What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 275: Classmate Xiao Ai, this friend didn’t have to do it

Rulong hunting group resident, now it's like being backed up.

Overnight, I went back to the big construction site when it was still under construction.

The broken column in the resident hall was removed as a whole before the eyes of life like tea, and then... the other unbroken column was also removed. Then, two big golden columns were carried in. With two pillars, Life is Like Tea and Mitasour designed a retro museum-style resident hall for a week, turning it into a rich nouveau riche decoration style.

"No, you dismantled badly, why dismantled good ones?" Life was like a tea and couldn't sit still anymore, and quickly went up and grabbed an NPC who was doing work.

"Okay, it's asymmetrical, it's not good-looking." The npc said with a grunt.

"Then you look good?" Life is like tea, you can't look directly at the door of the resident hall, just like two big golden teeth.

Simply blind.

And Ernst also stood up and followed life like a tea in silence, with his tail fluttering, he was so big, he walked as light as a ghost, and he didn't dare to show the atmosphere.

It's strange that life is like tea.

Although Ernst couldn't talk, he didn't bring such a quiet.


He asked clearly the causes and consequences of this resident catastrophe!

The kk wilderness hunting group used the resident invasion props to invade, and four hundred people brought the damage caused by the c4, and it was barely able to compete with Ernst alone.

"Ehrenst!" Life's tea-like hair stood up.

"Oh." Ernst tilted his head to the side, looked slantingly towards the corner of the small wall, and responded with a flash of eyes.

"I know you have a good background, strong strength, and a model for humans, but I can be sure that you must have failed in mathematics every day when you were a kid! My dear, you are not in charge and you don’t know how expensive it is? We built this resident. One hundred thousand dedication points! Eight hundred thousand! Not eight! ... If you say that if you can't control yourself and run away, there is no way. We accept it and I am all responsible, but you are clearly sober. Next, it is entirely possible to use some means that deterrence is greater than destruction, or means that only target people, to fight, right?"

"Oh." Ernst stretched out his front paws and scratched his face.

"I can't do it anymore, I... my heart is a little uncomfortable. I will go down and brush the spirit cage to calm down." Life is like a tea, pointing to Ernst and saying, "Only this time, if there is another next time, our friend But I really don’t have to do it! This is all my hard work..."

"Oh." Ernst jumped twice, and the ground shook after him twice.

And before the life like tea went offline, I seemed to have heard the voice of Zhan Wuwu: "Yes, they took hundreds of thousands of indemnities and millions of worth of materials to show it off! Yes, Daijin Zizhu will give it to me. Pestle at the front door! Be upright and conspicuous!"

Life is dizzy like tea.


As soon as Chen Qian was about to go online, he received a call that life is like tea. After Uncle Tea burst into tears for an hour, Chen Qian only gave him a list.

The list of indemnities of the kk hunting group.

Life is like tea on the spot Spartan: "How did you do it?"

"How do I know? I didn't open the list, and I didn't talk about the negotiation." Chen Qian answered with a smile.

"..." Life is like tea and speechless.

He has only been offline for three days. Has Rulong become such a fully automatic waste hunting group?

In other words, without him, the earth would still rotate.


Chen Qian didn't sleep well yesterday, so he took a bath and went back to bed, brushing his phone comfortably, waking up and squinting for a while, and just fell asleep until the afternoon.

I was going to take another shower after getting up, but I smelled the smell of fragrance that I didn't know where it came from. It was quite comfortable, so I just let it go and went online.

After going online, he saw that the trajectory opened up his perspective.

If the purpose of opening the perspective of the trajectory was to ask for help, then Chen Qian thinks that the opening of the perspective at this time may be a bit of anger and show off.

"Wait a minute." Chen Qian glanced again and saw that the teammates who saw the trail were players from the four kk waste hunting groups.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

This kid, what about rebellion?

Originally, he turned it off when he was about to look at it, but because of the presence of these four kk waste hunting team players, Chen Qian had to put down the tea he hadn't made yet and watched it carefully.

Dr. Gale didn’t know what stealth skill he was using. His body was in this area where the plot was locked. He had been in a state of blurring and fading after two hits. It would take four or five seconds to reappear, and The place of appearance is not in the place where it was just blurred.

Of course, as long as the doctor does not run out of the scope of the locked plot, no one cares about him now, because he only has a small-caliber pistol in his hand, which is still a small-caliber pistol, and he has to hit the key to break the trajectory and immortality. The defense of level suit, so, the attack power of the doctor can be ignored.

The key is the four psionic fighters.


The Tang Dao of the trajectory had just blasted out a skill. The long-sword warrior who hit him in front of him had just pulled the health bar down a bit. The big shield warrior directly hit with a shield, pushing the trajectory of the defensive posture by five meters Far away, the wounded longsword warrior retreated and rested under the protection of the shield warrior, and the warrior with the sledgehammer, when the trajectory was pushed away, had already knocked a hammer to the point where the trajectory fell.

If the trajectory stopped at the point where it was hit and flew by the shield, it would definitely hit this heavy one.

This time is still with skills, the trajectory is less to say that one-third of the health bar needs to be explained.

But the track is not there!

The trajectory was too late for the block skills. After an unbalanced defense was broken, after being knocked out of the fourth meter, he was already an somersault and got up. The Tang sword in his hand seemed to draw a beautiful arc in the air...

He fell just to the side of the sledgehammer.

A knife pierced through the left rib cage!

While Tang Dao passed through the body with blood light, the sharp blade skills lighted up. Chen Qian recognized that these were actually two skills, one is [Aurora Light Strike], the power of fixed-point piercing is extremely strong and can be continuous. Inflicted four damages, and the trajectory was the first hit and the piercing was successful, and the attack power of the following three hits was all swallowed by this sledgehammer.

And the second one is [Aurora Broken Cloud], this is a virtual skill that can hide Tang Dao in the night in a short time, and double all the damage caused by the weapon during the hidden period.

The Tang Dao of the trajectory stabbed in, first hitting four light hits and then a broken cloud state. When he drew the knife, he actually repeated the previous four light hits.

Chen Qian looked very exciting at this moment.

"Yes, you have research skills!" He really didn't expect that the trajectory would actually study the skill matching by himself, and try the hidden effects that may appear between the skills~www.readwn.com~Spirit Cage World There are too many and too complicated skills. Now it’s even more troublesome. It not only has the skills of the player, but also adds the skills of the Beast Devourer. It is a very small skill, such as the few prison spearmen of kk Ada, the spider web is in the air. What happens if I touch an obstacle? Can it control the invisible target? Can you break the invisibility directly if you control it? There is no specific description, all of which must be practiced slowly.

The trajectory was not hit by the skill of the sledgehammer, but the weird thing was that a player of the kk wilderness hunting group who was going to rescue him, was hit while running.

The player's first move was not to look at the sledgehammer, but to look back at the trajectory in amazement.

Chen Qian could understand the carelessness of his eyes in seconds-why did you appear half a step behind the sledgehammer?

And another kk player who understood the prediction and counterattack of the trajectory took a deep breath, as if typing something on the watch.

Chen Qian pulled in his perspective, but still couldn’t see the content on his watch, so he could only guess blindly: “It’s not that the trajectory is too strong. Let them who are involved in foreign affairs quickly drag the trajectory into it. Should they go to the regiment? This is not possible."

He doesn't know at all, why the trajectory is in kk's team, and the opponent is obviously helping him...

But what he knows is that given locus a hundred courage, he doesn't dare to rebel.

It wouldn't matter if others left, but he was the first friend added by Xiaozhen after he entered the game-before Chen Qiandu. If he took refuge in the enemy's camp, Xiaozhen would blow his dog's head every minute.

"Oh, that shield warrior is here to protect the sledgehammer again..." Chen Qian looked at the battle on the track side, shook his head and smiled, "The four of kk's people are not good, it's not that they are not strong enough, but... they can't cut into the battle at all. The track is still fighting alone."


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