What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 278: Someone always arranges 1 cut

When I turned my head sweating profusely, my throat moved, but I couldn't find an explanation in my mind, when I looked up, I saw a figure.

Wen Tianyu was standing alone behind those KK players.

Track's eyes blinked: "This...this..."

Compared with the trajectory of completely unclearing the situation, Wen Tianyu understood it.

After the plot area was lifted, these few words of the KK player have explained the whole situation.

Therefore, he didn't ask much about the trajectory, so he glanced at him with a smile and said, "No wonder Qianshen let me go online and let me come here to wait."

Chen Qian didn't know how the trajectory and the players of the KK Wilderness Hunting team got together, and he was not interested in delving into it. Anyway, he was sure that if Wen Tianyu arrived, he would be able to figure it out.

And the trajectory lowered his head... Someone always knows what I can do and what I can’t do.

During the entire battle, even if he was facing Quebeira alone, Chen Qian did not help him, but once he was out of the battle, Chen Qian had arranged for him to respond.

But hearing Tianyu's words like this, it was not just the trajectory that was scared.

Because there were only a few people in the locked area just now, the voices of other players appeared after the lock was suddenly released. Those KK players didn't adapt and were shocked.

When I turned around, I was even more shocked when I saw Wen Tianyu.

"Don't look at it, the whole world is my ambush." ​​Wen Tianyu joked with a smile, "So, do you guys go back to Rulong and talk slowly, or choose to be heroic here?"

"Oh, threaten us? Are you scared of us?" A KK player blushed, and one dashed over, grabbing Wen Tianyu's neckline...

Seeing the slaughter mode's red light up.

Wen Tianyu didn't even draw his weapon, just smiled calmly: "Let go."

Then, the player who caught Wentianyu saw an Errenster's head innocently drilled out from behind a big tree.

What did Wentianyu say just now?

The whole world is his ambush?

Because of his words, those KK players, looking at the deep jungle, felt that there were countless double forest green eyes, staring at them in the dark.

The bodies of several KK players trembled.

Death in the spirit cage world is not terrible at all, it can be resurrected anyway, but the terrifying method is death...

Spirit cage players are not afraid of death. They just want to leave a whole body. Don’t **** them up, crush them into meat pie, or tear them up with bare hands... Spirit cage players have a strong sense of safety in reality. Even if you see a little spark, you can make up for the horror of being burned to death. It is really scared.

The player who grabbed Wen Tianyu's neckline slowly let go of his fingers before letting go.

And behind the tree, Ernst's head seemed to shrink back.

"Look, that's right, if you have something to say, right? We are all civilized people." Wen Tianyu straightened his neckline and said.

"Brother, listen to you..." A traitor soon appeared among the four KK players.

The other three KK players glared at him.

Wen Tianyu sent an invitation letter by himself: "This time, our big boss appointed you a few, which shows that you are really good. But what kind of treatment do you get in the KK Wilderness Hunting Group? You have joined the group for three years, four years, and two and a half, five and a half years, and you’ve been making soy sauce. Is it interesting?"

The four players of KK Wilderness Hunting Group looked at the invitation letter pushed over on the watch, and looked at each other.

Wen Tianyu actually remembered the time when each of them joined the group.

"If you don't say much, you will know in the future what is the concept that our big boss likes likes. Let's go, brother will cheat you?" Wen Tianyu smiled.

Although the players of KK tried to refuse to welcome them, but they still followed Wen Tianyu.

And the locus looked at the half of the big lion head retracted behind the tree with a blank face, and he didn't even turn his mind: "It's not that Zhan Wuwu sees how much Dao and their materials are. I'm afraid of wasting them. Made of leftover materials... Ernst’s two-headed mascot?"


The hand-stitching technique used by Zhan Wulong is horrible. The mouth is stitched crookedly. The ears are made of two completely different colored fabrics. There is no wool on the whole body. It has something to do with Ernst!

What are the eyes of KK? Can this be wrong? The intensity of the battle just now was really that great? Playing so dizzy?

Track put down Tang Dao and looked at his hands.

He feels okay.

The trajectory was originally looking at his own hands, but the watch that he swept accidentally seemed to light up. He quickly lifted it up and took a closer look... There was one more Nightcrawler skill.

"The starry sky flashes... the hidden skills of the Nightcrawler," Trajectory glanced at the skills, then suddenly raised his head to glance at Dr. Gale who was still busy, "Isn't it the one that the doctor used just now..."

This is a WYSIWYG skill. As long as you are a Nightcrawler class, you can get this skill after seeing Dr. Gale using this skill.

Unfortunately, among the KK players just now, there was not a Nightcrawler.

The effect of the skill flashing in the starry sky is to stand in place for 2.5 seconds, that is, it can become a starry state. It looks the same as the doctor just now. You can't see your figure or be attacked, and then randomly move to another after five seconds local.

Because it is not a skill in the common child training camp, so once it appears, most people will definitely not know how to deal with it. If the timing is good, the opponent will take control of the field, and when the outbreak is keeping up, he is invisible and disappeared. Doesn't the two skills on the opposite side mean nothing?

Generally this kind of non-universal skill will only appear on top-quality weapons, and he obtained such a skill in this matter that is not even a task, which can only be said to be a surprise.

Locus sat aside happily, and continued to wait for the doctor to finish his fine work.


An hour later, the track will bring the restored crystal coffin back to the residence of the Dragon Hunting Group.

Quibera lay quietly in a transparent container filled with culture solution, the flowers on top of his head have been completely removed. In fact, this is the first time Chen Qian has seen a three-dimensional, fresh one that has not been destroyed by any experiment. Quibera, she doesn't look good. She is thin and small, and her face is a little dry because of her thinness. Her cheekbones are relatively high, her muscles are not many, her skin is thin, and her posture is not very good overall.

However, Ernst was stupid.

He stared at the trajectory for a long time with a mysterious and complicated gaze.

"I'm sorry, we can't make her open her eyes, but at least we have restored her body," Chen Qian said with a smile to Ernst, "I will leave her to you to protect from now on."

Ernst didn't even scream.

He was just incredibly sluggish, as if asking Chen Qian and the others, why? It should be very difficult to do, right? It's not that others can't handle it, but pure effort, and there is basically no benefit. The process is troublesome and dangerous...

But Rulong just did it.

"Well, it can't be said that it is zero profit. It is the thing that Elsa instructor asked us to do. You and Quebella are her best students. We helped you, which is equivalent to helping Al. Instructor Sha. You have to know that Base 0 has dealt a great blow to her, but as an instructor, she won’t say anything about it.” Chen Qian and the others have completed the third step of the team’s task, the final 100,000 contribution The point is at hand.

Of course, the task process is complicated enough, and the hardship of the trajectory cannot be simply measured by these 100,000 dedicated points.

However, after understanding the relationship between Ernst and Quebella from the mouth of East Gate City, the relationship that had died before it started, suddenly felt that his hard work was worthwhile.

"If there is any way to make Quibera open his eyes again, I will definitely try my best, but it's a pity..." Before I could finish speaking, I felt the body was wrapped in the huge furry body.

Ernst hugged him gratefully.

The few players who had just been invited by Wen Tianyu to the Rulong Hunting Group, who had not yet made up their minds to take refuge in the enemy camp, listened to the story of Dongmen City in a daze, and looked at the reaction of the trajectory in a daze, too. With a dumbfounded look, they glanced at each other: "Why?"

"Because Erinst is our partner." Track said with a smile, "In the game, not all the hard work is for profit, right?"

"Right...right?" The players of the KK hunting group looked at each other in confusion.

If it is to seduce Erinst to work in Rulong’s resident, they can still understand it, but Erinst is already theirs. The trajectory is so dangerous that the four of them can see clearly. Is Chu's ~www.readwn.com~ really worth it?

But Lulu raised his head. This was the first official meeting with Ernst. He stretched out his hand and said, "I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Lulu."

"...Track, track." Ehrenster nodded vigorously, and in his hoarse vocal cord, he spit out his first name after coming to Rulong.

Locus was so happy that his eyes lit up.

The first thing this big guy will call is his name!

"Well, life is like tea now that you will be jealous of you." Chen Qian smiled and pushed the track: "Well, the whole group has waited for you to complete the task for a long time.

The trajectory was white and he glanced at him: "What do you mean by waiting for me? Obviously waiting for the weapon to be upgraded...Huh? Are we going to open that egg card now?"

Chen Qian stretched out a finger: "Old rules, six o'clock on Saturday morning. Gather."

"Where is this old rule!!" Concubine Yun and the others thought that the group leader would be able to relieve this nightmare when the school started, but they didn't expect to continue?

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