Seventeen minutes and twenty-two seconds.

Chen Qian climbed to the middle island of Skinner Lake. This island has only an old world rehabilitation center and a circle of roads. The island is not large and the structure is very simple.

On a two-story building, the traces of climbing plants on the mottled exterior wall can be seen faintly. After environmental changes and the erosion of wind and rain, most of the wall tiles have fallen off, and a small part of it is water blue. The wall tiles hang firmly on it, and it will feel moist to the touch of the lake.


Chen Qian stretched out his hand and touched it, and one piece fell off.

"But, when I came last time, there weren't any wall tiles still hanging on the wall." Chen Qian felt that he came after passing the checkpoint, and it shouldn't be Skinner Island where others came.

Last time he came, on the island in the center of Lake Skinner, there was no brick left on the outer wall of the building, and it was very dry. It can be seen that the gray windows on the wall are also damaged. The broken glass fell on the mud, only a sharp tip was exposed. If you step on it accidentally, you may be harmed by the environment.

The timeline his clues led him to was different from ordinary Skinner Lake.

What he saw might be an earlier Skinner Island.

For example, when it just fell...

Chen Qian didn't push the door to enter first, but first found a salt-alkali soil behind the building and collected the material called "Xia Chong" that Dao Ye needed.

The level of salinity in Lake Skinner is relatively high. When Chen Qian came last time, he remembered that there should be a lot of this material here, but the Skinner Island at an earlier point in time, [Xia Chong ] It hasn’t formed much yet, so he hasn’t collected much.

"I hope it's enough." Chen Qian packed all the [Xia Chong] that could be collected into his backpack.

Then, he opened the door of the two-story building.

His clue card led him to Lake Skinner, as expected. The building was not completely dilapidated. The door of each ward and the password were still intact. As soon as Chen Qian cracked the password and entered, the system prompts. It sounded: "You have arrived at the correct target location, completed the mission / mission upgrade?"

Two options popped up on Chen Qian's watch.

As a clue card, he passed Skinner Lake to the place on the screen, and he could complete the task.

However, completing the task is not the end. This clue card... can also open up further tasks.

Chen Qian did not rush to answer.

In case he should start a world plot or something for him again, he can't afford to hurt it a bit.

The reason why he didn't refuse now was because he remembered that Elsa spoke to him when he handed him this clue card.

What Elsa said is: "I saw your watch and ring. Thinking of this clue card, you might be interested."

In other words, after this clue card is out of the task, it is very likely to correspond to his garbled box.

"Okay, then try." Chen Qian tapped the option of task upgrade on the watch.

Soon, the system prompts him to flash out: "Congratulations on starting the mission: Take your own demise. This mission will be synchronized with ~!@h¥%^r*之箱’s'! The Demise'. Because accepting the mission upgrade, it means Give up the previous rewards, are you sure?"

Sure enough, Chen Qian guessed right.

The third piece of jewelry in the garbled box will be released soon.

"I don't know what gemstone is this time?" Chen Qian smiled.

He immediately clicked to confirm.

Then, he saw the task details.



The scenic Skinner Lake was once the location of a private medical center in the Old World, mainly for the elderly over 60 years old. There are about one hundred elderly people spending their old age here leisurely. There are more than twenty professional medical staff taking care of them. They are lucky. When the terrible ecological disaster broke out, the place was not submerged, even At the beginning of the restoration of ground contact, Skinner Lake lasted for a long time. They continued to send information to the outside world. However, such information became less and less. In the winter of the eleventh year after the disaster broke out, Skinner All information about the lake was cut off and it was declared lost.

Mission Objective: Find the suicide note of four doctors who served in Lake Skinner, and unlock the secret of the destruction of Lake Skinner.

Task reward: dedication points x12000, ability points x30, free attribute points x1, random materials


Chen Qian glanced at it. This is a typical task with a low reward for dedication points, but a lot of ability points.

And, more importantly, there are free attribute points.

No matter how you look at this wave, it's not a loss.

"Finding objects puzzle." Chen Qian smiled when he looked at the task prompt.

What appeared on his watch were four irregular patterns. The edges were torn from something, and there were deep and shallow writings on them-this should be the suicide note of the four doctors he was looking for.

The object-finding puzzles in the game are also very common puzzles.

There is no special skill, just to find the objects corresponding to the task graphics in a large, messy environment.

Of course, these items may appear anywhere.

On the top of the cabinet, under the chair, in the password box...

Many people hate finding objects puzzles because it is a long and tedious process. It often happens that several floors of buildings are cleaned up and all the objects are arranged in a very orderly manner. However, I still couldn’t find the shape corresponding to the search request on the watch.

Because the shape given by the object-finding puzzle is a fixed angle.

When the object that actually corresponds to it is seen by the player, there must be an angular deviation. It is likely that because of this deviation, it was ignored and not treated as the same shape.

However, this is Chen Qian's most true mission.

He has good eyesight and is very experienced in finding object puzzles. He walks the whole building up and down, and the objects placed on the surface can be found.

"I saw it, the first letter." When he walked into the third ward, he glanced around and found the first suicide note required by the mission-it was in the shape of an irregular parchment scroll, cushioned on a Under the white writing desk, there are three books and a few pens on it. The table is quite messy, and the angle of the sheepskin rolls is also about 90 degrees off the display on Chen Qian's watch.

And Chen Qian could find out at a glance.

Then, he found the second letter in the infirmary on the second floor.

The shape and outline of the second suicide note on his watch is a shape similar to a plan view of a mouse, but what he actually found was an inkstone used to wash brushes in the old world.

This inkstone was placed in a box together with a bunch of discarded calligraphy, paintings, and books. The box had collapsed because it could not bear the weight of so many things inside. Half of the contents were left and half scattered. The inkstone is not the most in the box On the upper floor, it was inserted obliquely into other debris, and what Chen Qian saw was a side view.

But he accurately picked it out of the pile of debris.

He smiled, weighed the inkstone and looked at it. Some words were engraved on the bottom of the inkstone.

Not much, but it should be the entire content of this suicide note.

Two pieces have already been bought.

Chen Qian continued to walk up, and after viewing all the wards on the second floor, he went up to the rooftop.

The rooftop is simply the scariest place in this rehabilitation center right now.

All kinds of **** piled up here, all dried up, but still exuding an unpleasant smell. Chen Qian didn't want to stay in this place for a second, but in his experience, the more messy the place was. , The more likely it is to hide what the object-finding puzzle requires.

So, he endured nausea and approached.

On the surface of the pile of garbage, he did not see any objects that corresponded to the pictures of the objects on his watch.

And there is a steel fork next to it...

Probably used to dig through the trash.

"The system is too ruthless!" Chen Qian decisively turned around, went downstairs, and started the second round of searching-if it is really not found, he will come up and look through the pile of rubbish.

However, when he was about to leave the rooftop, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

He glanced at his watch...

The third pattern is a rectangle with irregular edges, like a puddle of water randomly formed on the ground.

He raised his head and saw the door of the rooftop.

Behind the door is such a puddle of water, because it has dried up, leaving only a very shallow trace. When the door is closed, the light is not enough to see its existence. Only after opening the door, borrow It can only be seen by the light outside.

"So, is this for me... to open the door and take it back?"

Although there is no need to dig through the trash.

However, opening the door does not seem to be a good job.

"However, the good news is that three of the four hidden object puzzles have been found." Chen Qian nodded, digging out the toolbox from the backpack, and began to... open the door.

The rooftop door is still a very heavy and large anti-theft door.

Chen Qian sighed tiredly.

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