What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 178: Is today's bonfire bright?

Liu Canwen is a very punctual person.

It was eight o'clock in the appointment with Chen Qian, and at 7:50 in the evening, he appeared on time at the resident of the Rulong Wilderness Hunting Group.

The hunting group’s resident is a copy of each, they are just copies that are kept all year round, so if there is no invitation or other special means, it is unlikely to enter other people's hunting group.

And today is also the big day of the Dragon Hunting Group!

The initial construction of their station was completed.

Every player in the Rulong Hunting Group knows that there is a group of "mysterious people from the East" in their station, directing the operation of this huge system...

That's more than a week, right?

They first owned a resident medical clinic with the "Indestructible Soul" skill, and then, at noon today, they had a resident hall that could provide all members of the hunting group with a 2.5% full attribute bonus.

Although each resident hall of the hunting group can provide a certain attribute bonus for the hunting group members for half an hour, none of them are so overbearing. No matter what you need, you can directly add all attributes. Let's talk about it!

Moreover, not half an hour.

Their full attribute bonus is one hour!

As long as it's not for that kind of large-scale task, it's absolutely cool to come back and make up for it once an hour, right?

"Mitashur is not just a data controller for infrastructure, but also an artist." Life is like a tea from noon to night, and I am always amazed. The 800,000 dedication points are too worthwhile.

Because if it's just attribute bonuses, there are also large groups of the first line. For example, Sirius's resident hall has a 4% physical, mental and agility bonus, and Nighthawk's resident hall has a 10% will bonus... …

But you can't hold this resident hall beautifully repaired.

Their resident hall is not the magnificent marble-stacked building of Nighthawks, but the shape of a library in the 1980s. The exterior is a retro gray brick wall, planted with century-old trees, and follows the spacious steps. Going up, the inside suddenly opens up, a natural and comfortable coolness hits, the thick wooden floor is stepped up and the sound is straight, and up there are layers of extremely retro dark green wall panels and wooden stairs and corridors. I think this place should be full of old world materials.

Although the shape is retro, the windows that can adjust the transparency at any time according to the outside light, the two-meter large chandelier that opens and close automatically, and the two viewing elevators all make this building practical.

"Actually, I'm afraid that this resident hall will be built like Nighthawks and others," Concubine Yun touched her head and said, "That way we light a bonfire in the square outside, and we always look like savages."

"... Ren Jia Mi... Well, the architect has built our resident hall into such an academic atmosphere. If you light a bonfire outside, don't you look more like a savage?" Life is like a tea, said badly.

Everyone has graduated from a prestigious school for hundreds of years.

Looking at this kind of retro resident hall, it is quite sensible.

But Concubine Yun and his gang have only bonfires and bonfires in their minds all day long...

The members of the hunting group that went online at night were all admiring the tent that finally took shape, so no one noticed the arrival of Liu Canwen...

And Liu Canwen remained calm, and wandered in the resident like the members of Rulong.

800,000 initial construction funds.

Even the wealthy Liu Canwen was a little frightened listening to their chat.

In the initial construction of a general hunting group, two hundred and fifty thousand donation points are enough-no wonder Chen Qian sold out the dark fire to sell the lighthouse quicksand, even the old owner did not let it go.

However, it is also really powerful.

This is a brand new wilderness hunting group, and, even when everyone in the hunting group does not know that they have a modest gentleman, it can be built like this...

"No wonder every city has to build a new city. Compared to reconstruction, building a new city is really much more convenient." Liu Canwen admired.

Sometimes, if an old station wants to increase the station efficiency by a few percent, a lot of planning needs to be revised and repaired, and the final result may not be satisfactory.

And Rulong turned out to have a resident efficiency of 126%.

In other words, for a batch of quest items required by the same NPC, the Life-Eater Hunter will take eight hours, while the Dragon may only take three to four hours.

The benign development of the hunting group depends entirely on the efficiency of the resident.

If the station efficiency is too low and the output cannot maintain basic operations, the hunting group will be over sooner or later.

The low efficiency of the resident will also affect the success rate of players in making medicines and equipment in the resident.

"Qianshen has been five minutes late." Liu Canwen glanced at his watch, but did not urge, but followed the other players through the resident hall and continued to walk into the resident.

The entire resident of the Dragon Hunting Group, with the resident hall as the leader, a winding road as the central axis, and the resident medical clinic as the end, formed a complete shape of the Oriental Dragon.

There are various functional areas on both sides of the mainland.

Among them, Liu Canwen cares most about a fully sheltered training ground.

It is important to know that the training grounds of other hunting groups are generally open-air-anyway, the weather at the station can be adjusted, and the open-air training ground will not be affected by weather factors.

"I heard Uncle Cha said that our training ground has introduced mechanical polar-eaters. Not only can players fight against each other, but also all the polar-eaters in the world of spirit cages can be simulated." A player said.

"Ah? That's not... Broken Night Cemetery?"

"Damn, don't you still provide equipment. Did we move the Broken Night Cemetery to our waste hunting group's resident?"

"Which designer is so powerful..."

Listening to what the player Rulong said, the reporter's soul, who had endured it for a long time, finally couldn't help it. He immediately entered the training ground and began to shoot.

Lingcage World provides cameras with various angles of view, which is really convenient for reporters like them.

Regardless of the light conditions and body posture, he doesn't have to consider whether the camera is adjusted and held steady, anyway, just shoot.

The entire training ground is bright, clean and tidy. He took more than 100 shots, and when he looked at the time, Chen Qian was already fifteen minutes late...

"Forget it, go ahead." Liu Canwen walked forward again and took the elevator to the sky garden.

This is a design imitating a lighthouse, and a cover-like area on the top is made into a reclaimed area, but he was taken aback when he entered.

The reclamation area that has just been put into use today is densely planted with plants.

Seeds are rare things in this world.

Where did a new hunting group suddenly get so many seeds? Moreover, there are many rare varieties.

It's another meal...

Then there are the livestock area, processing area, warehouse...

It wasn't until after visiting the site of the entire spirit cage hunting group that Liu Canwen discovered that the path was so smooth, there were hardly any detours, and the road setting could be said to be very reasonable.

When he returned to the square in front of the resident hall, he saw that the bonfire had been lit.

"Ah!" Trajectory recognized him at a glance, "Isn't this... Liu Canwen?"

"Hmm..." Liu Canwen smiled and greeted him.

"Our station is officially opened today. Did you come to take pictures? Uh, but not?" Locus first thought that Liu Canwen had come to take photos of their brand-new station specially, but then thought about them, what are they like dragons? Once the resident is opened, is it still worth a trip for a big-name reporter like Liu Canwen?

"Ah, really not, I'm waiting for someone, so I took a few shots." Liu Canwen was saying that, and immediately a player next to the track pointed at him and called other players to come over.

Without exception, they thought that Liu Canwen had come to take pictures of their location on purpose.

"Liu Dada, why suddenly think of coming to take pictures of our resident?"

"Ha, won't you come here to eat..."

"Zimu hasn't been online yet, you will have something to eat when he goes online, but if you eat our food, you have to give us a homepage report!!!"

The track sounded cold and sweaty.

You can get it...

"Are you waiting for self-herd?" Trajectory hurriedly pulled him to the side, found a step that was not so conspicuous under the light of the campfire, and said, "Wait, he should be back soon."

"He asked me at eight, why did he go by himself?" Liu Canwen asked.

"Uh...it seems to be talking about paper or high temperature," Trace said, "maybe something is going to be burned. So I'm asking...our resident NPC some details."

As he was explaining, Chen Qian came over.

But the trajectory didn't notice it, just looked up: "Today's bonfire seems to be a bit stronger than the previous ones? Is it my illusion?"


Although Chen Qian was smiling on his face ~www.readwn.com~, he was spitting in his heart-he just confirmed from Dao Ye that the kind of paper he was holding was indeed a special paper, and there were only two ways to completely destroy it.

Either a very high enveloping flame, or directly immersed in strong acid.

If it weren’t for the opening of the Rulong Wilderness Hunting Group’s resident just today, a bonfire of this size was lit, and heating materials were added, where would Chen Qian look for wrapped flames, or strong acids that could immerse them?

"It seems that we can start?" Although Liu Canwen said that taking pictures in Rulong was cool, that was not the purpose of his coming here today after all!

The big list!

The big list of the teachings of the natural sciences is about to be stored in his mind.

Moreover, it is the only one in the whole server!

"Well, let's get started." Chen Qian didn't explain what he had done. He took out a copy from the first suitcase and handed it to Liu Canwen.


This piece of information is about twenty people, and it looks like a dozen pages. Liu Canwen flipped through it quickly, entering every punctuation mark into his brain.

For about seven or eight minutes, he nodded and handed the information back to Chen Qian.

Chen Qian immediately approached the bonfire and threw this information in.

The paper carrying the data lay quietly in the flames at the beginning. After waiting for about two minutes, the edge started to catch fire. Then, a layer of blue flame burst out, and then it instantly turned to ashes.

At the same time, a reminder appeared on the watches of everyone in the whole server: "Because of the partial destruction of the only list of the ego science education, the world mission was suspended for 30 minutes."


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