A tall man of African descent.

Liu Canwen remembered it clearly, and he could basically match the Ameya in front of them.

Except for the only thing-Yamiya's figure is a bit too tall, and this has reached the body of the pole-chewing beast.

"Did you describe that he was born with an extra heart?" Chen Qian asked.

"……how can that be."

"Is it Elsa's student?"

"Well, instructor Elsa is a very optimistic student."

Chen Qian nodded. There are quite a few Elsa students in Base 0, unlike Adora and others who were forced to become experimental objects. They are all voluntary.

They were introduced to the feasibility of fusion and transformation between human body and animal body by soldiers and scholars of the same period. They also knew the risk of a very low success rate, but they still moved forward.

For the future of mankind, they are willing to give their lives.

"Wait, this Yamiya won't be..." Liu Canwen suddenly connected with the gossip he received recently, "Boss of Base 0?"


"Rulong has already seen Yamia?"

"Oh, more than..." What Chen Qian wanted to say was that we not only saw Ameya, we also saw Silverback by the way, and now the two bosses are finished.

Liu Canwen asked: "I dug a little bit of news from Nighthawk, saying that the difficulty of Yamiya is very high, and it can't be touched at all. Today Nighthawk emptied the original progress and directly formed more than 20 lights. The sword and blasting knife players brought three heavy solids, ready to come in and kill Yamiya..."

Chen Qian smiled, Nighthawk can indeed fight like this.

This is already pure strength to crush. You must know that Armia can cause a lot of damage with a single lightning chain. The lightsaber is okay. For players with low physical fitness, one or two skills will be a fall. A piece of rhythm.

Relying on the cooperation of three-dimensional and human?

"Yes, there is no problem, it can't be solved by equivalent. If there is, then the equivalent is not enough." Chen Qian smiled and said to Liu Canwen, "Then turn around. Let's continue."

Nighthawk’s direct stacking speed style cannot be replicated by Rulong. Rulong does not have a heavy stereo yet, and there is no one who knows how to use it. Moreover, it can be played even if it requires frequent moves. They can't do high-output play.


"We can end this battle before you stack up." Chen Qian laughed softly.


At the entrance of Base 0, when the three stereoscopically appeared in everyone's field of vision, the "sand" at the entrance could feel that the temperature had dropped several degrees.

The neat black hunter combat uniforms of the Nighthawk Hunting Group have a faint purple light on the epaulettes. If they usually appear at the door of the instance, they must have been crushed from the aura, but this time they Next to them is a group of players with golden light glowing in their hands, looking at them innocently.

I have to say that the player quality of Nighthawk is really stable, which is just a glance.

Without paying too much attention, I stopped when I found a place and quietly waited for the entrance of the dungeon to open.

The other players who were waiting for the dungeon to be opened again all whispered: "Nighthawk didn't send anyone to step on it?"

"Yes, the heavy three-dimensional one in front is [Shimmer], right?"

"Has Silence become proficient after only three months of production?"

"Nighthawk is also really miserable. Before Twilight was produced, it was said that this heavy three-dimensional can be the ultimate treasure, but as a result, it is still immortal."

"They are just a little bit worse every time, and they don't know what went wrong..."

Nighthawks are not without experience in making the treasure. Silence’s main weapon [Firefly] is the treasure. The entire Nighthawks team has 17 pieces of the supreme main weapon. However, in the heavy three-dimensional guy, they just can’t make it. Come!

However, the Nighthawk Hunting Group was not rushed, and did not give up or rush for time because of the failure to produce the most precious re-dimensionality. The strong soft power made their entire group present a very stable state. It is to maintain the rhythm of new and re-three-dimensional production every year.

Although Arcana hasn't come out, but their immortal level heavy three-dimensional number and configuration, not only leading in the Asian server, in the world are also one of the best.

"It's just that Silence came to the dungeon entrance in person, which was a bit surprised."

"It's nothing, I've seen it a few times, just get used to it."

I have to say that Nighthawk's luck is still good.

They just arrived at the entrance of No. 0 Base, and within ten minutes, the huge base rose from the ground. They moved before the base was fully raised, because it was different from most of the selected No. 1 entrances. , They cut in from Entrance No. 2 at the top of the base.

However, the Nighthawk players refreshed and disappeared at the door of Base 0...

A message popped up on everyone's watch.

"The Rulong Wilderness Hunting Group has killed the hidden experimental body of Base 0-Silverback."

Several teams stunned directly at the door of the instance.

And more people are beating their chests and feet-why did Nighthawk get in like that? It would be great if they didn't go in, they could look at the expressions of these first-line players!

It's not easy to watch Nighthawk's jokes!

"Damn!" Rulong players at the entrance of the instance all stood up with their chests straightened out.

Their own regiment won the hidden Boss, they didn't even know.

Hidden Boss can't be won without any strength.

Take luck!

Take luck!

Take luck!

Because the prerequisite for winning the hidden Boss is at least that you can run into it. If you can't run into the entire instance, then no matter how high you are, it's useless.

"It's worthy of a battle that emptied my life source quality!" The Dragon players outside the instance felt it was worth seeing this prompt.

"Uh... Although it is more uncomfortable to zero the life source quality,... the experience is not bad."

"Haha, first weakness, then confusion, like experiencing the slow motion of death, I said you should try it, right? It's addictive..."

Although the Rulong players outside the dungeon are not very clear about the details of the battle inside, the attributes extracted from them make them believe that they have been fighting side by side with the comrades inside.

Therefore, they all felt golden light on their faces.

And after half a minute of this golden light, they almost couldn't hold it on their own-the watch once again flashed the prompt: "The Dragon Hunter Group has killed the experimental body No. 0 base-Yamiya."

All stupid.

More players hope that Nighthawk hasn't entered yet.

As one of the only two first-line teams in Asia!

They, unexpectedly, lost to Rulong!

A hunting group that has just been established for half a month.


Rulong’s battle lasted from 6:30 in the morning to 11:30 at noon. It lasted five hours. The total number of deaths reached 320 people-more than ten times the number of people who entered the dungeon!

This data is placed in any other wilderness hunting group...

Not to mention the Nighthawks, even the Dark Fire and the Lighthouse Quicksand will definitely shock the whole group to go online.

Even if it is deliberately sent to death in five hours, you can't die so many times!

All levels of the entire dungeon group have regressed by two to three levels.

Compared to the eruption outside the dungeon, the dungeon is extremely calm...


For the first time, such a long-time high-intensity battle player like a dragon has no experience of maintaining energy.

Therefore, even if it was the youngest who jumped back and forth when he entered the arena, sitting on the ground at this time, he was already in a state of blindness with his eyes.

The drops of the two Boss were all scattered on the ground.

No one has the strength to clean up.

"It's a good fight." Chen Qian gave a very high appraisal to the completion of the silverback kill in fifteen minutes.

"Yeah." He Lin replied briefly.

He is also tired.

He didn't save energy because of inexperience, mainly because his task was too heavy and psychological pressure was great, and there was no way to save energy.

Crazy for money and life, like tea and blank paper, both stepped aside without saying a word.

In the post-war dungeon, it seems that there is only Miao Xiaozhi alone, still bouncing between drops, just like the five-hour high-intensity battle that has gone through two bosses.

"I want this, and this," she walked up and down in the drop, first pointing to a main weapon, then to an armor, and then thinking, "No, no, this is it..."

"You stop." Chen Qian said to her with a smile, "it is impossible to give you so many drops, you are a foreign aid."

"I didn't want immortality, and I didn't want material..." Miao Xiaozi pursed her mouth and said, "I don't know the rules of foreign aid, but... how about making an exception occasionally? Look, let's update it. Once equipped, it will be easier to help you build a boss, right?"

In the battle of Silverback, Miao Xiaozhi and the two of them were specially left behind, without them, they would not be able to get through Silverback.

Chen Qian is very clear about this.

Therefore, he was not prepared to treat these two badly.

But because they need these two ~www.readwn.com~, wouldn't it be better if they could stay in the hunting group directly? This requires a wave of negotiations, and he needs to conspire with life like tea first.

"Well, Yamiya's eyelids, did they move just now?" Chen Qian did not answer Miao Xiaozhi, but changed the subject.

"Yamia is dead, everything burst, why can my eyelids move?" Miao Xiaozhi looked back curiously.

"If you die, there must be something strange..." Chen Qian immediately stood up and walked towards Amea.

"No, you really saw it?" Miao Xiaozhi didn't notice any movement of the dead Boss's eyelids. "You didn't change the subject on purpose?"

Chen Qian is indeed suspected of deliberately changing the subject.

However, Yamiya's eyelids moved, and he also saw it, seeing clearly.

"It seems that I have something to say?" Chen Qian approached the big guy. "But, the language is not fluent."

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