What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 177: The only weakness of the instructor

Elsa was silent.

Chen Qian wanted to reach out and open a suitcase she had just opened, but she slammed it down.

"Instructor." Chen Qian stared at her frosty face, once again seeing the entanglement and hesitation in her eyes.

The last time I saw her expression like this, it was when Xiaozhen told him that they wanted to save these people taught by the ego. At that time, the camp of ego was just opening up, and players all over the world were crazy. Looking for tasks related to Scientology, the action to destroy Scientology is the main theme of the world.

At that time, of course Elsa would be very entangled.

Because she is a positive camp NPC, but she is saving the remnants of Scientology with Shui Yuzi and Xiaoyue.

They are delivering medicine and protection to these remnants.

Even, some of them have already settled in the resident of the Dragon Hunting Group one after another.

Elsa now has no reason to be entangled, right?


Chen Qian guessed the only possibility: "You saw the name of your student!"


"And, a lot."


"Moreover, they are unlikely to be wronged."


Chen Qian didn't believe that Elsa, as an instructor, as an NPC in the frontal camp, would do anything that would really harm the world of the spirit cage.

This is the character set for her by the system.

Even if it was her friend, the person she was determined to protect, was killed by the trail, she could not accept it emotionally, but would still accept it intellectually.

There is only one type of people who can make her even ignorant of her sanity.

Her students.

An instructor in the spirit cage world not only has students like Chen Qian, but also many students who are also NPCs. When their names appear on the list of natural science education, Elsa’s mentality It is absolutely impossible to be stable!

No faculty member can be stable.

"Instructor, we are friends, very good friends, right?" Chen Qian asked.

Elsa did not speak, but nodded coldly.

Chen Qian continued: "That's right. If we are not friends, I can just take away all the suitcases directly according to your request and dispose of them without knowing it. It won't bring you anything. Trouble. But, I think this behavior doesn't fit your personality... Oh no, it doesn't fit your thoughts and pursuits. So, as a friend, I must ask clearly... and now I think I have the answer."

Elsa did not deny.

That means he is right.

And he is not in a hurry...

About five minutes later, Elsa opened the suitcase she had just photographed, and then opened the second one, closed it, opened the third one without closing, fourth without closing, and fifth. , Closed... just like that, one after another, all dozen suitcases were opened, of which nine were open and four were closed.

"Huh?" Chen Qian waited for her to explain.

"These, and these," Elsa's voice was cold with a hint of hoarseness, F17, G26, H90, K10...and K76, X51...too many, at least 20 copies The list is related to them. The whole class and the whole class are all my students. "

The students who can hand over to Elsa are definitely Citizens.

Moreover, he is an excellent Citizen with the potential of hunters, and a young man with strong fighting ability in all aspects.

In contrast, the number of students she teaches by herself is not that many. There are more than 20 students in a class, which is only four times a year.

"You already knew about this before you let me go to Duanye Cemetery, didn't you?" Chen Qian asked.

"I don't know. Who do you think I am?" Elsa replied affirmatively, "I just have a source, saying that there may be their names in a large list of Duanye Cemetery, but I only know four ...Before I told you to go to Duanye Cemetery, there were only four I knew."

Chen Qian did not continue this question.

As long as Elsa said, he believed it 100%.

In other words, Elsa only knew that there were four students on the big list before letting him go to Broken Night Cemetery. As a result, the big list came back...

She was Spartan all over.

Not four!

Instead, more than four hundred!

"So, what kind of people are they?" Chen Qian then asked.

"... Very strong person." Elsa's lips actually moved for a long time, but in the end only four words were spit out.

Very strong person.

Can really sum up the students she brought out with her own hands.


If this is the case, things are much more complicated than Chen Qian imagined.

There are more than just scientists in the teaching of intrinsic science.

They have great combat hunters!

In other words, this sect has developed its own armed forces.

What's even more frightening is that even Mr. Mo, the contact person of the Idiosyncratic Education, didn't even know about this matter!

Therefore, they must be doing something big.

A big thing that even the contact person can't know!

No, this must be asked clearly...

"So, do you think they are innocent?" Chen Qian finally asked.

"Do not……"

"You even know what they want to do, right?"

"Yes it is……"

"Tell me?"

"The four of them each sent me a letter and mentioned a place called'Base 0'," Elsa said. "They are protecting six scientists and conducting self-development experiments-they are The hunters perform spinal surgery, and then implant the products of low-level Mana ecology, such as spinal gu, into their bodies, then remove part of their brains and put them into a training ground training……"


Chen Qian has only one good fellow!

Isn't Nima a combination of the Monroe factory, Patton's infant fusion experiment, and Ye Yun's training ground?

The fried rice is still Dr. Gale's cold rice.

Whenever this group of people can come up with some new ideas, Chen Qian may still take a look at them, but I have never seen fried cold rice and fried so trustworthy, three failed projects, permutation and combination, they become Is it a new project?

What is the difference between what they did and Nie Ningyuan's stitched paper?

But Elsa said: "I am now at a crossroads in history.

"..." Chen Qian was full of question marks.

"They told me that there was a successful body among them!"


Successful body?

How could this be a bit different from what he thought.

Intrinsic Scientology is a sect where a group of geniuses gather and go crazy. According to the general game logic, it is a cult that cannot succeed!

After all, the world mission is also to destroy the scientific education of the self!

Chen Qian has no objection to this world mission itself.

But this world mission involves Lord Dao, Mithaiul, Qin Fala, and many innocent friends of Elsa...

What he fought against was the undifferentiated designated target.

"For this success, more than a hundred of my students have died...I don't know the exact number. Although if they are not prevented, my students may suffer even more casualties, even... more than 400 Individuals, none of them can survive." Elsa stroked the large list in the box, "The hunter, to those scientists, is probably a person like cannon fodder, no difference from a pig or a mouse. But. , They are all my students..."

"So, shouldn't they quickly persuade them to know when they are lost?" Chen Qian didn't understand.

"However, if I submit this list to the United Refuge, my students will actually not survive." Although Elsa was a little out of control, unexpectedly the logic was very clear. "Since the submission is not submitted, they will not survive. , It might as well be destroyed! Maybe, they still have the possibility of success... Even if they don’t succeed, they at least died for the future and honor of mankind... instead of being arrested and then dying as sinners of mankind of."

Chen Qian was dumbfounded.

Although he took the initiative to ask about this matter, but when the results came out, he thought it would be better if he didn't ask just now.

Why do you want to ask?

Elsa said to destroy, just destroy it and it's over!

Because Elsa is right.

Whether the list is submitted or not, her students are a dead end!

They are hunters, and they are not wronged like Qin Fala and the others. They are completely willing to participate in the experiments of the educated science, and maintain the existence of the educated science... and they are very effective in fighting.

Does Chen Qian care about them?

You can't directly give the Rulong Wilderness Hunting Group a place in the World Competitive Competition, right?

He thought so...

Obviously think so...

However, what he said was: "Instructor, I will deal with this matter. The first step, I will destroy all the originals of this list as you request, but I will save a copy using my method. Only me and the storage know, and I can guarantee that the storage is foolproof."

"...Hmm." Elsa agreed.

"The second step, I will lead the team to the'base 0'you said to find out~www.readwn.com~ If you have any tokens, such as previous letters, you can give it to me."

Elsa gave Chen Qian the originals of the four letters from her students without saying a word.

Chen Qian checked the time.

When she received these letters, he hadn't started the camp of self-teaching. At that time, Elsa probably only thought it was normal communication when she received these letters?

"The third step, your students, I will bring people with great eloquence. I can persuade one to come back. If I can’t persuade them to come back, I’ll find a way. According to your commission, let them serve the future and honor of humanity And die."

Elsa listened to his thoughts and froze for a long time.

Chen Qian looked at her with a smile.

Come on, I'm working for AI. I have designed a large-scale hunting group mission for you, so there is nothing to say? "

Chen Qian's smile is very well-behaved, very friendly, and very peaceful.

"Okay." Elsa got stuck for a long time before calculating the task, "I will leave this to you, such as the Dragon Hunter Group! I, trust you."


All the management positions of the Rulong Hunting Group received the prompt "Self-grazing application to open the group-level task: Burning the wildfire, please confirm 1/3."

General large-scale hunting missions can be started by one person.

But this large-scale task is divided into three steps. In each step, Elsa gave a resident dedicated dedication point of 100,000 dedication points and a large number of personal dedication points. It is a difficult task to obtain. The most important thing is this. There is a penalty for failure of this task, so it needs to be confirmed by three management positions of a wild hunting group!

Once opened, there is no way to go back.


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