What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 21: Dishes are the original sin

   Although the risk of anti-guns is high, the benefits of success are even greater.

   Not only will the monster's current shot be interrupted, but it will also fall into a short period of stiffness!

   The trajectory of the heart without distracting thoughts perfectly connected the combo.

   "Ah, ah..." He was stupid.

   He has never concentrated his output so high.

there has never been!

Soon, the stiff effect was over, and the trajectory was about to retreat two steps. He happened to be a leaning posture, which was not very good. He needed to adjust a wave and then make a combo. After all, he was casually photographed by this kind of boss. , It's not fun.

   But he just took a half step back, Chen Qian actually pushed him behind.

   "Damn!!!" The trajectory is directly nose-to-nose with the boss whose stiff effect ended!

   Boss danced like steps, raising claws larger than her face, and patted towards the track.

   There is another shot!

   is centered between Boss's eyebrows.

  The huge and sharp claws stopped in front of the trail.


   "Fight." Chen Qian stopped watching the trajectory of the attack.

   "Impossible!!" The mentality of the track is really about to collapse, "It is impossible to shoot twice in a row! There is no such thing!!!"

   "Not twice."

   "...Do you think I'm blind?"

   "Really, not twice, just two once."

   "...Do you think my brain is disabled?"

"Oh," Chen Qian had to give a complete explanation. "Boss' gun protection time is generally based on body shape. For her small arms and legs, if you look at her weight visually, the protection time can be up to 7.5 seconds. There was a gap of 8 seconds between my first shot and my second shot."

   "……" Only four words were written in the track full of eyes-you are not a human!

"You hit you, I will continue." Chen Qian didn't mean to hide himself, put his gun in his sleeve, and squatted aside. "You still want to ask, why the timing of my two shots is different. Right?"


"Because, the Boss's two attack postures are different. The first time is a pounce, with all fours on the ground, and the center of gravity is very low. It requires a strong impact to successfully counter the gun. It requires the impact of extra damage when the pistol is out of the sleeve. Attack directly when you raise your hand. The second time the Boss is in a standing posture, the impact is not so strong, but it needs to be fast. I will shoot back when I drop my hand."

   Therefore, Chen Qian did not fight two gun counters, but two completely independent gun counters.

   Well, at most it can only be regarded as the second stage, right?

   "...Leave it to me next!!" Seeing that Boss's stiff effect passed again, this time he didn't need to step back and adjust his posture.

   Moreover, the damage of each attack is already very high.


   In the last less than ten minutes of the battle, the trajectory was sweaty.

   But 5 attacks plus one damage, stacked to the back, made the Boss less and less able to fight back!


   "Okay, 30%, there are two transformations that haven't changed."

   "The last 10%... is done."

   By the last 10%, the boss is already about to make a near-death move.

   This kind of near-death big move is generally scoped, even if it is such a low-level Boss, it is easy to play your group annihilation three or five times.

But it clearly has a claw down, from the front of the track to the back, the vitality of the track is directly pulled from 100% to 4%, but he just sighed and did not let it pull out the claw, its big move The last sword of perverted damage was piled up by the trajectory, and it was boring!

   "Dead!!" The track watched the Boss blood bar emptied, and sat on the ground.

   My God.

   really okay?

   All the lightsabers in his hand fell.

   His eyes are almost out of focus, but his hands are particularly strenuous.

   can't believe it at all, he really did it.

   "I singled out a boss." Is the whole person out of strength?

   Just like that, I passed a plot killer boss!

   Well, to be honest, players who choose lightsabers as their main weapon have dreamed that one day they will be able to play the highlight moment of "one sword to the end" like a professional player in a racing game.

   But that is a dream after all!

   So, people still have to dream often, and it doesn’t matter if they have more inner dramas.

   What if it comes true?

   Ke Loo was still immersed in the incredible joy of "one sword to the end", and a faint voice sounded in front of him.

   "Big...Big brother..."

   The swollen little girl, the black mist around her body gradually dissipated, and she slowly returned to her original size.

The two tentacles belonging to the polar eater had lost its luster and fell off. The fall off was like two pieces of burnt black skin, tearing out rotten, gray pulpy flesh and blood. She fell on the cold black slate floor. , Turned his head sideways, the corners of his mouth oozeed a dark viscous liquid, looked blankly and helplessly in the direction of the track, and stretched out his hand strenuously...

   The trajectory had just stood up, her body was frozen in the gesture of reaching out, and the flesh and blood quickly lost its color, like a pile of lifeless dust.

   The wind blew gently and floated in the air.

   "..." The trajectory stretched out his hand, but only air was caught.

   Something exploded under his feet.

   But he couldn't see anything, his eyes only stayed on the last pinch of pale golden curly hair left by the little girl.

   Seeing the trail, the eyes began to flash again, and Chen Qian patted him behind him: "Clean up and burst."

   "Huh?" The trajectory was pulled back to his mind.

   "It's not over yet." Chen Qian succeeded in pulling him out of his sad mood with a single sentence.

   "It's...not over yet? Can it be over?" Trajectory cried.

   "I said, when you hit Boss, you never look at the concentration of fishy elements?" Chen Qian looked inquisitively.

The concentration of    fishy orientin is higher than the protective power of the hunter's combat suit, and it is immediately a negative state of fishy orientia infection.

   This negative state has a hallucinogenic effect, so don’t you wait for death?

   "Ah!!!" The trajectory took out the ginseng counter from the backpack, and the value has soared to two and a half degrees, and more than half of it will have to break through the protective power of the current general hunter combat uniform!

   "You can't forget something, right?" Chen Qian said helplessly.

   "What... Yes, yes, the plot is killed. Are you out now? Are you going to kill?"

   "What do you want?" Chen Qian couldn't laugh or cry, and pushed him to quickly count and burst. "There is no plot to kill, all'kills' can appear for only one reason."

   "Uh, what is it?"

   "Insufficient strength."

   "..." The trajectory has been hurt.

   "Abbreviation-Cai." Chen Qian made up his knife, and then pointed to a white building not far away, "Move faster. There is a plot protection point. We need to move there."

   The trajectory is speechless.

   What kind of shit, playing a game is like a young master, while saying that the time is tight, but at the same time, he doesn’t even bother to bend his waist? !

   Clean up and count the things like that. Someone used to do it automatically for you or something?

   The Boss level is not high, and there are not many things that can be exploded. A Tier 7 secondary weapon, two rare-level materials, and so many messy things... Are you afraid that he will steal it all?

   But I dare not say the trajectory, nor do I dare to ask the trajectory.

  Who let him "dish"?

   Don’t talk too much, just run inwardly.

He did his best to clean up the bosses on the ground, and when the boss on the ground exploded, Xiaozhen and the others happened to get rid of the last thorn eel in their hands, and the group followed Chen Qian to the one not far away, which looked like A white building like a church.

   The facade of the small church has been dilapidated.

   Only when I get closer can I see the weeds growing around the building and the scattered crosses broken on the ground.

   There is more fleshy soil at the door of the church than in other places, but it’s strange. Looking inside through the window, it’s like another world, clean and tidy, with tables, chairs and benches placed as usual.

   It's just that there is no one inhabited, and it has been abandoned for a long time.

   "Door card." Chen Qian said to Locus.

"I'm here." Trajectory took out the door card that was prepared while running. It fell out of the boss just now. Because the hint was an item on the map, he didn't put it in the backpack and held it in his hand. Come on, just swipe it right now.

   The "beep beep beep beep" sound of the ginseng counter is getting faster and faster, indicating that the concentration of fishy orientin in the scene is increasing.

   But because they ran in time, had a door card, and swiped the door quickly, all six of them got inside the door safely before the counter value jumped to three degrees.

   "Look at it!!" The former player who caused the trouble exhaled twice, then looked back and looked at him, and he was lying on the window.

   The black fog in Tocalena Town gradually dissipated...

   But it's better not to leave!

   Everything outside the window is too clear, so clear to make people feel, how about we better not be clear? Outside the window is a group of children about the same age as the little girl just now, in a long line, neatly arranged, with a luminous tentacled on the left or right side of the body, and the side without tentacles is carrying a lamp in the hand, with eyes Passing by the small road in front of the Alessandro Church ~www.readwn.com~ They seem to have come down from the northern Bhikkhu Mountain, just passing through the town, and then back to the Bhikkhu Mountain.

   They walked silently and slowly, very light, and the windows were soundproofed very well. They couldn't hear the sound of footsteps. They all looked ahead, and none of them turned their heads to look inside the church window.

   But several newcomers are already pale.

   "Cough," After finally waiting for them to pass, the trajectory dared to clear their throats and break the weird silence, "If we didn't hide in this church in time, are we dead now?"

   "Well, it looks like you will die miserably." Chen Qian moved the fingers of both hands, simulating the tentacles of the Polar Devourer, and gestured for a scene of being besieged by a group of Boss-level Polar Devourers.

   "Gosh, don't act!" Not to mention that some newcomers are scared, there are internal images in the trajectory's mind.

   Another player curled his neck and asked: "But, self-herd...how did you know that this is a plot protection point? No, to be precise, how do you know that there is such a wave of horrible things behind?"

   Chen Qian laughed, his Osiris watch is about to explode, okay?

   When he received a warning, he still wanted to ask someone to ask him. He could understand a high-risk warning. What does a string mean?

"There is a door card in the boss drop, and there is a sudden building next to it, just go in as a plot protection point, don't ask why, just remember the formula." Track helped him explain, and by the way teach newcomers to deal with similar situations, "you At this stage, I don’t know why there are so many."

   Chen Qian smiled and nodded in agreement.

   Well, if the newcomers follow the trajectory to operate like this, the game life in the future will be very "exciting".


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