output directly bursts the table.

"There is no such person in the first team, right?" The most dazzling cub recalled the game he had watched, and there really was none.

The main output is this position, and everyone is still inclined to lightsaber players.

After all, firearms players have limited ability to break defenses, and in special situations, they must bring someone to help her break the defenses, which is definitely not good.

"But, take us to fly, it's enough." The most dazzling cub waited for the fifteen seconds to end before taking back his big shield and rushing towards the Boss.

The No. 1 Boss in the second stage form has only 50% of his health left.

Ke Shui Yuzi has been staring at Chen Qian: "The precise shooting of white paper is very strong, but the really strong people are here."

The precise shot of the white paper came out with a shaking shield, and it was not bad for fifteen seconds a second.

But what if the Boss moves a long distance?

Can the muzzle be stable?

Chen Qian has always controlled the boss's position within the precise shooting range of the white paper!

Moreover, his such a huge body did not block the gun line of the white paper once.

If the precision shooting of the white paper borrowed the shield can be achieved by several large groups of Asian servers, then Chen Qian’s heavy three-dimensional control and this wave of cooperation are absolutely unique in the entire spirit cage world. .

No one can copy!

"Pay attention, it's a big move." Chen Qian reminded him, pulling back the thought of water grapefruit, and he directly called it again, "Grapefruit."


Water grapefruit smiled, and the high-speed chain saw in his hand turned quickly.

Sure enough, just when Chen Qian called them to pay attention, Boss No. 1 once again glowed the same light as it did during machining!

Chen Qian's heavy stereo retreated suddenly.

Moreover, it was the retreat that directly used the caster wheels, and at the same time, his person jumped out of the body!

"Cut out again." Meowpass stroked his forehead.

At this time, Boss No. 1 removed an arm from the heavy solid used by Chen Qian.

Fortunately, Chen Qian's re-three-dimensional retreat was very timely, and he didn't let it take out more things.

But this arm is also a big deal!

Because this arm not only adds about 5% of the health value to the boss, but also restores its first skill!

"Ah, can't you chop it down anymore?" Meow Pass asked.

"The ability to act is not enough." Chen Qian replied.

If he has enough mobility, there is no need for him to give up re-three-dimensionality.

Is the tomahawk on heavy solids not easy to use?

The most dazzling cub in the crowd realized this: "Rely on it! I don't feel it at all if you don't say it, you haven't even made up for your mobility yet?"

"That's right." Chen Qian's main purpose of bringing his teammates in was actually just to have time to get out of the fight and to supplement his mobility.

However, it seems that this is no longer necessary.

Both the white paper and the most dazzling cub played better than he thought.

"Then how to fight now?" the most dazzling cub asked, because it would be impossible to chop off Boss's left arm for a while, then they might be attacked by the corrosive solution shot by Boss's left hand!

The movement of the boss accelerated.

There is no heavy three-dimensional battle with it, only the most dazzling cub can't stop it with a shield.

After a while, the blood of the most dazzling cub was on the verge of death...

Chen Qian's spear kept firing bursts, but did not answer him, until the Boss used his first skill to shoot the first corrosive solution in the audience... he shouted: "Grapefruit, Void Nebula!"

Void Nebula?

Everyone is thinking, can a Void Nebula's skill interrupt the corrosive solution?

Void Nebula is the skill of Water Grapefruit. It can impose a 2 second imprisonment effect on a single target. It seems that it doesn't matter how you look at it?

However, the water grapefruit was thrown by a chain without hesitation!

Then everyone saw a magical scene-while the Boss shot the corrosive solution, the back ejector was activated and quickly rushed towards Chen Qian's heavy solid, and the water grapefruit skill, a chain framed the Boss's. The neck jerked it back abruptly.

As a result, both Boss's hands were lifted up, whether it was the corrosive solution in the left hand or the high-energy musket in the right hand, all shot towards the ceiling.

With a strong corrosive solution, a large black hole was burnt in the low ceiling.

The water grapefruit was cold all over.

If she didn't have this skill just now, the corrosive solution would have been directed at the white paper next to Chen Qian's heavy solid.

Although a skill is not lethal, it must be disfigured!

As expected by Chen Qian, even if the boss is emptied and flowed to the ground, it is a skill that cannot be stepped on!

Boss No. 1 faced the sky on his back and hit the ground heavily.

The ejector on the back smashed directly.

"Judgment from the gods." Although the command to specific skills would make most players very uncomfortable, they did not have any opinion on the most dazzling cub at this time.

Any opinions on winning?

"Uh..." However, Chen Qian just saw that Boss was driving mechanical repairs and was going to take his heavy three-dimensional dog's head. In fact, he did not expect that he would hit the ground on his back and damage the ejector on Boss's back and lower it. Its displacement ability.

"I have to say that Self-Shepherd is really good at picking people. My big shield counterweights three-dimensionally to hit the first form, plus the invincible output ability of Miss White Paper~www.readwn.com~ and the skill of Void Nebula... …I feel that this Boss can pass it all at once!" The most dazzling cub played very hard, but was very excited.

"Uh, actually..." Chen Qian touched his nose and said, "I didn't pick someone specifically."

Well, if you were to tell the truth, his initial idea was to let a few coolies move all the mobs in Tomb No. 1 to the next door halfway through the fight.

Then, in the second form of Boss's ultimate move, there is no way to use the mobs in tomb 1 to repair the blood.

But his teammates are indeed much stronger than he thought...

"One time!" Meow Pass also said, "Come on!"

"But there is no special choice... If it's another profession, what about other skills?" The most dazzling cub said, "Then we can't get through it?"

"Oh, won't I change my style of play?" Chen Qian smiled.

"Hahaha..." The most dazzling cub laughed on the spot-this is the No. 1 Boss in Broken Night Cemetery. How many waste hunting groups have not been stuck. Come again? Are you kidding me?

The big move of the second form is still going on.

Although several people were talking, they did not dare to relax a little in the battle.

However, Chen Qian had already left the battle, recovered his mobility, and re-entered his double dimension.

The hardest time has passed.

But the whole team is still cheering for each other!

A Boss that can recover blood indefinitely, if you don't pay attention, you may fight for nothing in a few minutes...

"Come on, 30%!"


"Don't relax, it's about to fall."


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