What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 188: The jade split-bellied beast covered in treasure

Of course, everything is an afterthought.

To play off is to play off, and the meaning of play off is to translate it as food.

Chen Qian got the skill right away because he was too close, and now he couldn't even change a weapon, but the metamorphic Emerald Split-bellied Beast couldn't lock his brain.

"Splash damage, and then close lock-on, is tantamount to saying that long-range skills and melee capabilities are directly abolished." Chen Qian was thinking about the principles and play methods of skills during the one after another death.

Although some players continue to die, there are also players who continue to join.

Everyone thought that Rulong's players would have to be stupid right now, and the cola-flavored Coke even stood aside and waited to see their jokes.

Can you hear what Rulong players are saying?

"Good fellow, the Metamorphosis Beast Devourer is delivered to your door."

"If you play this thing in the wild, you are afraid of being robbed, so you can drag it into the station, eat half of it, and beat half of it, perfect!"

"The most important thing is that we died at the resident, and we can immediately be resurrected at the resident medical center."

"Well, I saved the two hundred dedication points for unlocking the immortal souls, and I earned it!"

The cola-flavored Coke was dumbfounded.

What are their psychological qualities?

The entire resident of the Dragon Hunting Group is now flying all over the sky, and the Emerald Split-bellied Beast is launching an unsolvable massacre!

When both long-range and close combat were ineffective, they didn't feel that the resident just built would be destroyed by this polar-chewer beast?


Just as he was thinking about it, a chain dagger was pierced on the body of the Emerald Cleft-bellied Beast.

"Hit." The dragon players, who had been bounced back with various skills, looked back, and the lined off-hand weapon steadily plunged into the eyes of the Emerald Schistor, grabbed it, and prevented it from going around. Run around.

At the same time, Chen Qian also yelled: "Receive the main weapon, retract the skill, and the off-hand weapon to attack normally, go!"

Chen Qian also just read the attacks of more than forty players and read out this conclusion, and almost at the same time, Heyi directly followed without him needing to speak.

The emerald split-bellied beast, who was about to rush towards the resident hall, was pulled back by the lining, and then, the chain dagger of water grapefruit, the chain dagger of candlelight... All players who are like dragon's off-hand weapons are learning. The look of the liner pulled the emerald split-bellied beast.

"Blank paper!" Chen Qian called again.

"Damn, you are like this every time. When you have food, you never remember to call Miss Sister, and you will remember her when you are about to work." Life is like a tea looking at the dark place, and an unfair figure flashed out. .

"Damn," the winged pig head beside Shengshengrucha also yelled after him, "White Ghost?!"

"Uh... Aries? It's a white ghost." Miao Xiaozhi tilted her head, "Have she been here all the time? I haven't noticed her existence..."

"Can we find out? After all, the white ghost..." Hu Daxiong said, staring at the white paper.

Life is like tea. I just feel that the amount of information tonight is a bit too big?

White ghost? Who is that again? Are they talking about blank paper?

And the white paper called out by Chen Qian from the dark, the Aries in his hand clasped, it was clearly a main weapon, but it was unaffected by the judgment... it hit the mid-section of the abdomen of the Metamorphic Emerald Cleft-bellied Beast!

There was a dark red one with a pattern that looked like a stone, but there seemed to be some flowing crystals inside.


Ink red juice splashed out, and several players who were closer to it instantly suffered corrosion damage.

However, as the crystal broke, the locked state was lifted!

"I'm going, thanks to the whole body in the first stage, and most of this stuff was eaten up. Otherwise, how can I hit its internal weakness so accurately?" Chen Qian wiped his sweat and replaced it. The sunset!

The matching chain dagger was pulled out first.

Change the main weapon lightsaber on.

"Well, it's a team of Sirius players." It is a pity that Chen Qian went offline shortly after losing to He Lin. If the trajectory is online, you can just take a look at He Lin's planned battle.

He Lin has never cooperated with Chen Qian.

He only played three or four games against Chen Qian.

But because he remembers that Chen Qian’s afterglow of the setting sun has two inherent characteristics of 0.5-second lag, so when Chen Qian changed his weapon, he didn’t need to use this earth method to trap the Polar Devourer the first time Chen Qian changed his weapon. Up.

His lightsaber attacked several times to have more temporary attributes.

So, just hit the output directly.

"Boss doesn't eat active skills, all active skills will be rebound. Everyone, try to use basic attacks to trigger passive, and the four additional damages are effective." Chen Qian doesn't need to manage and line up, focusing on the rest of the hunting group.


Although I have taken care of it, after a while, there are still active skills flying around.

All the active skills, after being splashed by this emerald split-bellied beast, may fall within the range that it can see, such as any person in the Dragon Hunting Group.

"It seems they can't figure it out." Hu Daxiong glanced at Miao Xiaozhi, "Do you want to help?"

"Hey, of course. Cannibalistic mouth... do it!" Miao Xiaozhi gave an order, and Hu Daxiong rushed up with a giant axe.

The winged pig head shouted loudly to cheer, and continued to fish out the boiled white fish and fried fish sticks from the pot.

Gee, it smells so good.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, but that he has gone up to help, and the fire is over!


Half an hour, the battle is over.

Chen Qian felt that if there were not so many active skills to fly around the map, with the output of him, the white paper and the lining, as well as the output of Miao Xiaozhi and Tiger Big Bear, plus the explosion of Xiaoyue, he should be able to solve this within 15 minutes. Only the second health bar of the Metamorphosis Emerald Schizopan.

Because the fighting method in the first stage is a bit...too fragrant, so they almost see weaknesses in the second stage. As long as they hold the skills of the Emerald Split-bellied Beast, it is more difficult than the ordinary level 40 metamorphosis polar eater It's actually lower.

Looking at the five-meter-long corpse of the Extreme Devouring Beast lying on the ground, Chen Qian walked up silently and took out the scalpel again...

After a while, the coveted scent rose again in the camp of the hunting group.

And the winged pig head picked out all the fish and meat and left it to Chen Qian...By the way, there was a friend who applied for it.

"Come, come, put a few more copies for me, some elderly people are probably greedy..." Chen Qian didn't forget Dao Ye and the others.

And life is like tea and can't wait to count the drops of the jade split-bellied beast.

What Baichuan brought back was the ingredients...

Then, the ingredients were unwilling to be eaten, ran away, was beaten to death, and fell out...

Moreover, it turned out to be the drop of the Metamorphosis Beast Devourer's specifications!

"Although with a little bit of surprise, this is full of big surprises!" Life is like tea and said to Chen Qian.

Many players of Rulong who have died several times pointed to life like tea, and they wanted to break with him. What is "a little bit of fright"? You know, they have never seen the transformation form of this emerald split-bellied beast. Once they sealed the long-range and close combat, they all stunned them, okay?

If it weren’t for self-heruded reading fast enough, strong enough, and just a few foreign aids present, how could they pass this level?

Life is like tea but don't care about those!

After the metamorphosis-type emerald split-bellied beast died, all its jade-like scales fell off. There are more than 100 pieces that can be collected intact...

All are legendary materials!

His eyes are about to turn emerald.

A metamorphosis-type polar-chewing beast generally produces a dozen pieces of legendary material. Because of the special structure of this animal, more than a hundred scales have been lost in one breath.

And, it's not over yet, its tail vertebra has a long section, and the joints about two meters are glowing.

That is the light of immortal grade material.

This kind of thing is a good material for the main weapon.

Life is like tea and called a few dust people~www.readwn.com~ to dig out the main bones of the tail vertebra, and by the way, took out a few unformed corroded capsules, etc...

"Well, it seems that the armor upgrade of the entire wilderness hunting group is impressive. The main weapon can also be upgraded a few. Do we have a drug research institute?" Chen Qian said to Sheng Shengrucha.

"That's something to be built in the second phase of the resident." Life is like tea shaking his head.

"All right, keep it..."

Meat and cartilage can be eaten, jade scales can be used as armors, the hardest main vertebra can be upgraded for main weapons, corroded capsules can be used as special potions, in addition, there are more than a dozen different materials, even if not counted. Luo, just looking at the things that were dissected from the Emerald Split-bellied Beast, I felt that Xiao Zhen's surprise was really sincere.

Chen Qian makes people like tea and collects all the materials. Don't forget to remember a big contribution to him, and prepare to go to Master Dao and Old Man Mi with the fresh fish sticks...

Who knows, he was caught by life as tea just as he turned his head.

"I said," Life Like Tea seemed to ponder the wording, and asked, "Aren't you just going to be like this as if nothing happened?"

"Huh?" Chen Qian pointed to his nose with a smile, "hasn't the matter been resolved?"

"I mean, your business." Shengsheng Rucha glanced at He Lin and then at the direction of the training ground. He was not dementia enough to forget what happened an hour ago.

Chen Qian left a lining on the training ground.

After the battle, He Lin agreed to be their dragon-like foreign aid.

The whole logic chain is already so clear. Life is like a tea. It is impossible to pretend to be confused. He whispered: "Are you sure, there is really nothing to say, do you want to tell us?"


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